
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.11.1980, Qupperneq 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.11.1980, Qupperneq 1
Seðlabanki Islands Aðalskrifstofa, Austurstræti 111, Reykjavik, IrjdlanJ Júlí 81 LOGBERG Stofnað 14. janúar 1888 HEIMSKRINGLA Stofnað 9. september 1886 Lögberg- Heimskringla 94. ARGANGUR WINNIPEG, FOSTUDAGUR 7, NOVEMBER 1980 NUMBER 35 Norræna hátíðin í Philadelphiu Frá vinstri til hægri: séra Bragi Friðriksson, J. McLaughlin, Ingveldur Ástríður og Hans G. Andersen Hjaltested, Ivar Guðmundsson aðalræðismaður. sendiherra Icelandic books on loan Anna Marteinsson has kindly pro- vided L.H. with very interesting infor- mation on the services of the National Library of Canada to various ethnic groups. Recent statistical reports show that with the help of the provincial li- braries, the National Library in Ottawa is distributing a number of Icelandic books throughout the country. To give representative figures for this year, 300 books have been distributed in Saskatchewan, 200 in Manitoba, 50 in Alberta, 50 in Metro Toronto, and 50 in Niagra Reg. L.S. The National Library has designated these loans MULTILINGUAL BIBLIO- SERVICE. One of the vital goals of Canadas multicultural programme is the preser- vation of ancestral languages. The objectives of the programme are outlined in the following way: One of the vital goals of Canada's multicultural programme is the preser- vation of ancestral languages. In a modern world of close international co-operation poeple become increas- ingly aware of the value of their cultural heritage and of the contribu- tion diversity makes to a riAer and happier life. Language plays a kéy role in the understanding and appreciation of specific cultures; it unlocks the treasure chests of national, cultural and human values upon which the social structure of great nations is built. We all know, however, that the preservation of a language means more than just to learn to speak it from the parents. It is essential that reading material be made available in order to maintain fluency and provide a link to the special culture expressed by that language. The provision of reading material in - languages other than English and French also helps new immigrants who come to Canada and need time to get fully integrated. Gradual adapta- tion helps them to become b'etter and more productive citizens while they make an important contribution to Canadian culture. Responding to the need expressed by librarians all over the country, it was with these goals in mind that the Multilingual Biblioservice was set up by the National Library of Canada. In- dividual libraries have found it dif- ficult to provide satisfactory services on their restricted budgets in all the languages requested by the readers. The solution to the problem un- doubtedly was a central agency offer- ing a book service thröugh the public libraries on a rotating basis, making available to Canada's minority langu- age groups books in their own langu- age." The National Library has issued a special brochure for Icelandic readers in English, French and Icelandic. We take the liberty of reproducing the Ice- continued on page 3 Norræna hátíðin í Philadelphiu fór mjög vel fram. Heiðursgestir hátíðar- innar voru Sendiherra Islands, Hans G. Andersen og frú Ástríður; ívar Guð- mundsson Aðalræðismaður Islands í New York, og frá íslandi komu þau Ingveldur Hjaltested söngkona og séra Bragi Friðriksson prófastur í Garðabæ. Dags Leifs Eiríkssonar var minnst þann 9. okt. með ræðum við styttu Þor- finns karlsefnis, og flutti Hans G. Andersen sendiherra ræðu við það tækifæri. Laugardaginn 11. okt opnaði ívar Guðmundsson aðalræðismaður Norrænu helgina með ræðu og las skeyti frá Forseta íslands, Vigdísi Finn- bogadóttur. Frú Ingveldur Hjaltested söng við frábærar undirtektir áheyr- enda. Sunnudaginn 12. okt. predikaði séra Bragi Friðriksson í sænsku kirkjunni Gloria Dei. Ásta Gunnars Lapergola Sigríður Thorlacius skrifar fyrir L.H. Frú Sigríður Thorlacius hefur sýnt Lögbergi Heimskringlu þá vinsemd að rita grein þá sem birtist á öðrum stað hér í blaðinu um Kvennaráðstefnu Sameinuðu Þjóðanna sem haldin var í Kaupmannahöfn síðastliðið sumar. Frú Sigríður var ein af fulltrúum íslands sem þátt tóku í ráðstefnunni. Frú Sigríður Thorlacius er löngu þjóðkunn fyrir störf sín á sviði félagsmála og stjórnmála. Einnig hefur hún getið sér góðan orðstír fyrir ritstörf sín og þýðingar g fjölmörgum ritum erlendum á íslensku. Víkur Lutheran Church to observe lOOth Anniversary November 30, 1980 The Víkur Lutheran Church in Mountain, North Dakota, which is the oldest Icelandic church in North America, will observe its centennial on Nov. 30, 1980. On November 24, 1880, a congrega- tion was organized at Gardar, N.D. and Rev. Páll Thorkákssön called as pastor. On November 30, the same year, another Icelandic congregation was founded at Vík (Mountain) N.D. and Rev. Thorláksson called as pastor there also. By that time he had already prepared a class for confirmation. To begin with, religious serv.ices at Moun- tain were held in Rev. Thorlaksson's home. Unfortunately, the pastor died on March 1, 1882. Two years later, members of his congregatien com- pleted the building of the first Icelan- dic church in North America. The Oldest Icelandic church in North America at Mountain, N.D.



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