Sujumut - 01.08.1937, Síða 1

Sujumut - 01.08.1937, Síða 1
K’aKortup niuvertoKiarfianø avise inuiaKatigigtut inerikiartomigssaK pivdlugo kalåtdlit Kavdlunåtdlo sulekatigigflat ukiumut: 1 Kr. 20 Øre. Nr. ntausex: 10 Øre. Nr. 8 August 1937 ukiut 4*at AkuliaruserssuaK High above the homesteads af many parts af Southern Greenland, even far out from the still loftier ice*cap, there stand great mountains. These the inhabitants have always admired and held in awe, seeing in them an intricate part of the serene grandeur of their beautiful country, but apart from occasional moderate ascents of some smaller hiils near their homes the Greenlanders have never had occasion to climb much. However, we who come from far off lands, pnvileged or invited by the Danish authorities to visit their carefully protected colony, do not always have to hunt seals or reeper or fish for food but get our living by dififerent and often equally hard means which still leave us time and energy to do other things. We come to Greenland rather to study its scientific and other interesting features, in the light of the knowledge of the world which is written in so many books and housed in so many museums of dried plants and stuffed animals. I myself came to Greenland chiefly to investigate certain features of the plant life; included in my program this summer was a plan to answer the pieas (cf. Meddelelser om Grønland LXXVII, 1930) of Magister Porsild, the welbknown Botanist*Director of the Arctic Station on Disko, for observations on the flora and vegetation of the higher mountains of Southern Greenland, which are almost entirely unknown. One of the largest and most famous of these is Akuliaruserssu* aK, and, coming to Lichtenau (Agdluitsox) on July 15th, I decided to explore it forthwith. Aly Greenlander friend Hans Lynge (also called NapårtoK, i. e. the wiry one) had already agreed to accompany me on some such expedition; his charming family were my hosts and, althoug the father was attending Parliament at Godthaab, took to the scheme with enthusiasm. Accordingly we set out early the next morning, with Mother Lynge, six of the ten brothers and sisters, and five others — thirteen in all, the „unlucky number“ of most peoples,' but Eskimos do not have such foolish superstitions! We rowed the fifteen or so kilometres to Sletten (Angmagssivik) in a little over two hours, and, ’after a brief



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