
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.11.1974, Qupperneq 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.11.1974, Qupperneq 3
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 7. NÓVEMBER 1974 3 DOWN AT THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE Cont of page 3- changed into krónur so he can stop-over a few nights in the hostel. At the foreign exchange, the common language is English. We hear English spoken by Germans, Ameri- cans, Oxfordians, and travel ling students, who speak travelling English. The patr- rons most adept in dialogue at the foreign exchange are the Americans. If we leave our lounge Chairs and ming- le more, perhaps we can ov- erhear the Americans con- versing with our friends, the Icelandic tellers. Firstly try to imitate the special Ameri can accent. Their lips do not protrude with pronunciation rather the lips are rolled. This has the peculiar effect of levaling the pronunciation off so that a monotonous spillage results. Let’s move in closer to that women with the yellow coat and jangling jewelry- “Yes, I would like to change fifty American doll-‘ ars into your Icelandic kron- ur, if you please.” The Icelandic teller is not please, but he will do it any- way as it is his job. He ex- plains, in his rather heavy English, the going rates for the American dollar. “Our index quotes today the American dollar is worth 98.6 krónur.” “My gosh,” exclaims the American woman, “does that mean that when I tum in my, dollar you will give me 98.6 krónur?” “Ah yes,” says the Iceland- ic teller. “It’s the inflation problem you know. When I left home, I’m from Ann Arbour, Michi gan, you know, why I could not fill two bags of groceries witlh ten dollars. Really I jusit do not know what it is all going to come to.” The Icelandic telled did not know either He was wait ing for some move on her part to produce the ten doll- ars. She continued to talk though- “Wait now, I just thought of something. My husband and I leave for Oslo, Norway tomorrow, so perhaps we would be wise to have some change in the Norwegian, ah..., what is it called?” “Ah yes,” replied the Ice- lander teller slowly.” “I know it is the crown. We have some distant cous- ins in Norway and I alWays laugh because they are my royal cousins, since their money is the crown. You know, crown and royalty.” She then lost herself in a peal of laughter. The poor Icelander is slowly beooming bewildered. He imderátands the ex change of fifty American dollars for kronur but her rambling are lost on him. “So I think my best plan would be to change twenty dollars into kronur and the rest in crowns for when we go to Oslo. Our flight is at eight am. I don*t know how good the taxi service is, we have to be at the airport be- fore seven. It is a very V estur-íslendingar, sem kynntust Brynjólfi Jóhannes syni leikara í Reykjavík, þegar hann var heiðursgest- ur á ársþingi Þjóðræknisfé- lags Islendinga í Vestur- heimi árið 1966, eiga um hann góðar minningar- Hann skemmti þeim svo vel á sam komum þingsdns í Winnipeg og steig einnig á svið í Is- lendingabyggðuim í grennd við Winnipeg. 24. október sl. voru liðin prcxmpt airline you know and my husband is still bot- herer by his heart. You know he had an attack last fall in Miami when...” Quickly, let us sldp dis- sreetly away before our Am- erican friend drives us in- sane, let alone the Icelandic teller Maybe we should head over to Siggi’s for coffee and cakes. Things are becoming a bit rough in here anyway. It is approadhing noon and everyone is feeling edgy. We can come again some day and pretend we are New York Times correspondents covering the United Nations. 50 ár síðan Brynjólfur sté fyrst á svið. Það var í Iðnó 24. oktðber 1924. Síðan hefur hann leikið mikinn fjölda hlutverka í Iðnó, Þjóðleik- húsinu, Rítósútvarpinu og Sjónvarpinu við vaxandi orðstýr. Fréttin er höfð eftir Þjóð- viljanum. — Henni fylgdi mynd, sem hér birtist af Brynjólfi- í hlutverki sínu í „Hart í Bak”. MARQUIS - METEOR - MONTEGO - COUGAR XR7 ■ COMET LINCOLN MARK IV - FORD IMPORTS FORD TRUCKS MERCURY MERCURYSALES LTD. Portage Avenue at Po/o Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 3H1 FRED THORVALDSON r«,. !47-5i*6 Transportation Consultant Bu,. 778-9411 FIGHTTHE LUNG CRIPPLERS Emphysema Asthma Tuberculosis Chronic Bronchitis Air Pollution USE CHRISTMAS SEALS 11 s a matter of life and breath. Brynjólfur Jóhannesson i hlutverki slnu I „Hart f bak”. HÁLFRAR ALDAR LEIKAFMÆLI • Business and Proíessional Cards % FRÁ V!N! TALLIN, KRISTJANSSON & SMITH Berristcrt 4 Solicifort 3rd F’.oor, 232 Portage Avenue. WINNIPEG. MANITOBA R3C OBl A. S. BARDAL ITD. FUNERAL HOME 843 Sherbrook Street Selur líkkistur og annast um útfarir. Allur útbúnaður sá bezti Stofnað 1894 774-7474 Goodman and Kojima Electrlc Electrical Contractor, 640 McGee Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 1W8 Phone: 774-5549 arthur goodman m. kojima Evenings and Holidays 774-7855 ESTIMATES FREE J. M. Ingimundson Re-roof, Asphalt Shingles. Roof Repoirs, Install Vents, Insulation ond Eavestroughino 774-7855 632 Simcoo St., Winnipog 3, Mon. Ths Western Paint Öo Ltd. 521 HARGRAVE ST. WINHIPtG ‘‘THE PAINTERS’ SUPPLY HOUSE" SINCE 1908 943-7395 I. SHIMNOWSKI, Pr«,ld«nt A. M. COTE, Treosuror Selkirk Funeral Chapel Ltd. Director GARTH CLARV Licensed Embolmet Minnist B E T E L Serving Selkirk ond Interloke artoi Ambulonce Service Coll Selkirk Phone 4S2-62M Collect 209 Dufferin Ave.. Selkirk. Mon í erfðaskróm yðor S. A. Thorarinson Birriittr t Solicifor 701 SOMERSET PLACE 294 PORTAGE AVE. RJC 0B9 Office 942-7051 Reaidence 489-6488 Skúli Anderson Custom Jewellery Engraver. 207 PARIS BLDG. 2S9 PORTAGE AVE. Offlce: 942-5756 Home: 783-6688 Oivinsky, Birnboim & Company Chartered Accountants 228 Notre Dame Avenue, 300 Lindsay Building, Winnipeg. Manitoba R3B IP2 Telephone: No. 943 0526-7-8 •ffective Juiy 3. 1972 CAPITAL LUMBER Co. Ltd. THE COTTAGE BUILDERS’ ,92 Higgins Ave. Winnip., Man Prefab homes, Cottages, Garages, CMHC approved Roof Trusses 943-1455 943-1455 Asgeirson Paints & Wallpapers Ltd. 696 Sargeni Avenue Winnipeg 3. Manitoba PAINTS Benjamin Moore Sherwin Williams C.I.L. HARDWARE GLASS & GLAZING WOOD & ALUMINUM WALLPAPER Phones: 783-5967 - 783-4322 FREE DELIVERY ASGEIR ASGEIRSSON GEORGE ASGEIRSSON RICHARDSON AND COMPANY BARRISTER AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW 274 Garry Street, Winnipeg, Man. R3C 1H5. — Tel: 957-1670 Mr. S. GLENN SIGURDSON attends in GIMLI and RIVER- TON on the lst and 3rd FRIDAYS of each month. Offices are in the Gimli Medical Centre, 62—3rd Ave, between the hours of 9:30 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. with Mr. Sigurdson and his legal assistant in attendance. — (Telephone 642-7955). In Riverton, Mr. Sigurdson attends in the Riverton Village Office between the hours of 1:00 P.M. and 3:00 P.M.



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