Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.11.1980, Side 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.11.1980, Side 7
WINN/PEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 7, NÓVEMBER 1980-7 Debra G. Dorfman ráðin söngstjóri Söngsveitarinnar Filharmonía í vetur Söngsveitin Filharmonía í Reykjavík er nú að hefja vetrarstarf sitt. Hefur Söngsveitin ráðið til sín nýjan söng- stjóra, Debra G. Dorfman, frá New York. Samkomulag var milli söngsveitar- innar og Sinfóníuhljómsveitar íslands um val verkefna, sem að þessu sinni eru Island þúsund ár, óperan Fidelio og óperan Otello. ÍSLAND ÞÚSUND ÁR SAMIN f WINNIPEG Island þúsund ár, alþingishátíðar- kantata Björgvins Guðmundssonar, var samin hér í Winnipeg árið 1929, við hátíðarljóð Davíðs skálds Stefánssonar frá Fagraskógi. Þá hafði Björgvin áður samið öll önnur meiri háttar tónverk sín, og fáum árum fyrr hafði hann lokið burtfararprófi frá Royal College of Music í Lundúnum. Debra G. Dorfman. Diplomacy cotitinued from page 6 bureaucracies that are involved in mat- ters of direct concern to Iceland. In other words they have to learn their way around the capitals to which they are appointed. They are undoubtedly assisted in this task by their coopera- tion with other Nordic countries and, in certain cases, by the use of facilities provided by the international staffs of international organizations to which Iceland belongs. However, the relat- ively narrow range of Iceland's inter- ests in most of the capitals in which she is reþresented (in which fish and fish products loom very large), also makes it possible for Iceland's diplom- acy to function. Only a limited number of contacts is necessary. The Washington Embassy The Washington embassy, like the mission in Brussels, is something of an exception to this. This is largely a func- tion of the importance of Washington as a diplomatic centre, and many of Iceland's political, commercial and ec- onomic interests come together here. There is also a heavy burden of con- sular work stemming not only from the business and personal contacts that ex- ist between Icelanders and Americans, but also from the fact that the Wash- ington embassy services a network of about fourty honorary consuls in North and South America. The em- bassy on Connecticut Avenue is presently staffed by an ambassador and one other officer, but it is expected that a third officer will be appointed soon, bringing the size of the mission up to that in Brussels. The embassy is located in a pleasant Victorian house just across the street from the embassy of Malta to the United States. Between them, they must vie for the title of be- ing the smallest embassies in Washing- ton. Bonn and Ottawa The ambassador to the United States is also accredited to Canada, and Cana- dian responsibilities represent a signi- ficant percentage of the work of the embassy. In the light of the contacts that exist between Canada and Ice- land, and the presence of the Icelandic communities in Canada, it is a little surprising that Iceland does not main- tain an embassy in Ottawa. After all, "Iceland West" represents something which is unique in Iceland's cultural relations overseas, and which gener- ates more official "goodwill" trips on behalf of Iceland than anywhere else. If an embassy can be maintained in Bonn, where Iceland has only limited interests, why not in Ottawa? As might be expected, partly the pro- blem lies in limited resources. The staffing of an embassy in Ottawa would strain even further the demands made on Iceland's diplomatic person- nel. But there is also the problem of whether Canada would wish to recip- rocate. Canada’s ambassador to Nor- way is also accredited to Iceland, and Canada does not maintain even a full- time consul in Reykjavik. Canadian in- terests on the spot are handled either by an honorary consul or by the good offices of the British embassy. Unless Canada feels that her interests in Ice- land are sufficiently important to in- crease her diplomatic effort, then it is unlikeiy that Iceland would wish to ex- pand her diplomatic network in North America further. Unpredictable relations Foreign policy can be a matter of considerable political controversy in Iceland (Icelanders have been known, well before the Ayatollah set the fashion, to attempt the storming of foreign embassies on their soil), and there is a recurrent debate as to how far, and in what ways, Iceland should relate to the outside world. For a small state like Iceland, in a strategically significant region, it is not always possible to unilaterally determine what the character of external rela- tions will be. How much freedom of action will be enjoyed, and how suc- cessfully Iceland will be able to manoeuvre between the constraints af- fecting her, will be determined to a significant extent by the effectiveness of her diplomacy. Like so many other aspects of her national life, in this area too, Iceland manages to do a lot with a little. Dr. Paul Buteux teaches in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Manitoba. He is currently undertaking research into the politics of nuclear weapon modernization in NATO. During the course of travel in connection with this research last summer he took time off to visit the Icelandic missions in Brussels and Washington. Business and Professional Cards Þjóðræknisfélag íslendinga í Vesturheimi FORSETI: JOHANN S. SIGURDSON Lundar, Manitoba Styrkið íélaqið og deildir þess, með því að qerast meðlimir. Ársgiald: EINSTAKLINGAR $3.00 — HJÓN $5.00 Sendið ársgjöld til gjaldkera ykkar eigm deilda, eða til Lilja Aroason, 1057 Dominion St., Winnipeg, Manitoba TAYLOR, BRAZZELL, McCAFFREY 4th Floor, Manulife House 386 Broadway Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3C 3R6 Telephone (204) 949-1312 Telex 07-57276 Mr. Glenn Sigurdson attends in Cimli and Riverton on the first and third Fridays of each month. Gimli OfTice- 3rd Ave. and Centre St., Telephone 642-7955, Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Riverton Office- Riverton Village Office, Hours 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Asgeirson Paints & Wallpapers Ltd. 696 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg, Man. R3E0A9 PAINTS Benjamin Moore Sherwin Williams C.I.L. HARDWARE GLASS and GLAZING WOOD and ALUMINUM 783-5967 Phones: 783-4322 A. S. BARDAL LTD. FUNERAL HOME 843 Sherbrook Street Seiur likkistur og annast um útfarir. Allur utbúnaður sá bezti. Stoínað 1894 Ph. 774-7474 THOMAS A. GOODMAN, B.A. LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public 337 Main Street, Stonewall, Manitoba R0G 2Z0 P.O. Box 96, Ph. 467-2344 ALBERT W. EYOLFSON, LL.B. Barrister and Solicitor Associated with the firm of CHRISTIE, DEGRAVES, MACKAY 400-433 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Man.. R3B 3A5 Ph. Business (204) 947-6801 Ph. Residence (204) 888-2598 Now is the time to insulate your home or business. The Right Combination * Cellulose fibre for your attic • Foam-in place insulation for your walls C.M.H.C. APPROVED MATERIAL FULLY BONDED AND INSURED UNDER THE GOVERNMENT INSULATION PROORAM FOR A FREE ESTIMATE PH. 256-0275 Divinsky Cameron Cook & Duhard Chartered Accountants 608 Somerset Place 294 Portage Ave., Winnipeg Manitoba R3C 0B9 Telephone (204) 943-0526 Fully Licenced Restaurant Dine In — Pick-UP — Home Delivery 3354 Portage Avenue Phone 888-3361 St. James-Assiniboia SUBSCRIBlI0 Lögberg- Heimskringla Minnist <BETEL í erfðaskróm yðar S. A. Thorarinson BARRISTER ancl SOLICITOR 708 SOMERSET PLACE 294 PORTAGE AVE. R3C0B9 Off. 942-7051 Res. 489-6488 GOODMAN and KOJIMA ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONIKACTQRS 640 McGee Streei Winnipeg, Man. R3E IW8 Phone 774-5549 M.KOJIMA RES : 889-7564 Evenings and Holidays Tallin & Kristjansson Barristers and Soliciton 300- 232 Porlage Avenue WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3C 0B1



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