Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.02.2011, Blaðsíða 10

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.02.2011, Blaðsíða 10
10 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 2 — 2011 Feature | IMMI The info-wars have begun, and Iceland is begging to be the leg- islative battleground. In the wake of the international controversy made mainstream in part thanks to WikiLeaks’ highly-publicized and continued release of leaked docu- ments from around the world, Ice- land remains curiously relevant to the debate raging globally about transparency reform, information freedom, and the future of journal- ism. The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative (IMMI), founded last year in tandem with a proposition to drastically overhaul the country’s freedom of information laws, is re- sponding to the new info-climate by proposing a legislative framework that could effectively make Iceland into an international transparency safe-haven. An amalgamation of legal provisions from around the world dealing with source and libel protection, freedom of information and transparency, the IMMI proposal has garnered interna- tional attention as the most compre- hensive legislative protection package for investigative journalism and free speech that the world has seen to date. Notably, three of the five primary au- thors of the Parliamentary proposal— Julian Assange, Rop Gonggrijp, and Birgitta Jónsdóttir—are among others being probed by the U.S. Department of Justice as part of the ongoing criminal investigation into WikiLeaks' disclosure of thousands of leaked State Depart- ment cables beginning in November 2010. Yet for many freedom of information activists following the transparency movement—WikiLeaks is not the point. “This is a much more complicated story than just WikiLeaks,” says Smári McCarthy, co-founder of the Icelandic Digital Freedom Society, ex-WikiLeaks volunteer, and one of the authors of the IMMI proposal who as of yet is not vis- ibly under investigation by the DOJ. “To focus on them is like to focus on one grain of sand on a very big beach.” THE IMMI REVOLUTION Smári and others in the core organizing group of the IMMI describe WikiLeaks as the “crowbar” of the information freedom movement—the wedge that opened the floodgates—propelling the issue into mainstream discussion. “I’ve been doing this for a lot of years,” says Smári, “and I’ve always had to start off by explaining what the hell I’m talking about. Now I don’t have to explain that anymore. Now I just have to figure out a way to make it seem less antagonistic.” But in Iceland that battle may al- ready be close to being won, especially since the IMMI proposal was passed unanimously by Alþingi in June of last year. “[We started talking about IMMI] just after the big National Assembly [in 2009], where ‘integrity’, ‘equality’ and ‘honesty’, were sort of the key words” says Birgitta Jónsdóttir, the proposal’s chief sponsor in Parliament. “I realised that if there was a time for Iceland to take a specific route or direction, this could fit into that sensa- tion that the nation had.” An Icelandic MP and the founder of The Movement (formerly of The Citi- zen’s Movement), a political party de- voted, as she puts it, to “changing the way we do business in Parliament,” Bir- gitta considers the freedom of informa- tion debate to be central to the ques- tions Iceland struggles with as it begins its slow recovery from the economic collapse. “I’ve read the Shock Doctrine,” says Birgitta, “and that implies that when na- tions are in crisis, very damaging legis- lation is often pushed through because people are simply in too much shock to realise what sort of impact it can have. But during that state of shock, you can also do very positive things.” “If you live in a democracy,” Birgitta says, “and don’t have freedom of infor- mation, it’s not a democracy. And peo- ple have to understand that if you don’t have freedom of information online, it’s not going to be offline, either.” Underlying their emphasis on the importance of freedom of information (or foi as some of them really do call it), in particular with regard to legisla- tive reform, the philosophy of the IMMI organisers seems to be based in the shared belief that information is central to a functioning democracy. “When Iceland’s economy col- lapsed,” says Smári, “what we saw was that every single failing that caused that collapse was a lack of information flow. The regulators, the banks, the au- ditors, everybody throughout the chain either had insufficient information, or whoever was supposed to be regulat- ing them had insufficient information. So the entire thing can be to some degree understood as just a failing in information flow. And of course if you don’t have the information you don’t have accountability, you don’t have any of the safeguarding structures actually functioning. So in essence you do not have anything that is in any way akin to a democracy, if you don’t have informa- tion.” ANTIdOTE TO SECRECY The idea for Iceland as the “Switzer- land of bits”—the information-focused equivalent of a tax-haven—was first brought up to members of the IMMI at an Icelandic Digital Freedom Soci- ety conference in 2008. The sugges- tion came from John Perry Barlow, an American cyberlibertarian and one of the founders of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The following year, the DFS invited WikiLeaks to speak at their an- nual conference. Reiterating Barlow’s sentiment of an information Mecca, WikiLeaks also did him one better, providing the members of IMMI with a list of laws regarding press and source protection that had proven useful to them, a list that would become the blueprint for the IMMI proposal. “We cherry-picked all the best laws from around the world that are dealing with the issue of freedom of informa- tion, speech and expression,” says Bir- gitta. “And what we did was not only cherry-pick the best laws, but the laws that are actually functioning as the best laws. They don’t only look good on pa- per. The reason for that is that if our law would come under attack, because we’re a relatively small nation, then it would be an attack also on the law in Sweden, or Belgium or the United States, or France.” Julian Assange—who helped draft the proposal and also to present it to members of Parliament prior to the vote—wrote in a blog entry on the Guardian website the night before it was filed, that he hoped that “Iceland could be the antidote to secrecy ha- vens.” “It may become an island” said As- sange, “where openness is protected – a journalism haven. Sleet Street 2.0” NO INFORMATION LEFT BEHINd The question of how best to facili- tate information flow, and how to do it responsibly, is a key and contended question brought into the public eye by the actions of WikiLeaks over the past few years. Herbert Snorrason is one of the primary spokespeople for OpenLeaks (, a whistleblow- ing alternative that launched its site late last month and that advocates a more egalitarian approach to the distribution and release of leaked documents. Her- bert ended his stint as a WikiLeaks vol- Words Valgerður Þóroddsdóttir Illustration Hörður Kristbjörnsson Information Without Borders? THE IMMI PROPOSAL The IMMI proposal combines stat- utes from around the world—Swe- den, Belgium, the United States and France, among others—dealing with source and libel protection, freedom of information, and transparency, in the hopes of creating compre- hensive legal protections for media organizations, newspapers, journal- ists, and sources alike—globally. The proposition was passed unani- mously by Alþingi on June 16th, 2010, and has thus become parlia- mentary policy, though as of yet it has no legislative value. All of the proposed improvements to at least 13 laws in four different ministries have yet to be passed, and the es- timated time for the entire IMMI package to be legislated is about one year. The proposal’s primary sponsor in Parliament was Birgitta Jónsdót- tir who, along with Julian Assange, Smári McCarthy, Herbert Snorrason and Rop Gonggrijp, was also one of the proposal’s primary authors. Birgitta says it would be “bizarre” if the overwhelming support shown for the proposal by Parliament in June of last year wouldn’t translate when the laws have been written and are ready to go through the Par- liament. “The economic benefits to being the safe-haven for free speech are very well known, because the last country that did it is still the dominant empire on the planet.” Iceland, WikiLeaks and the electronic frontier What do y'all think? Will the IMMI laws be passed by Alþingi? Will Iceland be the world's haven from libel laws and gag orders? Will it rescue us from KREPPA? Leak your thoughts to (also, if you're interested in leaking actual documents to us, we wouldn't mind printing that stuff).


Reykjavík Grapevine

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