Daily Post


Daily Post - 10.12.1943, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 10.12.1943, Blaðsíða 1
 íCELAND’S ONLY AMERICAN DAILY ■ON SALE 6 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY DaiK Po§t % ** yy IV 242 Friday, Dec. 10, 1943 Price 50 aurar. Fifth Hrmy Tigbtensl Grip on Rome Road ..♦.. I" ■ Germans Throw in Crack Alpine Reserve Regiments In Italy, the Allied Fifth Army now commands all the main positions on Mount Camino and Mount Maggiore, but the Ger- mans are still counter-attacking in places. On the Fifth Army front the weather is hampering operations, but heavy fighting is still reported in the outskirts of Orsogna. With British and American troops masters of all the im- portant positions in the vital Mount Camino-Mount Maggi- ore sector, Allied troops now command a stretch of the main road to Rome betwen Mignano and Casino. A dispatch from Robert Dunit, BBC reporter at Allied Headqarters, says that the Ger- mans are still clinging tena- ciously to some of the lower slopes on the fringe of hills west of the road, but Allied troops are now sp firmly esta- blished that the enemy’s coun- ter-attacks may rather be called delaying actions than a deter- mined attempt to regain lost ground. British troops, according to to- day’s Allied communique, have now captured Mount Croce, some three miles beyond Cala- brito, which Allied troops cap- tured about a month ago. In the heavy fighting of the last three days, this village has changed hands several times, but latest front line dispatches say that the Germans 'have now been decisively driven out, and that Allied troops are pushing on towards the Garigliano. Although the wedge thus driven into the German defen- ces gives Fifth Army troops control of this stretch of road, the Germans are still in posi- tion of the main height beyond Mignano. American troops are now storming the enemy’s con- crete pill boxes, which guard ihis positions, and in spite of German artillery activity they are being reduced one by one. Although the weather on the Fifth Army front has cleared, and the floods are going down, conditions are still bad in the east coast sector, where Mont- gomery’s men are attack- ing on a 15 mile front. There is still fierce fight- ing in the outskirts of Orsogne, and there is no sign of any slackening on either side. Correspondents of the Eighth say that heavy and constant pressure is being maintained against the Germans, who are entrenched in strength, and have the support of armour. A late Allied disspatch says that among the latest prisoners to be taken in Central Italy, some are of a famous German Alpine regimerit, /the first sign (that the enemy has brought these specially trained troops into the front line. The main Alied air activity has been directed against the enemy’s front line positions, and German comunications well behind the battle area. These include a raid on the viaduct at Spoleto, north of Terni, 50 miles north of Rome, and aga- inst points on the Rome, and against points on the Rome- Florence road. The docks at Civita Vecc'hia were also hit, as well as four railway bridges on tlie west coast road. Long range attacks were made by Flying Fortresses and Liberators, which attacked two airfields near Athens in Greece. They U. S. Attack Smoke erupts from a direct hit on a Japanese cargo ship in the forground during an attack by (J. S. bombers on enemy shipp- ing in the Hansa Bay area of New Guinea. In the bacground, geysers mark explosions from bombs dropped near other Jap- anese vessels at anchor in the Southwest Pacific harbor illicd iirforees ðverwiielm Japs Enemy Sound y Brubbeá in Marshall Battle General MacArthur’s com- munique disclosed today that Allied air strength exacted sucli a costly toll froin enemy shipp- ing that the Japanese have con- structed primitive log rafts. Our light naval forces surpris- ed a Japanese convoy and de- stroyed eight of the log rafts started many fires among air- craft parked on the ground. It has been announced that casualties among British forces in Italy from September 3rd. to November 23rd total 16,074. ' Of these 3,212 were killed, 9,709 wounded, and 3,153 are missing. which were heavily laden with supplies. ^ A Japanese coastal ship, at- tempting to run a load of gas- oline to Dutch New Guinea was blown up by Allied heavy bombers. In Sekar Bay, a 1500- ton cargo ship was crippled. General MacArthur and Lord Louis Mountbatten are to exchange information in the future so that their blows at Japan may be co-ordinated closely, it was revealed in a dispatch from Cairo today. Arrangements for the inter- change of information were made an Anglo-American staff conference. Heavy fighting is reported in the Arakan area of Burma. Australian troops, battling for the Japanese held New Guinea base of Wareio, have stormed a height on the out- skirts of the town. Other co- lumns are threatening Kaligia, a town on the supply trail to Wareio,and vital to the Japa- nese garrison there. The main Allied air blows in ijhe South-West Pacific, have once more been directed aga- inst Cape Gloucester, on which Liberators and Mitchells dropped 200 _ tons of bombs, bringing the total weight to 700 tons dropped in the last five days. United States troops on Bougainville Island are report- ed to have enlarged their bridgehead at lEmpress Au- gusta Bay. ❖ *-:< * The shipping and aircraft losses suffered by the Japanese as a result of the recent attack by American task forces aga- inst the Marshall Islands in the Mid Pacific, have now been re- vealed. The Japanése lost six ships sunk, two of which were light cruisers, one a tanker, and three transports. Four other enemy ships were damaged. Enemy aircraft loses amounted to 72 machines. It is officialy stated that American aircraft were light, and only one American vessel suffered minor damage. I


Daily Post

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