Lögberg - 12.08.1926, Side 2

Lögberg - 12.08.1926, Side 2
Bls. 2. LÖGBEKG FIMTUDAGINN, 12. ÁGÚST 1926. CARD TABLES Slightly damaged card tables | in the regulation size with green felt tops. These have a soiid oak frame fumed finish. A regular $7.50 value. While they last, a-. q^ Augrust Sale Price v '################################« WEDNESDAY USHERS IN SCORES OF THE RAREST VALUES EVER SHOWN IN KITCHEN CHAIR Hardwood kitchen chair, well;; constructed ..with ..embossed|l back, shaped seat and double;; rung base. Finish in the;; golden finish, q« jl August Sale Price y«ÍC OUR GREAT STORE WIDE AUGUST SALE OF FURNITURE & HOME FURNISHINGS REFRIGERATORS Our complete stock of refrigerators will be placed for im- mediate disposal. These are all guaranteed ice savers and form a wonderful selection. $16.75 Refrigerators to go at ............ $9.95 $21.25 Refrigerators to go at ......... $13.95 $24.50 Refrigerators to go at ......... $16.95 These form a sample of the great reductions shownthroughout this stock. In the last five years, over 40 thousand charge accounts have passed through our books (exclusive of the thousands og cash patrons). In this ianmense August Sale we offer even greater values and bigger oppor- tunitirs than we have ever before shown. It wiU mean many hundreds of dollars savings to thrifty Winnipeggers in every line of house fumishings on the easiest of pajnment terms from the most beautiful pieces obtainable to the least expensive pieces procurable. Read every line of this splendid news and realize that these prices win by comparison. Banfield’s regular quality—not merchandise bought for sale purchases. BUY ON THE BANFIELD DIVIDEND PAYMENT PLAN—WITHOUT INTEREST OR PRICES ON THE SALE PRICES. KROEHLER DIVANETTES Solid Oak Kroehler Divanette of a sturdy construction, wood- work in the popular fumed finish; upholstered in brown imita- tion leather. When open makes a comfortable fullsized bed. Complete with an all-felt mattress. August Sale Price .......................... $43.75 Pay only a smáll part cash. Remember your credit is good. Take a full year to pay if you wish Handsome Chesterfield Suites This very attractive suite comprising Chesterfield and armchair and wing chair. Deep spring and full web constructed seats Three-panel back Chesterfield, loose Mar- shall cushions. RoU arm style, Snyderis sani-built quality upholstered in splendid tapestry, Complete, three pieces, August Sale Price .. $114.75 Genérous Size $79.00 ODD CHESTERFIELD Beautiful Chesterfield in a good quality com- bination velour and tapestry. Soft yielding Marshall spring cushions. —*---- oí_‘ Spiendid construction. August Sale Price ...... CHESTERFIELD SUITE This is a splendid suite comprising chester- field and chair, to match, upholstered in good tapestry and piped with blue velour. Moth- proof and made to give service. These will clear quick at this <M 1 Q AA August Sale Prife ..........tpii«7.UU CHESTERFIELD SUITE Snyder’s Sani-Built suite Consists of beauti- ful chesterfield and wing chair. to match. This is upholstered in a fine' quality blue mohair with trimming of tapestry. Only three of these suites at this August Sale Special _ ODD CHESTERFIELD Snyder Sani-Built Chesterfield roll arm style, nicely upholstered in taupe mohair with tap- estry trimming. Exceptionally comfortable with loose Marshall cushions.' #qd nr August Sale Special ..........^UO.Id $159.00 $139.50 CHESTERFIELD SUITE In design and construction this suite is un- excelled. Deep spring upholstering with soft pillow arms, and guaranteed absolutely moth-proof. All-over tapestry cover in rieh colorings of brown and green. Chester- field and chair. August Sale Price ...... CHESTERFIELD SUITE Combination velour and tapestry suite„con- sisting of chesterfield, arm chair and wing chair. This resilient upholstered suité is constructed of the highest quality materials and will give excellent service. <MQO HC Real value at Special Aug. Price *P * «7°* I D CHESTERFIELD SUITE Beautiful chesterfield and wing chair, up- holstered in rich blue mohair with shaded tapestry reversible cushions. Deep spring construction, Shawwood design. Only one suite at this Í9J.Q ÍQ August Sale Price ..........«p4itx«7.JU COMPLETE BEDROOM OUTFIT The complete furniture for one bedroom, con- sists of walnut finished metal bed, guaran teed coil spring, felted cotton mattress, wal- nut finish dresser, pair feather pillows and one bedroom chair. Can be obtained in all sizes..... DRESSER $59.00 $5.95 AN ATTRACTIVE WINDOW AT A PRICE Made of one Nottingham panel, in very pretty design. One set chintz side drapes and ruffled valance. All complete, ready to hang, per window .. DOUBLE BUNGALOW WINDOW CURTAINS. Made up ready to hang, using eight sections of fillet paneling, one set Madras side drapes and valance. Complete with double 1/? Ár rods, per set ................. 10.J7D A REAL COMFORTER AT A REAL PRICE These are extra well filled and covered in either English cambric or 'English sateen. A splendid range of designs all double pan- eled. Size 66x72. Qr Special Price ..................«pU.«7J BLANKETS Pure white, all wool blankets that add much comfort in the summer home on chilly nights. 60 x 80, Special ............... $11.95 64 x 84, Special ............... $13.95 68 x 90, Special ............... $15.95 TEMPLETON FAMOUS CARPETS No better carpets made either for wear or appearance. These rugs are woven from the finest yarns and absolutely guaranteed. 6x9, Special ................. $43.00 7-6 x 7-6, Special ..............( $45.00 9x9, Special ................... $65.00 9 x 10-6, Special .............. $75.00 9 x 12, Special ................... $85.00 COIL SPRING. Guaranteed Coil spring of a heavy gauge oil- tempered wire, built on heavy steel frame. One hundred coils in full size spring. Pro- curable in all regular sizes. Qr August Sale Price ..............ipD.ifD And Rurs, Linoleums, Draper- ies and Linens for Much Less THE BIG WINDOW SHADE BARGAIN A real shade, mounted on a real Hartshorn roller, in either cream or green. í»1 AA Price each .............!.......«pl.UU VERY FINE FRENCH VOILE CURTAINS IN the No Deposit Sale These are made from French dress voile of the finest quality. Beautifully trimmed with lace and insertion. 2JA yards <I»C QC long. Special, pair ...........«p«7*«7«7 ART DRAPERY MUSLIN In a choice selection of designs for summer curtains. There is nothing better. 1A _ 27 in. wide. Special, yard..........1I7C 100 ONLY, FINEST LINEN CLOTHS—.... “Seconds” — Well worth $16 each All pure linen, snow whlte double damask Tablecloths. Some have a slight miss weave. All are most beautiful cloths. Size, 72x90 in. Less than one half price. <£7 QC Each .............................«pi.JJ EXTRA HEAVY UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS The kind mother used to use. Will whiten in a few washes. 72-in. Special, yard ........... 85c 80-in. Special, yard ........... 90c No Deposit Sale. VERY FINE QUALITY WILTON RUGS Most beautiful both in design and texture. All the newest colorings. “Rugs that will last”. 6-9 x 7'6, Special .......... $47.50 6-9 x 9, Special ............ $55.00 9x9, Special ................ $69.50 4-6 x 7-6, Special .......... $29.50 9 x 10-6, Special.............$79.50 9 x 12, Special ............. $89.75 A real value in walnut finish dresser with three roomy drawers and heavy plate mirror. This is well constructed and a good buy at this pricing. 1 O QC DRESSER Black walnut finish dresser of a generous size with two large and two small drawers. British plate mirror, 22x26; trimmed with mftal drop pulls. 99 OP August Sale Special ........... DD.OD DRESSER Genuine black walnut dreSser, exceptional construction, two large and two small draw- ers, with a large landscape mirror. 49.75 August Sale Special. COMPLETE BED OUTFIT A wonderful sale valqe in a complete bed outfit, consisting of white enamel bed, steel link, high riser spring, combination mattress and all feather pillow. In 3-6 size only. — While they last, i /• Qr August Sale Price ............1U.«7D DINING-ROOM CHAIRS Set of six Diners, walnut finish, heavy, sub- stantial construction, upholstered full box seats. Set of five side and one arm Diners. August Sale Price . KITCHEN CABINET Fully equnpped Cabinet, built of select oak in the golden rinosh. Splendid cup- porcelain 38.95 25.95 board accommodation, sliding top, set of glass receptacles. A real value. Aug. Sale Price 24.95 SCOTSH SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS These are exceptionally well woven carpets that will give splendid sa’tisfaction. Chioce designs. In the No Deposit Sale. Size 6-7 x j>. Special, each . GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM “By The ”Yard” These are cut to room sizes without seams or unsightly joints. Every yard absolutely guaranteed. Size—6 x 9 .................. $5.70 Size 7-6 x 9 ................ $7.15 Size—9 x 9 .................. $8.55 Size—9 x 10-6 ................ $9.95 Size—9 x 12 ................. $11.40 Size—9 x 15 ................ $14.25 No Deposit Required BEACH BATH TOWELS Thoroughly absorbent, good generous size in tan shades with blue and pink stripes. Size 22 x 45. in. 79c Bedroom Suites Carry Unusuaily Low Pricing for Wednesdays Sale 148.75 BEDROOM SUITE A smart design, black walnut finish. Con- sists of Dresser, Chiffonier, full size bow food Bed, triple mirror Dressing 1 9Q AA Table. Special ..............l^U.UU BEDROOM SUITE Genuine black walnut suite, consisting of large Dresser with landscape mirror, spaci- ous Chifforobe, four-drawer Vanity Dresser with panel Bed to match. ? Stocktaking Special ...... BEDROOM SUITE An artistic suite, comprising large Dresser, roomy Chifforobe, Semi-Vanity Toilet Table, with bow foot Bed to match. Fin-17Q AA ished in beautiful walnut finish.1 * «7»UU BEDROOM SUITE Genuine black walnut suite, comprising beautiful 3-drawer Dresser, large Vanity Table, and graceful Bed, QQ AA A splendid value. Special ....57I7.UU BEDROOM SUITE Dainty, attractive Queen Anne suite, genuine black walnut, consists of Dresser, Dressing Table, full size Bow GBed, and 9Q7 Cíl Chifforette. Special ....... fc«JI.«IL BEDROOM SUITE This beautiful suite is sure to prove very popular to lovers of good furniture. The Dres- ser and Chiffonier are equipped with large roomy drawers. The semi-Vanity Dressing Table will add a touch of beauty 1QO AA to your bedroom. Special ..1I70.UU BEDROOM SUITE One of our outstanding values. Genuine black walnut. Consists of Dresser, Chiffo- rette, Semi-VanityDressing Table, full-size Bed, Bench and Chair. .......298.00 BEDROOM SUITE A suite youmay expect will give a life-time of service, genuine black, walnut, Dresser, Chifforette, semi-Vanity Dressing Table, full-size Bed, Bench and Chair. 329.00 Spcal at BEDROOM SUITE A beautiful two-tone genuine black walnut suite, exceptionally well constructed. Con- sists of Dresser, Chifforette, full-size Bow End Bed, Ðressing Table with Hand Mir- rors, Bench and Chair. 398 00 Special ..................— —.... * Splendid August Sale Values in Diningroom Suites. For this splendid Old English diningroom suite built of select kiln-dried oak, buffet with special leg support. Five side and one arm diners upholstered in genu- ine leather. Aug. Sale Price .... 89.50 DINING-ROOM SUITE A Splendid value in a black walnut finish suite that will give entire satisfaction. Stur- dily built, uffet, extension table and set of six diners. 7Q CA August Sale Price ..............I «7.«/U China Cabinet to match ...............'.......... 23.95 DINING-ROOM SUITE Attractive1 and stronglý constructed suite of genuine oak in the Old English finish. A suite that will give exceptionally good service. Consists of buffet, oblóng extension table, five side and one arm diners. Leather upholstered slip seats . 87.50 Special per pair ..t.. August Sale Price, at DINING-ROOM SUITE A splendid value in a heavy oak suite, fumed finish, comprising large, spacious buffet, oblong extension table, five side and one arm diners, genuine leather up- holstering. August Sale Special 139.00 Exchange Your 01d Fashioned Furniture for New at Our Á ugust Sale Prices Phone our valuator, N6667 and he will call and make you a liberal allowance on any new goods purchased. J.A.Banfield DINING-ROOM SUITE One of our new styles, exceptionally well con- structed of select oak, finished in Old Engl- ish (high lighted). Consists of pediment back buffet, china cabinet, oblong extension table, five side and one arm diners, genuine leather slip-seats. 1Q8 7*i August Sale Price ........... 1 •'°* * 0 DINING-ROOM SUITE Exceptionally well constructed suite of nine pieces, black walnut finish, large buffet, china cabinet with wood panel ends, oblong extension table, diners with genuine leather slip seats. 1 7Q AA Special August Sale Price .... * «7»UU DINING-ROOM SUITE Walnut finished suite of nine beautiful piec- es. New in design and of generous propor- tions. Just one suite, a sample from a re- cent exhibit. Comprises buffet, chine cabi- net, oblong extension table, five side and one arm diners. 9J.Q 00 August Sale Special ..........4«*»J.UU DINING-ROOM SUITE Beautiful new Spanish design nine-piece suite at a pricing which makes this suite an at- tractive value. This is finished in the wal- nut finish, prettily decorated. Large buf- fet, with pediment back; china cabinet, ob- long extension table, diners with upholster- ed backs and seats in assorted OQO HC mohairs. August Sale Sepcial .£570.1*7 rr###### limited Th« Rali&bla ttome Furntshcw'* 492 MA1H STREET - PHQNE N6667 CONGOLEUM RUGS WILL CLEAN QUICKLY Everybody knows the splendid values we offer in these rugs, and tomorrow we are showing a super-bargain. We were fortunate in obtaining this lot in 4ft. 6in. x 9ft. to present as a special for Wednesday at an d»o QC August Sale Pricing of.,............r yD.DD Frekar skóli en fangelsi Fréttaritari blaðsins “Christian Science Monitor”, skrifar blaði sínu frá Leipzig og gefur þar eft- irtektaverðar upplýsingar um fangahúsið í Furlsbuttel í grend við Hamburg. Segir hann, að hér sé ekki um vanalegt hegningarhús að ræða, heldur um stofnun, sem hafi það augnamið, 'og framfylgi því dyggilega, að bæta og menta fangana, meðan þeir dvelja í fang- elsinu, svo þeir læri að skilja og viðurkenna skyldur sínar gagn- vart mannfélaginu og þannig að gera þá að meiri 0g betri mönn- um. f sex ár hefir maður að nafni Herr Koch, verið umsjónarmaður þessa fangelsis og segir frét.tarit- arinn, að árangurinn af starfi hans sé mjög eftirtektaverður. Farast honum meðal annars þann- ig orð; “Lífið í Furlsbuttel í grend við Hamborg, sýnir þeim er þangað koma, hversu ágætlega að því verki er unnið, að gera fangana að sjálfstæðum, hugsandi mann- eskjum, sem hafa fult vald yfir sjálfum sér og séu færar um að verða nýtir borgarar í mannfélag- inu, þegar fangavistinni er lokið. Þetta faneglsi setur svo algerlega annað mark á fangana,, heldur en slíkar stofnanir vanalega gera. Hér er þá stuttorð lýsing á því, sem fyrir mann ber, ef maður kemur á þennan stað. f þriðju deild eru fangar við sína daglegu vinnu. Herbergið, sem þeir vinna í, er rúmgott, bjart og hreinlegt. Þeir vinna að trésmíði, búa til kassa af ýmsu tagi og annað því likt. Verkið er ágætlega af hendi leyst. í þessari deild eru menn, sem ekki eru dæmdir til Iangrar fangavistar. Hér er mönnum enn fremur kent að gera alskonar upp- drætti eg hvað annað, sem að því lýtur að læra iðn svo vel sé og þeim megi að gagni verða. Einn- ig er greitt fyrir því, að þeir eigi Dess kost að fullkomna sig í iðn sinni, að fangavistinni aflokinni. Þeir, sem ekki vilja, eða hafa ekki hæfileika til að læra iðn, eru látnir saga og kljúfa við. Hér er lík agarðmatur ræktaður í stórum stíl og þar geta fangarnir lært garðyrkju og ýmislegt annað, sem að landbúnaði lýtur. Þar er einnig kent að hirða skepnur. Föngunum er skift í fjórar deildir og eru fangarnir í hverri öfcild að eins auðkendir með því sem þeir hafa um hálsinn. Fyrst eru þeir settir í fjórðu deildina og ef þeir haga sér vel í þrjá mán- uði, eru þeir færðir í þriðju deild og fylgja því þau hlunnindi, að nú má fólk þeirra aftur koma að sjá þá. Þeir fá meira kaup, mega hlusta á fyrirlestra og er jrfirleitt gefið meira ,frjálsræði og miðar það alt í þá átt að hvetja þá til að haga sér vel og bregðast ekki því trausti, sem þeim er sýnt. í þriðju deild ei* kaupið enn hækk- að; af því mega fangarnir nota 40 prct. til sinna eigin þarfa, en hitt er lagt í sjóð, sem fanganum er afhentur, þegar hann aftur verð- ur frjáls maður. Þar að auki má hann prýða herbergi sitt og hafa Ijós þangað til kl. 10 á kveldin. Að vera færður niður á við, t. d. úr þriðju í fjórðu deild, er einhver þyngsta hegningin. Fyrsta deild, sem mjög nálgast fult frelsi, hef- ir alt til þessa að eins verið not- uð, þegar um unglinga er að ræða. Konur einar ráða fyrir þeim deildujn, þar sem kvehfangar eru geymdir. Margar þeirra vinna við matreiðslu 1 stóru og björtu eld- húsi, sem er að öllu leyti ágæt- lega útbúið. Kvenföngunum er kent alt, sem að húshaldi lýtur og mikil alúð við það lögð og þær konur einar ráðnar til að kenna, sem eru sérstaklega vel að sér í sinni grein. JAFNAÐARMAÐUR Þú sanngirni hvervetna setur í bönd— sálina rænir þú friði, hvar sem að hfópin þín heyrast um lönd hriktir í sérhverjum viði. Það fennir 5 spor þín, þú fellur um síð— fjandmanna ógnar þér kliður. í ógöngur dregur þú auðtrúa lýð— armóðnum jafnarðu niður. R. J. Davíðson.



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