Lögberg-Heimskringla - 12.09.1980, Blaðsíða 5

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 12.09.1980, Blaðsíða 5
Page 5 A TRIBUTE TO JÓHANN THORVALDUR BECK (1900-1980) Long, long ago in the prehistoric (to the modern generation) era of the early 1920s two young men, the brothers Beck, occasionally visited my parents' home. Their mother and my father were — I think — first cousins. Their visit was always an event. Whenever they came, there was no dearth of stimulating conversation. I cannot remember making any worthwhile contribution, but I listened open- mouthed to the discussion. Of wordly goods they had but little, but memory lingers on of their "joie de vivre", their positvie attitude towards life, and their intellectual acumen. Now they are both gone to the Great Beyond. Richard attained international ac- calim as a scholar, author, and poet. Valdi (or Joe to some of his friends) restricted his far-from negligible contribution to society to the confines of the City of Winnipeg. The crowded cliurch at his funeral on Friday, August 22, 1980, was a testimonial to his populatiry and a token of appreciation for his participation in so many facets of meaningful activities involving the Icelandic community of his adopted ciiy. Mr. Beck was born February 9, 1900 in Eskifjord, Iceland, coming to Canada in 1914. He was employed with Columbia Printers (Wallingford Press) as the manager. In that capacity he played a prominent part in the publication of Logberg. The First Lutheran Church was his spiritual 'home. Through the years he has been active in the life of this Parish, sup- porting the Men's Club and especially the Choir. For about forty years he served as the President of the Choir, and has left an example of faithfulness in attending rehearsals of the choir and being present at services. Incidentally, he attended a service at the church on his last Sunday on this earth. He served as President of The Icelandic Canadian Club; was a member of the Icelandic National League; an ongoing supporter of the Betel Homes; a staunch member of the Icelandic I.O.G.T. Lodge. These are but a few of his many activities. The following is a tribute by his colleague and friend at Columbia Printers, Franck Scherer. It was read at the funeral service by Pastor John V. Arvidson. "Further to the sad news of the passing of Mr. Joe Beck, we think that the folliwing is in some way a com- posite feeling that all of "Little Joe's" fellow workers and many friends felt about him. If "Mr. Webster" had ever met Mr. Beck, he would have had a hard time explaining his definition of the word "little". Webster uses words as small, unimportant, petty. We all found Joe the exact opposite — "BIG". Big of heart, Big of himself in giving to others, Joe Beck could always find a little good in everyone. If we could have a "Little Joe Beck" in us, we would all be “Bigger People." Our thoughts are with Mrs. Beck and family and we' extend our deepest sympathy. Valdi (or Joe) was in many respects a íortunate man. In this day and age of marital discord and weakening family bonds, the idyllic kinship of Svana, Valdi, and their children is a heart- warming example of a happy relationship, "far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife". A lucky man indeed, was Valdi to have Svana at his side. Through the thick and thin of the hungry thirties and many other ad- versities, Svana stood beside him as firm as the Rock of Gibraltar, sharing his joys and problems, encouraging, supportive, whenever the winds of adverse fate blew, as they do at times on all of us. With not too many precedents they exemplified the adage, "Where there's will, there's a way". But theirs was a closely-knit family. Their children worked as one with their parents in helping to finance their education. With their limited income how did they manage to support and encourage all their children to graduate? It will always be a mystery to everybody except the members of the family. Their daughter, Joan, graduated from the School of Nursing; their sons from the University of Manitoba; Raymond and Dick in Electrical Engineering; Allan in Pharmacy; Michael in Commerce. This achievement in itself is a fitting ENN AUKAST REKSTRARERFIÐLEIKAR FLUGLEIÐA Fram kemur í fréttabréfi Flugleiða frá 22. ágúst s.l. að rekstrarerfiðleikar félagsins hafa enn aukist til muna. Segir að sérstaklega hafi erfiðleikarnir verið miklir á flugleiðinni milli Luxem- bourgar og Bandaríkjanna um Island. Samkvæmt fregnum frá New York þann 3. september eru allar líkur á að Flugleiðir hætti flugi til Luxembourgar frá og með 31. október og flug til Chicago fellur niður frá og með 1. október. Breytingar þessar hafa óhjá- kvæmilega í för með sér að sagt verður upp verulegum hluta starfsfólks félags- ins á íslandi, vestan hafs og í Luxem- böurg. Illmögulegt er að gera sér grein fyrir framtíð Flugleiða í dag en nánari fregnir munu væntanlega fást innan tíðar. • Að endingu kemur fram í frétta- bréfinu að samkeppni á Norður Atlantshafi hafi farið vaxandi síðustu ár auk hraðvaxandi hækkunar á elds- neyti og mun nú allt flug á þessari leið rekið með halla. Ýmsar ráðstafanir hafa þó verið gerðar af hálfu félagsins til þess að halda þessari starfsemi áfram í svipuðu umfangi og verið hefur m.a. vegna þess hve þýðingarmikla atvinnugrein er hér um að ræða og hve margir starfsmenn eiga hlut að máli. Þvi miður hefur árangurinn ekki orðið sá, sem vonast var eftir. memorial to Valdi, and a source of eflacing genlleman will abide with us pride to Svana. lor many years to eome. The memory of this modest, self- AA’. Atvinnusköpun og frádráttur til tekjuskatts Atvinnusköpun getur aukið yður frádrátt til tekjuskatts allt að $4r160. Auðveld leið Hafið þér hug á að auka frádrátt yðar til tek- juskatts sambandsstjórnar allt að $4,160 á ári? Slíkt er ofur einfalt. Aukið atvinnurekstur yðar og vinnuafl í samræmi við reglur sam- bandsstjórnar um skattaívilnanir. Atvinnuskrifstofur sambandsstjórnar útbýta skýrsluformum fyrir þá atvinnurekendur sem vilja gaumgæfa þessi mál nánar. m^ Atvinnu- og m^ Innflytjendaráðuneytið Lloyd Axworthy ráðherra. Canada



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