
  • fyrri mánuðurjúlí 1989næsti mánuður

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.07.1989, Blaðsíða 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.07.1989, Blaðsíða 1
Löqberq Heimskringla LÖGBERG Stofnað 14. janúar 1888 HEIMSKRINGLA Stofnað 9. september 1886 100. ÁRGANGUR FÖSTUDAGUR 7. JÚLÍ 1989 NÚMER 26 President of Iceland visits Canada Vigdís Finnbogadóttir President of Iceland The President of Iceland, Mme. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, will arrive in St. John's, Newfoundland, on Satur- day, the 29th of July, according to Neil Bardal, President of the Icelan- dic National League. The main priori- ty of her visit is to meet with people of Icelandic descent throughout Canada. Mr. Bardal, who is the general coordinator of the President’s visit, said that preparations began last Au- gust, when it became known that she would chair Vancouver's internation- al conference, "Tourism: a vital force for peace", that October. The Icelan- dic community in B.C. became in- volved, and the INL issued her an in- vitation to visit other Icelandic com- munities in 1989. The President accepted, and extensive planning be- tween the President's office and the INL later resulted in the Canadian government's invitation for an offi- cial state visit. This will not be the first Icelandic Presidential state visit to Canada. Ás- geir Ásgeirsson came here in 1961 and 1967, and Kristján Eldjárn in 1975. Neil says, however, that Vigdís Finnbogadóttir's visit will differ from those previous. "This is a very sub- stantial nine-day visit, and from Toronto westward the President will be hosted by Icelandic communities. Individual members have been desig- nated to be spokesmen for their com- munities, and they are working close- ly with the Canadian government. In Toronto, Tom Einarson is the desig- nated spokesman, Dennis Eyolfson in Alberta, Eric Stephanson in Saskatchewan, Sigurlin Roed in Win- nipeg, Dilla Narfason in Gimli, Lor- na Tergesen for the íslendin- gadagurinn, Jack Bjornson in Selkirk, and Gudrun Gislason in Arborg. All of the communities in Manitoba's In- terlake area, other than Selkirk and Gimli, will be cooperating in the Ar- borg reception. Kirsten Wolf will host the President at the University of Manitoba, and all government events will, of course, be handled by the government," said Neil. Neil feels that the President's visit will create better awareness of Western Icelanders' own cultural roots, and general stronger cultural ties between the two countries, resulting in higher visibility of Iceland on the part of Canadians, and awareness in Iceland of Canada as a possible place to visit and as a trad- ing partner. In St. John's and in Halifax, the President will attend exhibitions of Icelandic products, organized by the Export Council of Iceland. Neil says that the exhibitions wili likely stimu- late trade between Canada and Iceland. "There is potential for much greater trade between the two coun- tries. On my trip to Iceland early this year, I met with Icelandic business- men who were on their way to the States in search of potential markets. When I asked whether they had also considered visiting Canada, they said that it had never occurred to them. "The Icelandic community is no longer a ghetto community. Icelanders are integrated into Cana- dian society at large. In every field, they have risen in stature and now hold senior positions. This is because of a certain inherited outlook, passed down from generation to genera- tion," says Neil. "What is needed is a mutual exposure to modern reality. Western Icelanders have to become aware of Icelandic culture as it exists today, and Icelanders of the potential here in Canada. Since there are Icelanders in prominent positions in most fields here, we can cross- connect at that level, whether it be in trade, cultural exchange or in other areas." The President will attend many events in Manitoba. On the evening of her arrival, August 3, the President will be honored at a reception in Government House. August 4 the President will visit the Icelandic Collection at the Universi- ty of Manitoba where she will also receive an honorary degree. Other events for the day include a visit to the Winnipeg Art Gallery to open the Icelandic Saga Manuscript exhibi- tion, to Betelstadur (a seniors apart- ment complex) and receptions at Winnipeg City Hall and the Legisla- tive Building where she will lay a wreath at the Jón Sigurðsson statue. That evening she will attend a spe- cial service at First Lutheran Church (580 Victor Street). A visit to the Marine Museum in Selkirk, a tour of Lower Fort Garry, unveiling a cairn at Geysir and a reception by the regional Icelandic Community in Arborg will take place August 5. From Arborg the President will travel to Hecla Island where she will spend the evening before begin- ning two full days of activity at the Icelandic Festival, "íslendingada- gurinn," in Gimli. The festival is ob- serving its centennial in 1989. While in Gimli August 6, she will be made an honorary citizen of the town, visit Betel Home and attend a reception given by the Icelandic Na- tional League (Gimli Chapter). She will also visit a number of local sites of interest including the White Rock on Willow Island which marks the landing site of the first Icelandic set- tlers in 1875. In the evening, the Government of Manitoba will host a reception and dinner at the Gull Har- bour Resort on Hecla Island. On August 7, she will take part in the Centennial Parade in Gimli, tour the Gimli Museum and participate in the official opening ceremony for "ís- lendingaduragurinn" and a special tree-planting event in Gimli Park. That evening President Vigdís will return to Winnipeg and leave Manitoba the following morning.



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