Lögberg-Heimskringla - 29.10.1970, Side 5

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 29.10.1970, Side 5
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 29. OKTÓBER 1970 5 Mr. Peterson has the story teller’s gift but in his active days he never wrote anything for publication. It is remark- able that he should in retire- ment be able to produce a work that far surpasses the usual run of local histories. The opening chapter is an evocative recall of the beau- ties of the ancestral home at Mývatn. The account of the journey of the Peterson fam- ily from the Argyle settle- ment to the Narrows abounds in vivid descriptions of places and events and the chapter on the horse “George” has the flavour of legend. All thanks to Mr. Peterson for this labour of love dedic- ated to his old neighbors and fellow pioneers at the Nar- rows. Few of our settlements have received a finer tribute and few have been more de- serving of it. Heimir Thorgrimson. Names Of Settlers 1. Helgi Einarson 2. William Sifton, West of Lake 3. Hallur Hallson 4. Paul Kernested 5. Eggertsson — later the Peterson place 6. Lundal — later the Gislason place 7. Bjami Helgason 8. The Peterson’s first home, later the K. Peterson place 9. The bay in which Simundur’s ox and Eyford’s dog drowned. 10. Jörundur Eyford 11. Sigurdur Johnson . 12. Jón Matthews 13. Simundur Borgfjord 14. J. K. Jonasson 15. Gudmundur Isberg 16. The Sveistrub place A. Maloan’s Quarry B. Jón Sigurdson C. Bjami Kristjansson D. Place where Gestur Bjornson drowned. E. Sigurdur Sigfusson F. Olafur Thorlacius G. Jón Austman H. Björn Jonasson I. Joel Gislason SPAKMÆLI The Narrows Settlement A map of ihe Narrows disirici marked io show ihe location of many of the homesieads of ihe early seiilers men- lioned in Geirfinnur Peierson's "Hisiory of ihe Icelandic Seiilements ai The Narrows, Manitoba", in Logberg-Heims- kringla during ihe period January 16, 1969 io January 15, 1970. For various reasons ii was noi possible io include ihe map with ihe early inslalmenis bui even ai ihis laie daie ii will assist ihose who have kepi ihe whole series of articles. More imporiani, ii may be ihai ihis work will be reproduced in permanent form and ihen ihe map will be of con- siderable inieresi. Places soulh of The Narrows are ideniified by numbers and ihose norih of The Narrows by capilal letiers. The word "Homesiead" is used in ihe sense of "home", rather ihan in ihe resiricied sense used in the various Homesiead Acis. H. Th. — Ummæli mín við alla, sem byggja, eru þessi, að eig- andinn ætti að vera prýði hússins, en ekki húsið prýði eigandans. — Cicero. t. Blessuð sértu Blessuð sértu sveitin mín, sumar, vetur, ár og daga. Engin, fjöllin, áin þín, yndislega sveitin mín, sveitin mín heilla mig og heim til sín huga minn úr fjarlægð draga. Blessuð sértu sveitin mín, sumar, vetur, ár og daga.



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