I ledige timer - 01.11.1894, Page 1

I ledige timer - 01.11.1894, Page 1
<S>>v|te fjHni*. 5JU*x*embev 1894. Jfevlte ifjcfte. (ít unbcrljolb?ntic og bclrcrcníic fllan«cösfkrift. Keöigcret af 3on ©lafsfon. SnÍXjolU: @ibc SÐaitbct: gotogvafen. jparifevbtííebe............ 1 21 ug. 333-01ff: 93tinc SSbrn, ©fitfe.....*'.... 3 OScar ©unbcrfcn: SDliöer Söenbeíl JfjotntcS..;... (> —l)r: ®en nt)e giteraturretning.................. 7 9tebaft0renS Dfunbffuc......................... lt> 23or "©crap = !0oof"............................ 13 gor Sanbmonben.............................. l-r> ®J)ienjaor, UU. IVoi'tlen JPitl). Co., Ubgiuere. Ubfomttter Ijoer 'JJtaaneb. ifofter 50 ©entS oin 'Jtaret. (Snfdte .peftev 5 Ceuíc>.


I ledige timer

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