Málfríður - 15.03.2012, Blaðsíða 24

Málfríður - 15.03.2012, Blaðsíða 24
In.the.fall.2011.I.took.part.in.an.online.course.Primary Essentials,. recommended. by. the. English. Teachers´. Union. in. Iceland. (FEKÍ) .. Primary Essentials, provided. by.British.Council,.spans.over.a.period.of.three.months. and. covers. six. areas. that. are. substantial. to. English. teachers.of.young.learners.aged.between.5-12 .. The. areas. covered. are:. Introduction,. First. steps,. Songs.and.games,.Learning.styles,.Syllabus.and.lesson. planning,.and.Classroom.management .. 1. Introduction Each.module.takes.approx ..6.hours.to.finish.plus.work. on. final. assignments .. The. objectives. and. learning outcomes. are. stated. in. the. beginning. of. every. mod- ule ..The. tasks. include. reading.short. texts,. answering. questions. into. a. personal. reflective. journal,. watching. short.videos,.taking.tests,.creating.wikis,.group.work,. contributions.in.various.forums,.and.finally,.preparing. activities.for.the.classroom.with.the.application.of.the. new.knowledge . My.colleague.teachers.from.Slovenia.were.as.enthu- siastic.as.me.and.our.cooperation.and.exchange.were. continuously. intensive .. Our. moderator,. resident. in. Casablanca,. did. a. wonderful. job. supporting,. advis- ing,.guiding,.encouraging.us.and.commenting.on.our. assignments .. For. personal. communication. we. used. Social forum. and. for. pedagogical. exchange. we. had. Plenary forum .. Supportive. feedback. on. other. partici- pants´.work.was. expected,. as.well. as. regular.partici- pation ..Beside.these.forums.that.were.like.a.red.thread. throughout. the.course,. there.were.other. forums.open. for.topics.at.hand .. Primary Essentials – Essential for English teachers at primary schools 2. First steps This.module.posed.the.classical.questions: •. Who.is.a.young.learner? •. Is. “younger. better”. in. teaching. a. second. lang- uage? •. What.does.a.young.learner.need? •. What. implications. do. learner´s. needs. have. for. the.teacher? The.answers.to.these.questions.are.substantial ..Young. learners.have.specific.needs.and.only.teachers.who.are. aware. of. them. can. provide. quality. lessons .. Children. learn.by.doing,.they.need.to.move.and.they.enjoy.TPR activities. (Total.Physical.Response) ..Children.need.to. strengthen. their. social. relations. in. the. class. and. they. welcome.pair.and.group.work ...Children.mostly.learn. by. listening. and. speaking .. They. forget. fast. and. need. a.lot.of.repetition ..And.they.love.to.use.their.imagina- tion . . Here.is.one.of.my.first.assignments.–.a.word.chain.on. the.topic.“teaching.children”: fun ~ nursery rhymes ~ stories ~ sharing ~ games ~ songs ~ senses ~ self ~ friendly ~ young learners ~ start ~ training ~ goals ~ simple ~ energy ~ yes Icebreakers in. the. beginnings. of. lessons,. or. even. in. the. first. lessons. with. new. classes,. are. important. because. they. establish. learning. atmosphere,. engage,. catch. interest,. revise. or. introduce. a. new. topic .. They. could.be.song,.games,.short.activities,.stories.or.pieces. of. information .. However,. there. is. no. best. activity. in. an.English.class ..Every.teacher.makes.his.own.choices. and.finds.ways.that.suit.him,.and.his.classes,.best ..His. decisions,.though,.should.always.be.informed.ones .. 3. Songs and games Songs.and.games.belong.to.TPR.activities ..As.popular. and. frequent. as. they. are. in. the. English. classes,. their. use.must.obey.certain.rules ..Every.game.and.song.in.a. classroom.has.to.have.a.purpose.and.an.expected.out- come ..We.have.to.know.why.we.play.a.particular.game. or.why.we.sing.a.song ..Often.these.have.to.be.adapted. to.specific.circumstances ..Language.development.has. to.be.involved.–.primarily .. Renata Emilsson Pesková English and German teacher at Hlíðaskóli Renata Emilsson Pesková. 24 MÁLFRÍÐUR



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