
  • fyrri mánuðurmars 2002næsti mánuður

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.03.2002, Blaðsíða 4

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.03.2002, Blaðsíða 4
page 4 * Lögberg-Heimskringla » Friday 1 March 2002 FRÉTTIR • NEWS INL of North America News The INL Executive Meeting was held Sunday, February 17, 2002 at the Icelandic Collection, University of Manitoba. The Conference call was conducted from 3-4 pm and followed a tight agenda. Sigrid Johnson, President, reported on current business, updating the meeting of the plans and procedures of the Minneapolis Convention Committee. A financial budget from the Convention Committee was reviewed and discussed. On the package deal for bus and accommodation, one bus is filled with 47 pas- sengers. As there are more requests a second bus may be available. The bus will depart from the Grant Park shopping centre on Grant Avenue at 4 pm on April 18th. The second bus may be scheduled to leave earlier to accommodate those who are able to meet the time frame. The bus/accommoda- tion deal is CDN $. The Minneapolis Committee is handling registration for dele- gates. All registration costs are in US $. There was some con- cem of lack of numbers to date, and delegates are reminded that the deadline date of April lOth is fast approaching. Please check with Convention Director Elva Jónasson for fur- ther information at (204) 452- 5378. The convention will have represention from across North America and Iceland. Sigrid reported that no information has been received by the INL of NA to date regarding the two Icelandic Government Scholarships. Helga Malis has been in touch with the authorities in Iceland and will advise as soon as the information has arrived. Helga reported that many enquiries and application information requests have been received at the INL office. The usual pro- cedure following the selection of the North American students is submission of the names to Iceland by May lst. The structure for the Future Directions of the INL of NA and the procedure for the presentation at the convention were discussed. Friday's con- vention program allows time for the discussion, and the sub- ject will be re-visited on Sunday at the business meet- ing. Paul Westdal, Neil Bardal, Elva Simundsson and Ray Johnson are the team in charge. The International Visits Program Director, Gail Einarson-McCleery reported on plans for the selection of artists to visit North America. Announcement of the 2003 awards should be made very soon. Doug Rognvaldson of Edmonton (Spinning Wheel Master) will be going to Iceland to present his work- shop. Appropriate plans have been set for the locations in Akureyri and Reykjavík for his showing. The trip has been postponed to October 2002 in order to accommodate time for the Nordurljós Chapter to financially assist Doug's wife to accompany him. Margrét Björgvinsdóttir has been assist- ing with the plans for Doug and his wife while in Iceland. Gwen Mann (Calgary) advised the meeting of the "Book of Achievers of Icelandic Descendents of North America" being pre- pared by the Leif Eiriksson Chapter. Requests for contribu- tion of information, names and bios to further the book's com- pilation will be discussed at the Minneapolis convention. Northern California has submitted all documentation to the INL of NA and request 'Affiliate' status. We welcome this new group and look for- ward to their participation. Certificates for new Chapters/Affiliates will be pre- pared and presented at the con- vention. Honourary Members of INL will be announced when confirmed. Several names have been approved for presentation in Minneapolis. Discussion was held on the thoughts for a plaque in memo- ry of our late Past President Laurence Johnson, which would appear in the form of the selection of Lifetime Achievement Person/s. The plaque would be housed in the INL office in Gimli with a name plate of the award win- ners appropriately mounted. More details are to be estab- lished with proper criteria for submissions and selection committee. INL Chapters are asked to submit their annual reports to Helga Malis at the INL Office by/before the next Executive meeting scheduled for March 16th to be held in Arborg. If the reports are not received, the Chapter/s will be responsible for their own duplicating and distribution at the convention. The meeting in Arborg is also the opportunity for our Executive to attend the Arborg Þorroblót in the evening. Tickets are on sale. Please check the calendar of events in L-H for further information. It was a pleasure to have Gerri McDonald, Regional Director for B.C. in atten- dance. Gimli, Manitoba Stay & Play at the Lakeview Resort Gimli • Standard Double Room • Breakfast for Two in our Restaurant • Pool, Hot I\ib & Sauna • Free Movies • Games Room & Pool Table • Late Check Out (1:00 pm) $115.00* plus taxes *Based on double occupancy Not Applicable to Group Bookings Available February 1 to April 30, 2002 Phone: 1-877-355-3500 or 204-642-8565 Compliments of. Stefanson & Lee CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Brenl Stefanson, C.A. Ken Lee, C.A. Phil Romaniuk, C.A. SHT 642-5577 Open 1*' & Z' Thursday ol eveiy monlh 775-8975 200B Polo Park Shopping Centre. l485Ponage Ave., Winnipeg. R3G0W4 (204) G & E Gash Store _________"YOUR OHE STOP SHOP"________ Qroceries, Presh MeaL Hardworc, Mípor Appttsncea, Bulkllng MiMrjtata, Diy Ooods. Ckithinfl at rootwear. We do custom Meat CutHng tc Wrapplng ^ John Quttormson Jr. Prop. Lundsr, Man. Ph: 762-5331 Open 8 s.m. to 6 p.m. Á Snorri Participants from Edmonton Three young people from Edmonton have been cho- sen for this year's Snorri pro- gramme. Stephanie Jonsson, granddaughter of Clara Jonsson and the late Steini Jonsson, both originally from Manitoba's Interlake, Cal Krenbrenk, son of Gloria and grandson of Gunni and Kristine Goodman of The new Board of Directors for the Stephan G. Stephansson Icelandic Society in Markerville are Bernice Andersen, President, George Flake, Past President, Wendyle Gillis, Vice President, Brenda Argyle Transfer Ltd. Specializing in livestock transportation Wally & Linda Finnbogason Stonewall, MB Wally 467-8822 Mobile 981-1666 Daryl 322-5743 Mobile 981-5460 Don 467-2018 Mobile 941-0498 Wynyard and Kristina MacNaughton, granddaughter of Chris and Ruth MacNaughton of Edmonton. The Club sells raffle tick- ets specifically to give finan- cial support to the Snorri par- ticipants. Norðurljós Edmonton, February 2002 Flake, Secretary, Cheri Vohs, Treasurer, Ilene Miller, Barry Budvarson and Marie Sveinson, Directors. Stephan G. Stephansson Icelandic Society Newsletter, Winter 2002. VlKING INN Gimli, MB (204) 642-5168 • 21 Renovated Rooms • Gord Lee’s Chinese Dining Ph. 642-5170 • “Two Friends” Nite Club • Beer Store Margaret Grisdale Returns as President The Leif Eiriksson Icelandic Club in Calgary has elected Margaret Grisdale as 2002 President. She has served in this position in the past. Other executive mem- bers are: Past President, Gwen Mann; Vice-President, Keith Sveinson; Treasurer, Don Herman; Secretary, Margrét (Maggie) Alfredsdóttir; Membership Chairpersons, Karl/Iris Torfason; Historian, Freda Abrahamson; Scandinavian Centre Coordinator, Carol Blyth; Phoning Coordinator, Solveig Christie; Care/Concern, Thordis Gutnick; Casino Representative, Milt Brandson; and Library, Christine Stuart-Smith. Icelandic Consul for Southern Alberta is Dr. Hallgrímur Benediktsson Stephan G. Stephansson Icelandic Society Board <m \y unn* fiiii* um mv wwi m u nmr NiirrkitrM « nm i rin wwm



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