
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 02.10.1975, Qupperneq 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 02.10.1975, Qupperneq 2
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 2. OKTÓBER 1975 Hijgbers*J|etmökrtngla ufcUa it in iEnyltnb LET#S TALK ABOUT THE CENTENNIAL CONCERT HALL, NOT ME, SAYS BOB GOODMAN Yes, Robert Goodman is an Icelandic Canadian, born in Winnipeg the son of Barney Goodman and the late Elísabet Hrefna Goodman. But vital statistics out of the way, he’d rather talk abour The Manitoba Centennial Cénter, a far more interesting subject of conversation than himself, who is merely doing a job as executive director of this m^rvel- lous somplex, which he declares should be the pride of every Manitoban. It takes no time at all to catch his enthusiasm, for Bob Goodman is clearly one of those fortunate individuals who enjoys his work. “It’s an interesting place,” he says — “bautiful premises and the acoustics in the Concert Hall are internationally acclaimed. The atmosphere is still fresh with something new cropping up all the tlme.” 300 groups per- formed in the Concert Hall during the past year and the total attendance was over 425,000. It employs a permanent staff of 85, with 50 part time workers added during perform- ances. Robert, who with his wife Beryl performs in the Scandi- navian Pavilion each year during Fölklorama Week, happl- ly recalled that last summer the dance group from Iceland was invited to perform in the Concert Hall at the end of the weelf. “Not because they were visitors from another country but because of the excellence of. their performance.” He found it exciting to help them and two of the group stayed in the Goodman home. , It was exciting, too, to take a walk around the. place with Bob Goodman, who explains that while they are part of the Manitoba Centennial Centrel the Museum of Man and Nature and the Planatorium manage their own programs, but the buildings and services come uijder the same ad- ministration as the Concert Hall. The Museum of Man and Nature is well named. It is a living history öf Manitoba from its primeval past, when magnificent animals fought for sovereignty over its forests and grasslands, through the succeeding ages of human struggle for survival, to the coming of the white man and his ultimate domination. The buffalo and the caribou are there, lifelike and real, in their natural surroundings, the blue prairie sky above them and a horizon as wide as the world. Perceptive artists have brought into being this illusion of great distance, and the Museunj itself is in constant process of creation. The renowned wildlife artist, Clarence Tillenius, is now þusy in the Museum painting scenes of the Arctic and Sub Arctic. The Indian hunter is seen here, fighting with primitive tools for existence in the wild kingdom öf the plains before the coming of the white man. Authentic replicas of the vehicles, ships, a log cabin and countless genuine arti- facts trace the story of civilized living, from the age of the fur traders, who pened up the country to the inflúx of pione ers to clear the forest and till the soil, and to build villages that were to grow into great modem cities. One could spend a week in the Museum of Man and Nature and still be drawn back for many more tours of exploration. 288,000 people went through it last year, in- cluding well over 50,000 school children. Some were brought in buses from various points in the province. Its extension program catered to 230,000 people, while its multicultural classes in handicrafts and other ethnic arts were attended by 370,000. The Planatorium attracted 131,000 people last year. It is one of the finest- star theatres in North America, and each of its six major yearly productions is an introduction to the wonders of outer space. The Centennial Centre is subsidized by the Manitoba Govemment. It is a cultural capital centred in the capital city of the province, and surely a grand reminder of the suc- ceeding centennial anniversaries of the country and the. pro- vince. The Manitoba Theatre Centre and the Centennial Cóncert Hall commemorat e Canada’s Centennial year in 1967. While the Museum of Man and Nature and the Plana- torium opened in Manitoba’s Centennial year, 1970. As a couple of visitors from Iceland said last summer: “We could spend all the time we have here just to enjoy all there is to see in the Centennial Centre in Winnipeg. C. G. \ ENGLISH TEXT OF REV. ÓLAFUR SKÚLASONfS ADDRESS Mr. chairman, it. is my privilege at this time to con- vey greetings and best wish- es of the National Leagues in Icéland as well as thosé of the big party of Icelanders that have descended from the sky onto your beautiful land. We left our homeland as so many of your ancestors but conarary to their experi- ence we had a swift and easy voyage thanks to new techn- ology and skill. And as we flew over the inhospitable whitenéss of Greenland’s glaciers our thoughts were with those who came here, 100 years ago and brought to mind the changes and newn- ess of everything compared to their lot. One thing, höwever, we know has not changed: With the courage to face new cal- lenges must go appreciation for the roots that have made you what you are to day. And I hope it doesn’t sound boastful when I say that we who come here now from Ice land want to remind you of these roots ,yes, to a certain degree to represent them during these days. We don’t want you to forget Iceland and we want to reiterate as often as the opportunities av ail themselves of the fact that you have brothers and sisters —.or at least relátives — over in the land of the northern light and long sum mer days. That is why we are here.in such great numb- ers: A living and not a miss- ing link with your past. But smiles, fade away and even the firmest handshakes grow limp from the on- slaught of time and memory- es oale. That is whv we want • to help you unite the blessed past with a beneficiál pres- ent for a brighter future of understanding with appreci- ation and friendsihiD. And in supnort of this goal I’ve the sood fortupe here at the ís- lendingadasurinn to an- nounce a substantial gift to vour Lög'bers-Heimskringla nuhlication in the hone that thi's mav assure its continu- ed apDesrance and find read ers on both sides of the oce- an. Flolckur glímumanna, dans ara, söngvara, lúðrasveitar- manna hefur minnt okkur á þætti íslenzkrar sögu og margir hafa séð hulunni lyft frá tjaldi fortíðar við frá- bæra túlkun leikara Þjóð- leikhússins. En von okkar með ðllu þessu er sú, að við þetta skapist löngun frekari kynna og framhald heim- sókna. Þar er komið að okk- ur Heima-lslendingum að taka upp þráðinn og spinna hann sem styrkastan. I said previously all of us would wish to express our thanks publicly. In the same manner we would like to thank all of you individually but publicly as your hospital ity has far surpassed our ex- pectations. Again, however, one or two must represent the many. Therefore, I would like at this time to call upon Mr. Ted Amason, president of t'he committee responsible for these glorio- us days at Gimli, and Mr. Stefan J. Stefanson, presid- ent of the Icelandic National League and ask them on be- half of all the others — not the least their own wives — to accept these golden pins of which there are only four in existance, one al- readv having been Dresented to the President of Iceland. These pins spell out our un- ity in appreciation of com- mon ancestors and heritage as well as willingness to add still new chapters to the same in the future. THE ICELANDIC EXODUS (Dróttkvæði: Ancient Court Measure) By WATSON KIRKCONNELL Often through the ages Earthquakes smote the firthlands; Towns of turf and stone were Tumbled low and humbled. Pallid Hekla’s passione'd Peak exploded, reeking; Heights of Dyngja’s hell-fire Heaved their ash sky-cleaving; Palls of powdered pumice Pile upon the Island; Sheep are shrouded, choking; _ Shaggy colts are gagging; Homes of haggard farmers Are hidden, cinder-ridden; Verdant meadows~ vanish, Vast is the disaster. Scourged by pox and scurvy, Skins of men are brindled; Leprosy grows livid, Lashing men all-ashen. More than nature mauls thom, Magnates’ taxes scrag them; Freedom long has failed them, Foreign chiefs give orders. Moses once led masses, Marred by alien sergeants, ' Into eager exile Under signs and wonders; So did Iceland’s offspring Issue, hopeful, wishful — Seeking past the sunset Sites that would entitle Them and all their offspring To honour, free and honest. See, a hundred summers Sink beyond all inkling. Now the dream of daring Dawns to truth upon them.



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