Heimskringla - 11.08.1948, Blaðsíða 7

Heimskringla - 11.08.1948, Blaðsíða 7
WINNIPEG, 11. ÁGÚST 1948 HEIMSKRINGLA 7. SÍÐA NORMAN S. BERGMAN: A Toast to Canada At Gimli, 2nd of August, 1948 HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT BY READING Herra forseti, virðulega Fjallkona! Ladies and Gentlemen: I have the honour, this after- noon, of proposing the toast to Canada. My first problem was to decide what I should say. My first curiosity was to see just where I would appear on the program. When I found that I was number thirteen on the pro- gram today I was disturbed. I immediately recalled to mind all the superstitions surrounding the figure thirteen. I was worried lest some misfortune might be- fall me, either before I proposed this toast or during the time that I was speaking. It did not take long, however, for me to wonder if similar thoughts would cross your mind when you saw the program. Would you think that it was your luck that was not good when yo^, saw that I was to speak? It has been customary at all ethnic group gatherings for the proposer of the toast to Canada to strongly emphasize that the group’s first loyalty is to. Can- ada and not to the country of their racial origin, With that declaration no one here will dis- agree. I must confess that my first thoughts in proposing this toast were along those lines. Then I began to wonder whether or not it was really appropriate to pursue this line of thought today. In the past few years men of Icelandic origin have received public recognition of the highest order. They have won their awards mainly through their work as outstanding Canadian citizens. The members of the Icelandic ethnic group are, therefore, recognized througþout this land as good Canadians. Because of the fine example set by those who have gone before us it is no longer necessary for us to proclaim our loyalty to this country. It is only necessary to demonstrate by our own con- duct that we will continue to be good citizens in the fullest sense of the word. Only nT that way can the high standard of citizen- ship set for us be maintained. In looking back qver approxi- mately three-quarters of a cen- tury of the history of our racial group in Canada, during which time many members of our racial group wore the uniform of this country with distinction in two world wars, two examples stood out strongly. The first was that those who gave their lives in defence of their land demon- strated that this country of ours was worth dying for. The second example was that of those whose contribution was in a civilian capacity. This contribution was equally as great for it was longer sustained. They demonstrated that this country was worth living for. What greater tribute, then, can we pay to those who the world's doily newspoper— THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. You will find yourself one of the best-informed persons in your community on world offoirs when you read this world-wide doily newspoper regulorly. You will gain fresh, new viewpoints, a fuller, richer understonding of today's vitol news—PLUS help from its exclusive features on homemoking, educo* tion, business, theater, music, rodio, sports. Subscribe now to this speciol /#gct- ocquainted" offer —1 month for twt r* " i The Christian Science Publishing Society PB-5 One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Moss., U. S. A. . J Enclosed is $1, for which please send me The Christion M Science Monitor for one month. Itslen lo "The Cluislian \\fl Nome r Science Monitor Views the wi •• •••» Mews" e*eiy Thursday wl Street _ night over the American a l Broadcasting Company k ^City citizens in our own right and we can continue to be proud of our Icelandic racial origin. My first suggestion is that we must give greater study to Can- adian domestic affairs, both local and national. Because of- the disturbed international situation so much prominence is attached to international affairs that Can- adian issues are obscured. The housewife who spends too much time worrying about her neigh- bor’s problems cannot keep her own house in good order. The Canadian citizen who concen- trates too much on the scare headlines of today will not have full knowledge of the issues he has to face in Canada tomorrow. We face important times here at home, and we have important issues to decide. 1 It is essential today that all Canadians be as have gone before us than to take completely informed as possible stock today and find out how we, who remain, can make some con- tribution as Canadian citizens which can compare with the record of those who have gone before. I have three suggestions to make to all Canadians of Ice- landic racial origin, which sug- gestions I submit form the key to good citizenship. If we adopt these suggestions we wiíl not have to rely on the reputation made for us by our predecessors. We will be good Canadian on all Canadian issuesTn order that they may arrive at fully considered conclusions and that the gains that have been won for us in the past, for a better Canadian way of life, may be consolidated. My second suggestion is ap- plicable only to ,our own ethnic group and more particularly to my own generation. I suggest that we give greater study to the Icelandic language, the Icelandic history and the Icelandic litera- ture. If we maintain our lovalty Wt ass b ]i iBMPfflaymö FALL TERM OPENS MONDAY, AUGUST 23rd If you prefer to enroll either before or after this date, however, you may do so. Our classes will be conducted throughout the summer without any interruption. Make Your Reservation Now For our Fall Term we have already received many advance registrations from near and far-distant points in Western Canada. To reserve your desk, write us, call at our office, or telephone. Ask for a copy of our illustrated Prospectus, with which we will mail you a registration fonn. TELEPHONE 96 434 M acœáá {Qom mcrcía iaí oueae T The Air-Conditioned College of Higher Standards Portage Ave. at Edmonton St. WINNIPEG TELEPHONE 96 434 «iHiiiiiiiiiinmiiimiiiE»iiiiiiiini[]iiiiiimiuniimmminiiiiiiiiiiiw I INSURANCE AT . . . REDUCED RATFS Fire and Automobils | STRONG INDEPENDEMT § CCMPANIES £ | McFadyen j | Company Limited | | 3G2 Main St. Winnipeg | Dial 93 444 SdmmliumiiiimiitimmmiiiunmmimaimimmiaminmiHc^ to the country of our adoption, a loyalty which has been well demonstrated in the past, we will not be unpatriotic if we have full knowledge of the country of our origin. Rather, we will be able to answer the questions of our fellow Canadian citizens with intelligence and authority. Not only will we find romance and relaxation in this study, but we will find that this broader! education will assist us in con- sidering those problems which will confront us in the future. We must remember that we will be looked to to pass this knowl- edge on and, I submit, we have a duty so to do. My third and final submission is, that the basic foundation of good citizenship in any demo-; cratic country is a complete knowledge of, and adherence to, the principles of the Christian faith. I have yet to meet the man of our ethnic group who attained any major prominence who did not give first credit to the mother who instilled irkhim and the wife who hcld him to the Christian principles of his earliest education. I wish to pay tribute, here and now, to the women of Icelandic racial origin who have contributed so much, so quietly yet so substantially, to making their sons and hus- bands the fine Canadians they have been, and thereby making possible their success in a new ; land and in many instances a1 new vocation. If we cím instill: in our children that same full j and abiding faith in the Canadi-1 an way of life then the high j reputation of all those of Ice- landic racial origin as Canadian citizens will remain safe and that influence will tend to make the future of Canada secure. Wedding Invitatlons and announcements Hjúskapar-boðsbréf og tilkynningar, eins vönduð og vel úr garði gerð eins og nokkurstaðar ei hægt að fá, getur fólk fengið prentuð hjá Viking Press Ltd Það borgar sig að líta þar inn op sjá hvað er á boðstólum. Alþingishátíðin 1930, eftir próf. Magnús Jónsson er Islendingum kærkomin vinagjöf. í bókinni er yfir 300 myndir og frágangur allur hinn vandaðasti. Fæst bæði í bandi og óbundin. Verð í bandi $20.50 og $23.00, óbundin $18.50. Björnssons Book Store 702 Sargent Ave., Winnipeg Professional and Business ~ Ðirectory —- Office Phone 94 762 Res. Phone 72 409 Dr. L. A. SIGURDSON 528 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Consultations by Appointment Dr. S. J. Jóhannesson STE. 7 VINBORG APTS. 594 Agnes St. Talsími 87 493 Viðtalstími kl. 3—5 e.h. J. J. Swanson & Co. Ltd. REALTORS Rental, Insurance and Financial Agents Simi 97 538 308 AVENUE Bldg. — Winnipeg THE WATCH SHOP CARL K. THORLAKSON * Diamond and Wedding Rings Agent for Bulova Watches Marriage Licenses Issued 699 SARGENT AVE. WINDATT COAL CO. LIMITED Established 1898 506 PARIS BLDG. Office Phone 97 404 Yard Phone 28 745 H. HALDORSON BUILDER 23 Music and Arts Studios Broadway and Carlton Phone 93 055 Winnipeg, Canada CANADIAN FISH PRODUCERS Ltd. J. H. Page, Managing Director Whoiesale Distributors of Fresh and Frozen Fish 311 CHAMBERS ST. Office Phone 26 328 Res. Phone 73 917 ÁSGEIRSON’S PAINTS, WALL PAPER AND HARDWARE 698 SAKGENT AVENUE Winnipeg, Man. Telephone 34 322 The BUSINESS CLINIC Specialize in aiding the smaller business man to keep adequate records and prepare Income Tax Returns. ANNA LARUSSON 508 Mclntyre Blk. Ph. 97 130 O. K. HANSSON Plumbing & Heating CO. LTD. For Your Comfort and Convenience, We can supply an Oil Burner for Your Home Phone 72 051 163 Sherbrook St. DR. A. V. JOHNSON DENTIST * 506 Somerset Bldg. Office 97 932 Res. 202 398 ANDREWS, ANDREWS, THORVALDSON & EGGERTSON Lögfrœðingar Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg. Portage og Garry St. Sími 98 291 DRS. H. R. and H. W. TWEED Tannlœknar 406 TORONTO GEN. TRUSTS BUILDING Cor. Portage Ave. og Smith St.1 PHONE 96 952 WINNIPEG H. J. PALMASON & Co. Chartered Accountants * 219 McINTYRE BLOCK * TELEPHONE 94 981 Rovatzos Floral Shop 253 Notre Dame Ave. Ph. 27 983 Fresh Cut Flowers Daily. Plants in Season We specialize in Wedding and Concert Bouquets and Funeral Designs Icelandic Spoken A. S. BARDAL selur likkistur og annast um útfarir. Allur útbúnaður sá besti. Ennfremur selur hann allskonar minnisvarða og legsteina 843 SHERBROOKE ST. Phone 27 324 Winnipeg Lnion Loan & Investment COMPANY Eental, Insurance and Financial Agents Sími 95 061 510 Toronto General Trusts Bldg. GUNDRY-PYMORE Ltd. British Quality - Fish Netting 60 Victoria St., VVinnipeg, Man. Phone 98 211 Manager: T. R. THORVALDSON Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated Halldór Sigurðsson Contractor & Builder * 1158 Dorchester Ave. Sími 404 945 FINKLEMAN OPTOMETRISTS and OPTICIANS Kensington Bldg. 275 Portage Ave. Winnipeg PHONE 93 942 Frá vmi DR. CHARLES R. OKE TANNLÆKNIR 404 Toronto Gen. Trust Bldg. 283 Portage Ave., Winnipeg * Phone 94 908 PRINCESS MESSENGER SERVICE Við flytjum kistur og töskur, húsgögn úr smærri ibúðum og húsmuni af öllu tæi. 58 ALBERT ST. — WINNIPEG Simi 25 888 C. A. Johnson, Mgr 'JORNSON S (OKSTOI LESIÐ HEIMSKRINGLU 702 Sargent Ave., Winnipeg, Man.



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