Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.06.1992, Blaðsíða 4

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.06.1992, Blaðsíða 4
4 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 5. júní 1992 A Hundred Years Ago Heimskringla og Öldin An lcelandic semi-weekly Newspaper published on Wednesdays and Saturdays Winnipeg, Man., 4. júní, 1882 Winnipeg. — Sýningin í Winnipeg er ákveðið að byrji 25. júlí og endi 29. s. m. Þessi járnbrautarfélög ætla að flytja alla sýningarmuni til sýningarinnar og frá henni aftr endrgjalds laust, svo framarlega sem eigendaskifti ekki verða á mununum, og ef þeir verða sendir til baka aftr strax sem sýningin er afstaðin til þeirra staða, sem þeir vóru fluttir frá: Can. Pacific, Man. & North Western, Northern Pacific og Great North West Central járnbrautarfélögin, og Alberta Rail- way & Coalfélagið. Fyrir sýningarmuni frá stöðum austr af Manitoba verðr tekið vanalegt flutningsgjald, en flutt frítt til baka aftr, ef eigendaskifti hafa ekki orðið á mununum. Járnbrautarfélögin hafa einnig ákveðið að færa fargjald sýningargesta mjög mikið niðr; sumstaðar svo mikið að ferðin til og frá verðr ódýrari en vanalegt fargjald aðra leið. Vér setjum hér fargjalds-upphæðina fram og aftr frá nokkrum helztu Winnipeg. — It has been decided that the exhi- bition in Winnipeg will begin on July 25, and end on the 29th of the same month. These railroad companies are going to transport all exhibition items to the exhibition and from it again with out any charge, as long as the items have not exchanged owners, and if they will be sent back, immediately following the exhibition, to the places they were sentfrom: Can. Pacific, Man. & North Western, Northern Pacific and Great North West Central railroad companies, and Alberta Railway & Coal company. For exhibition items from locations east of Manitoba the usual transportation fees will be charged, but they will be transported free upon re- tum, if the ownership of these items has not changed. The railroad compa- nies have also decided to lower the fare considerably for the exhibition’s guests; in some places so much that the return trip will be cheaper than the usual one- way fare. We present here the list of stöðum, sem íslendingar eiga heima á: retum fares from some of the main places where Icelanders live: East Selkirk $0,65 Glenboro ..4,00 Reaburn 1,05 Gretna ..2,65 Carbery 3,20 Deloraine ..6,05 Brandon 4,00 Red Deer 20,05 Qu’Appelle 7,85 Saltcoats ..6,80 West Selkirk 0,90 Baldur and Cypress River 3,80 Belmont ..4,00 BARDAl FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORIUM Winnipeg’s original Bardal Funeral Home since 1894. 843 Sherbrook Street in Winnipeg Telephone 774-7474 Why I read L-H Johanna Wilson I enjoy the articles written about pioneer life. You have a new column that I think will be very interesting, Icelandic articles from early Lögberg issues and the English translation alongside. Coming events help us keep in touch with what is going on in the Icelandic community. Jhe very center of the wor Your European holiday, centered around breathtakingly beautiful lceland, not only puts you in the very heart of things but saves you a nice bit of change, too. • Eumbargain and Super Bar- gain fares on direct flights from New York and Orlando, Fta. to Luxembourg. • Low cost round trip service to París. Frankfurt, London and Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oeto, Heteinki, Gothenburg, Bergen. • Bargain stopover tours of lcelend. • Super Saver csr rentals in Luxembourg. • FREE bus service from Lux- embourg to cities in Gerrrtany. • Reduced train fares to Swrtzedand artd France. ICELANDAIR tHE ORICtNAL IPW CÖSt AIRUNE TO EUROPE , CALL YOURTRAVEl AOEIMT ORICELANDAIR 1-800-22^5500



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