Lögberg - 23.05.1957, Blaðsíða 5

Lögberg - 23.05.1957, Blaðsíða 5
LÖGBERG, FIMMTUDAGINN 23. MAÍ 1957 5 AHLSAMAL LVENNA Ritstjóri: INGIBJÖRG JÓNSSON Forseti blaðakvenno Á ársfundi blaðakvenna í Winnipeg (Canadian Women’s Press Club, Winnipeg branch), sem haldinn var á þriðjudag- inn í fyrri viku var Miss Caroline Gunnarsson kosin forseti deildarinnar. Þessi ágæta íslenzka blaða- kona er af austfirzkum ættum, fædd að Höfðahúsum í Fá- skrúðsfirði í Suðurmúlasýslu; Foreldrar hennar voru Gunn- ar Gunnarsson og Gróa Magnúsdóttir. Carolína flutt- ist ung með foreldrum sínum og systkirium til Canada, og settist fjölskyldan að í Þing- vallabyggð nálægt Church- bridge, Sask. Snemma bar á því að Calo- lína var gefin fyrir að semja sögur og yrkja kvæði og birt- ist fyrsta saga hennar í Free Press, Magazine section, en ljóð hennar í Lögbergi. Hún gekk í herdeild kvenna, og var í Ottawa þrjú síðustu styrjaldarárin sem ritstjóri Canadian Women Army Corp. Newsletter. Að stríðinu loknu var hún fréttaritstjóri fyrir Shawnavon Standard í Saskatchewan í 3 ár, og nú síðastliðin 5 ár ritstjóri kvennadálka vikublaðsins Free Press Weekly, en það blað nýtur, sem kunnugt er, afarmikillar útbreiðslu, «og ræður aðeins það fólk í þjón- ustu sína, sem býr yfir ágæt- um rithæfileikum. Ég leyfi mér að endurprenta stutta grein eftir Carolínu úr Free Press Weekly: Miss Caroline Gunnarsson one-woman commission for United Nations. The little grey bird and the plump grey squirrels are in the wrong, too, of course. If they had the education to fear a natural enemy they could start a war of nerves, at least. The cat seems to give no cause, but that’s no excuse for not being scared of him. I have never heard such a noisy courtship as the one car- ried on by those squirrels. Their clicking tongues slap against that poor cat’s ear- drums all day long when he should have it quiet. If he dug a claw ever so gently into one of them, it might still their chatter while they licked the wound. But nothing gives. The patriarch of the back fence just sits and washes his face. When he can’t take it any longer he yawns, stretches and walks off into the alley with leisurely grace. But at night he sometimes comes back to the fence to stage his awful operas. That’s when I really wonder about integrity of the little grey bird. I can’t believe he«sleeps through the concerts any more than I do. So why doesn’t he dig his own sharp little beak into Mr. Cat’s hunches while he concen- trates ón serenading the moon. Either that or get the musicians’ union after him. Surely, the two don’t belong to the same union. If so, the standard of popular music has fallen pretty low in the animal world, too. Anyway, though their an- cestors may have had sharp pultural differences, these seem to be no stumbling block to perfect peace between the grey cat and the grey bird who share the grey board fence outside my kitchen window. I don’t think the cat would raise a claw to the bird for picking at him, anyway. Farm cats seem to have no taste for baby chicks or sloæ, clumsy little ducklings, and I’ve seen a cheeky bud^ie get away with picking at a cat’s nose until it must have hurt. The cat just shook off the little pest and ran away to a new hiding place for peace and quiet. Cats don’t go for easy pray. They like the chase and the challenge. Little fearless birds and squirrels who sit and wait to be gpbbled up don’t tempt cats. Their hunger is for the chase and the battle more than the food. That’s what I think, any- way, but I don’t believe the grey squirrels or little grey bird have even taken the trouble to psychologically analyze the old grey cat on the grey board fence. I think they just take his harmless- ness for granted and theirs is the fearlessness of ignorant faith. He wbn’t bite because he never has. There’s the color element, too. There isn’t the eye-catch- ing difference in creatures who all come in about the same compromising grey shade. Could be there’s a cer- tain absence of provocative contrast in a community of grey squirrels, a grey bird and a grey cat on a grey board fence. Maybe what we need for world peace is a mass treat- ment of some sort to make us all color blind. —Caroline Gunnarsson Góður gesiur Hingað kom til borgarinnar " síðastl. laugardag austan frá Ottawa Mr. Leifur Hallgríms- son, lögfræðingur, embættis- maður tekjumálaráðuneytis- ins, og dvelur hér hjá foreldr- um sínum, Mr. og Mrs. T. L. Hallgrímsson 805 Garfield St. fram yfir vikulokin. Kaupið Lögberg VÍÐLESNASTA ISLENZKA BLAÐIÐ NOTICE The Conference of The Western Alliance of Unitarian and other Liberal Christian women, will be held June 6-7 1957, in The Federated Church Sargent and Banning Winnipeg, Man. Conference will be opened Friday June 6, at 9.30 a.m., with an address by the President, followed by reports and general business. Lunch will be served in the church parlors at 12 noon. Afternoon session at 2 p.m., speaker to be announced. This will be followed by an excursion of Delegates through the city. That evening Friday June 6, the Conference will give a public concert in the church. Programme to be announced later. Saturday June 7 meeting starts at 9.30 a.m. Honorary members announced. Unfinished business taken up. \ Lunchéon served at 12 noon. — Delegates are expected from Gimli, Árborg, Lundar, Piney, Oak Point, Riverton, Wynyard (2), Winnipeg (3), Regina, Sask. and Eldmonton, Alta. May 20, 1957. | MRS. S. E. BJORNSON, President MRS. G. S. EYRIKSON, Cor. Sec. THE GREY CAT ON THE GREY FENCE It never occurred to me to question the conduct of the gíey cat who roosts onthegrey grey cat who roosts on the grey board fence outside my kitchen window. I never thought to wonder about him until I mentioned the strange backyard colony in this column last week. But is it proper for him to be so unconventional? Should a shabby grey cat so defy tra- dition and popular opinion as to peacefully share a grey board fence with a pair of ohattering grey squirrels and a smug grey bird? Isn’t a cat supposed to be a cat, and what’s this world coming to when a scarred old alley cat with lumpy fur doesn’t even bestir himself to scare squir- rels and birds off a back fence where he ought to be undis- puted ruler of the roost? If I could answer that one I would feel qualified to sit on a EF ÞER NEYTIÐ EKKI AFENGIS... EF ÞÉR ERUÐ ALGER BINDINDISMAÐUR, VERIÐ VISSIR UM AÐ HEGÐAN YÐAR MÆLI MEÐ SÉR SJÁLF. Ein af auglýingunum, sem birtar eru almenningi til hagsmuna af MANITOBA COMMITTEE on ALCO'HOL EDUCATION Department of Education, Room 42, Legislativo Building, Winnipeg 1. 11-7 L Hinn strangi bindindismaður hlýtur stundum óþægilegt umtal vegna skorts á umburðarlyndi gagnvart þeim, sem drekka. Og þó afstaða hans geti verið aðdóunarverð, ætti hann að láta sér skiljast, að skoðanamunur er ávalt réttmætur. Hinn umburðarlyindi bindindismaður: • Slær ekki um sig vegna bindindis síns. • Hafnar drykk kurteislega. • HELDUR FRAM STEFNUSKRÁ SINNI í BREYTNI I STAÐ ÁKAFRA EÐA SÆRANDI UMMÆLA. • Aðhefst ekkert og segir ekkert, er valdi óþægindum þeim, sem hóflega drekkur. • Virðir og auðsýnir nærgætni þeim, sem öðrum augum líta á málin.



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