Lögberg-Heimskringla - 10.09.1970, Blaðsíða 5

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 10.09.1970, Blaðsíða 5
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 10. SEPTEMBER 1970 5 Minni íslands Framhald af bls. 4. Legg þú, auðna, ár og frið íslands ver og grundum. Hitt veit enginn eins og við, að oss langar stundum hörpu að lokka Orfeif af, inn á frónska móa syngja austur yfir haf akra vora og skóga. Æskusystkin, ástarþökk — af þó legðust fundir — fyrir orð og atlot rökk, ótal glaðar stundir’. feðrum, sem að framtak oss festu í skapi ungu — mæðrum, sem við kvæði og koss kenndu oss þessa tungu. In conclusion, I would like to convey to you all heartfelt, greetings from the island of Fjallkonan in the North Atlantic. She is grateful for the many tokens of friendship received across the Atlantic from her sons and daughters and their descendants in the great and beautiful country of Canada, where you have sought and found happiness which you all deserve so well. She hopes that your cordial ties with her will also continue in the^ ýears to come and wishes you all success, prosperity and happiness. Some Summer Place By LINDA LEE • Hecla Island Woes • Park Is Planned • But Uncertainty Hurts Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, warns an ancient prov- erb, and perhaps residents of Hecla Island now have reason to remember this. A year ago, after a long series of presentations by various Hecla Island groups, and most recently by Hecla’s local Agricultural Rural Developments Act committee, the Manitoba government proposed turning the Lake Winnipeg island into a provincial park. Some residents, saw the proposal as a chance to make a living on the island; per- haps to reverse the process which was turning a once- thriving fishing community into a ghost town. The population is down to about 66. At one time there were more than 500. In May, 1969, a letter was sent to all land owners on the island signed by J. B. Carroll, then minister of tourism and recreation. It stated in part, “Hecla has the resources and the diversity which makes it suitable for development as a Provincial Park. Because the park development program will contribute greatly toward creating income and job op- portunities for the people of Hecla and the Interlake, the park development will be car- ried out as a Fund for Rural Economic Development, (FRED) project.” * * * The letter divided holdings on the island into three types: resident land owner, non-resi- dent land owner, and cottage and summer home owner — “In most cases it will be pos- sible to aócommodate resident land owners who desire to remain on the Island. How- ever, some relocation may be necessary. The relocation ex- penditures would be carried out as part of the Parks B r a n c h Development pro- gram.” i “Lease-back, but these will depend upon the phasing of the development. The length of tenure on lease-back ar- rangments will vary from one year for the cottage and sum- mer home owner on up to life estates for some of the per- manent residents.” A number of Ihe is- landers said in inlerviews recenfly Ihe park sound- ed like a good idea at firsí. They didn'i like the idea of having lo sell their property, buí they received t h e impression they would be able to live in their own homes as long as they wanted. They did like the idea of jobs available right on the island so they could afford to siay. One resident said there was talk of a working fishing vil- lage and a museum, another said there was talk of a his- torical village. But, they said, more and more of these ori- ginal proposals seem to be dis- appearing. Lou'is Benson is one of the ferry masters on the small ferry which connects the mainland and the islaind and eams his living year round on the island. He works on the ferry in the summer, raises cattle and cuts pulp wood in the winter. He is asking $25,000 for his home and property (154 acres of land). He said the latest government offer is less than $14,000. “I don’t have to leave. If they don’t pay me more than this they’ll have to throw me out.” Possibilities of leasing back his property and home don’t interest him. “Either I sell or I don’t ... I wouldn’t think of staying on a lease basis, not if they can tell me what to do. According to them, if I paint my house it has to be their color. “The idea of the park was to help people. How are they going to help people by push- ing them out and taking away their living.” The main complaint is the prices offered by the govern- ment buyers are too low to allow residents to relocate in similar quarters off the is- land. A former resident of the island, who has already sold his property, said it was im- possible to buy a home like the one he had sold with the money he was given. “At one point I went back to the office, gave them the cheque and said ‘There’s the c h e q u e , you buy me a house.’” Grimsi Grimolfson, another ferry master, said some peo- ple were forced into selling their homes because they have school-age children. The government has already bought the Hecla Island school, which Mr. Grimolfson said the Evergreen school di- vision was willing to keep open. “I told them (the gov- ernment b u y e r s ) it was sneaky.” Mr. Grimolfson said he’s not selling. “I want $12,000 if I’m going to sell, but I told them it’s not for sale. They’re not offering enough, not even to relocate.” Helgi Jones, a member of the local ARDA committee, has been promoting tourism on Hecla since 1953. He has sold his home property but still owns 108 acres at Gull Harbour, a sheltered harbor at the end of the island. As yet he isn’t satisfied with the government’s offer. He objecied to ihe prices ihe governmeni is offering for ihe privaie Framhald á bls. 7. VINSAMLEG VAKANDI. — Þegar hillingar vonanna *vega salt, viðjarnar allar þú hindra skalt, -— og tendraðu ljósin og lýstu upp allt, , lífið þá aldrei mun innleiða kalt. Og hafir þú vanda og venda á bug, vertu þér sannur og tendraðu dug, í fullhugans nafni með heilsteyptum hug, heillandi al-mættið léttir þér flug. — Þú æðrast skalt aldrei þá haf-aldan há hjáróma kumrar í reiðinnar sjá, þó hríni og braki í reiða og rá, ræður þú sjálfur hvort landi vilt ná. Ef grundar þú vinur og horfir æ hátt og hlustar á jarðlífsins andardrátt, vitandi að ávalt ert sjálfur í sátt og sameining lífið við, — æðrast ei mátt. Því allt er þér lánað til giftu er grær, ef græðir þú meinin sem leynast þér nær og friðinn þú hreppir svo blessar þig blær, hvar blundar við hlið þína elskandi mær. — Og heimilið þitt er öll veröldin víð og viðleitnis þráin að afnema stríð. — í huganum blasa við heimalönd fríð og hjartnæmar minningar fyrri og síð. — 2.-3.- 1970. Davíð Björnsson. ROUND-TRIP T0 ICELAND! From New York Lowest fares ever! New jet service! In 1970, Ihere's a new low fare to Iceland for everyone — young, old, students, groups! There's an Iceland for everyone too. The beautiful Iceland you remember. The modern Iceland you never imag. ined. The exciting Iceland you've heard about from family and friends — and that you can tell about when you gel home. NEW FARES FROM NEW YORK — only $100* round-trip in groups of 15 or more. Or for individuals, only $120* round- lrip for 29 to 45 days in Iceland; only $145* round-trip for up to 28 days. 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