
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 22.10.1970, Qupperneq 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 22.10.1970, Qupperneq 7
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 22. OKTÓBER 1970 7 DONATIONS TO THE Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Bald- winson 983 Dominion St., Winnipeg ........ $150.00 Mr. and Mrs. E. Hallson, 516 Campbell St., Winnipeg ........ $10.00 Mrs. Halldora Peturson, Box 76, Baldur, Man....... $50.00 Mrs. L. S. Gibson, 480 South Drive, Fort Garry ....... $10.00 * * * In memory of Rev. N. S. Thorlakson Rev. S. O. Thorlakson, 1001 Franklin St., San Francisco .... $25.00 * * * Henry Sumarlidason, 10706-69 Ave., Edmonton ......... $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Goodman, 1404 Exeter Ave., Ventura California .... $10.00 Mrs. Pauline Armstrong, 303-41 Balmoral Place, Winnipeg ......... $10.00 * * * In memory of G. P. Thordar- son Mrs. Oddny Thordarson and Mrs. Clara Fuller, 2414 N. Alvarado St., Los Angeles ........ $50.00 * * * J. B. Johnson, Box 165, Gimli, Man........ $25.00 Miss Jennie Johnson, 201-41 Balmoral St., Winnipeg ........... $50.00 Christine Hannesson, 210 Conway St., St. James.........$100.00 Miss Sibba Axford, 201-41 Balmoral St., Winnipeg ........... $50.00 * * * In memory of Johanna Jonas- son, Arndis Olafson and Thor- leifur Hansson BETEL BUILDING FUND Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Thorstein- son, 204 A.P.A., Point Roberts, Wash. $10.00 * * * Mr. and Mrs. S. Einarson, Box 982, Swan River, Man. ............. $50.00 Mr. S. Helgason, 31 Rye Road Rye, N. Y............... $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnson, 308 Archibald, Thunder Bay, Ont...$10.00 Kristin L. Skulason, Box 187, Arborg, Man........ $50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henrik- son 424 McLean Ave., Selkirk, Man....... $100.00 Bjorn Oddgeirson, 212 Manchester Ave., Selkirk, Man. ...... $2.00 John Drobot, t 212 Manchester Ave., Selkirk, Man........ $2.00 Nettie Drobot, 212 Manchester Ave., Selkirk, Man. ..... $2.00 Mrs. Beatrice Andrews, 212 Manchester Ave., Selkirk, Man........ $2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson, 1033 Clifton St., Winnipeg ........... $50.00 Mrs. Mary Sawer, 7 Land Mark Apts., Gimli, Man.......... $5.00 * * * In memory of our parents Mr. and Mrs. John Thordar- son, 966 Sherburn St., Winnipeg ........... $25.00 * * * Mrs. Emilia S. Bergman, 212 Manchester Ave., Selkirk, Mpn........ $10.00 Meðtekið með þakklæti, fyrir hönd Betels, K. W. Johannson, féhirðir, 910 Palmerston Ave., Winnipeg 10, Man. Mr. and Mrs'. Brandur Finn- Mrs. Kristinn Jakob- son and family ________ $20.00 LUTHERAN L. A. MEMORIAL FUND, ARBORG In loving memory of Thora Johannsson Mrs. Gudrun Magnus- son .............. $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Fridrik Finnson and family ....... $25.00 In loving memory of Emma Renesse Mrs. Margaret Bjomson $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Siggi Gudmund- son, Mr. and Mrs. Sveini Gud- mundson, Mr. and Mrs. Ingv- ar Gudmundson and Mr. and son ................ $20.00 * * * I In loving memory of Helga Bjarnason Ardal Lutheran Ladies Aid, Arborg, Man......... $10.00 Magnea and Arthur Sigurd- son, Arborg, Man...... $5.00 Gratefully acknowledged, Magnea S. Sigurdson. We’ll lend you up to $300 with 3 years for repay- ment to upgrade the electric wiring of your home; to add more ouflets or special circuits for high- wattage appliances. Or we’ll lend you up to $800 with 5 years for repayment to rewire your home for conversion to total electric heating. Pay nothing down. Monthly installments will be billed regularly on your electric service account. Our Residential Rewiring Finance Plan is the easy road to new beauty, comfort and convenience with electricity. See your electrical contractor for an estimate and spend our money to rewire your home! Winnipeg Hydro psmiNct or (ttKiTQM You've had an accident. jro; I* the damage to your car was over one hundred WW' -N • iiioá do'lars. or if the total damage to all vehicles or DftMAGto M0T08 VtHictt citAflSH« other property was more than two hundred k dollars, you have to report your accident to the P°l,ce- zyihfóp'lho When you do. they'll give you this windshield sticker. Free. i.. stloKer. t,, Until you get it, no one can legally fix your «eNt m damage for you. v Not a body shop. Not a garage. Not even you. . . M THE GOVERNMENTOF MANITOBA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH workingon both. . . '' . . I* E... Þessi miði ókeypis með hverju $100 bílslysi. Árekstur Ef skemmd á bíl þínum er meir en eitt hundrað dollara, eða ef tjónið á fleiri bílum eða eignum nemur meir en tvö hundruð dollurum, ertu skyldur að tilkynna lögreglunni slysið. Þegar þú gerir það, færð þú þennan framrúðu miða ókeypis. Þar til þú færð miðann má enginn gera við bíl þinn. Hvorki bilaréttinga — né vélaverkstæði. Jafnvel ekki þú sjálfur. GóSir vegir. Góðir bílsljórar. Hvorulveggja er markmið okkar.



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