Daily Post


Daily Post - 29.04.1941, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 29.04.1941, Blaðsíða 1
DAILY POST 11—99 Tuesday, April 29, 1941. Price: 16 auvur Daylight raid on Emden. LONDON, April 2gth. Fo,llowingf the heavy mid on Cologne last nlghjt, Brllish Sterjing bombers made b dar- tng ajttack on the German niaval base at Emiden in broad daylight to-day. Bombs of íhe new powerfuj type wene dnopped jon the town and afterwards the planes swoo- ped down and miachine-gtanned military objedtives frorn a height of 1500 ft. tonly- Other British aircnaft carried out raids on aertodromes in H'OÍland and a 12,500-ton enemy sUppiy ship off the aoast of iNorth France. The ship was hit and was left sinking. The raiid on Cotogne last night is isaid to have been very sudoessful. In addition to the attacík on that toiwn an aerodrome pealr by was bombed and madhine-gunned. POKTSMOUTH RAIDED AGAIN LONDON, April 28th. Last ni'ght German air attacks on England were mainly directed against Portsmouth. The rai'd was on a fadrly heavy soale and consi'derable damage was done to houses. Tlwo hospitals were hit by heavy bombs and doctors and nurses shiowed great oouir- age in evacuating the damaged buildings, bringing all patients to a safe place. The firemen are said to have done an exceptton- ally good job. It was announced in London to-day that German bomber had been shot down over thfl Bri'tish ooast this moming. An'Other Ger- man bomber was shoit down by a British vwesel. Threo of the crew w*r® gaved. U. S. PATROL 300 MILES OUT FROM GREENLAND LONDON, Apri'l 28th. Reports from Washington say that Gol- onel Lindbergh has a&ked to be released from his post in the U. S. /Air Foroe. Hú nequest wi.ll be granted. The President ic sai'd to have stated that the ootonel has not acted as a citisen of the U. S. A. should do. An American newspaper has called Mr. Lindbergh “a tnaitor“. Although Pnesident Roosevelt has not octo aily stated how far ont the U. |S. warship will patrol the Atlantic, it is oonsidered in America that .this patro.l will reaOh at least 300 miiles out from the new bases in Green- land, or half the way between Halifax hud Great Britain. Washington neports say that the President will' speak to the natton early in May. NEWS IN BRIEF. LONDON, April 28th. Mr. Churchill’s broadcast speech has ba»n received with the greatest inteTest throiig- hout the British Empire and in the tJ S.A. The acting Prime Minister of AUstralía has declaned that there is some misundetrv standing in Japan and the U. S. A. oonr ceming the Australian attítude to the war. The Premier has instnucted the Australian miinisters to these aontries to nemove any doubts that Australia does whole-heartedly support Britain’s po.licy. U. S. werships are bwing »#nt to Atlantfe harbours.


Daily Post

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