Lögberg-Heimskringla - 30.01.1981, Page 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 30.01.1981, Page 8
8-WINNIPEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 30. JANÚAR 1981 New subscribers welcomed Mr. & Mrs. Herman Arnason Winnipeg, Man. Mr. & Mrs. Elert Stevens Gimli, Man. Mr. & Mrs. H.K. Halldorson Selkirk, Man. Mr. & Mrs. John Thordarson Willowdale, Ont. Icelandic Content Anniversaries Three important anniversaries were celebrated in Iceland in late December, 1980. Prime Minister Gunnar Thoroddsen's 70th birthday and the 50th anniversaries of the Icelandic State Broadcasting Ser- vices and the Icelandic State Hospital in Reykjavík. Weather Reports Weather in Iceland in 1980 was unseasonably mild. Icelandic music The musical links between Iceland and North America are briefly considered in the editorial. A presidential address President Vigdís Finnbogadóttírs New Year's address to her nation has been reproduced unabridged. Arthur K. Swainson and John Forrest This issue has memorial articles in Icelandic on Col. Arthur K. Swain- son of Ottawa and John Forrest of Florida. Guinnes' Book of Records A new and splendidly produced Icelandic translation, with its appro- priate Icelandic appendices, is highly recommended. A new tourist bureau Haraldur Jóhannsson, a well- known spokesman for Iceland and her cultural amenities, founded a tourist bureau in Reykjavík last year. Mr. Jóhannsson's new firm bears the descriptive name Farandi (Wayfarer) and offers visitors to Iceland the entire range from first class to deluxe services. Úr fréttaskeytum frá Islandi framhald af bls. 4 31. janúar fer fram aðahJanntal á landinu öllu og er það hið fyrst síðan 1960. * * * íslendingar hafa fengið 15 milljón sterlingspunda lán í Bretlandi, sem greiðist upp í einu lagi árið 2016. Vextir eru 14.5 prósent á ári. * * * Erlendum ferðamönnum, sem heimsækja landið fækkaði um 11.000 á s.l. ári miðað 1979. * * * Orator, Félag laganema, hefur tekið upp endurgjaldslausa lögfræðiaðstoð. * * * Beiðni Marc Frederiksen, leiðtoga Franskra Nýnasista, sem óskaði eftir hæli hér á landi sem pólitískur flóttamaður, hefur verið synjað. * * * Kaldasti dagur vetrarins var í Reykjavík þann 15. janúar. Mest varð frostið 15,7 stig. Þá var 22 stiga frost á Þingvöllum. * * * Iðnaðarráðherra hefur ítrekað með bréfi til Alusuisse ósk um skýr- ingar þess á hækkun súráls. Iðn- aðarráðuneytið hefur jafnframt óskað eftir því við Alusuisse að for- ráðamenn fyrirtækisins komi til samningaviðræðna við íslensk stjórnvöld um endurskoðun allra samninga milli Alusuisse og íslensk- ra aðila. ICELANDIC CANADIAN FRÓN ÞORRABLÓT Þorrablót will be held on February 21, 1981 at Vasalund in Winnipeg at 6:30. Tickets 12.00 dollars each. Please phone Pat Björnson 632-0444 or Bill Perlmutter 774-4720 KNIT YOUR OWN ICELANDIC LOPI SWEATER FOR ONLY $27.50 Kit includes Lopi yarn for one sweater and patterns for any size pullover or cardigan, men’s or ladies’ — as shown. □ White □ Lt. Grey Q Grey Q Dark Grey □ Charcoal Q Brown □ Dark Beige □ Beige □ Dark Brown □ Yellow □ Orange □ Rust Red □ Burgundy □ Blue □ Light Blue □ Dark Green □ Green □ Red Circle main colour, check others. □ Colour card only S1.00. To order send chequeor money order (add $1 .OOfor postage) to; lcelandic Imports and Bxports Canada Ltd.. 2094 Gottingen Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 3B3 Tel. 422-5937 Name_______________________________________ Address_____________,______________________£ T own________Province__________Code _____ Dealers Inquires invited David Pritchard Winnipeg, Manitoba Florence Jackson Agincourt, Ontario Mrs. Thelma Martin Winnipeg, Manitoba Stefan Helgason Selkirk, Man. Lois Olafson Selkirk, Man. Red River Dental Clinic Selkirk, Man. Selkirk Medical Centre Selkirk, Man. Icelandic Trading Co. Winnipeg, Man. Mrs. Systa Montgomery Port Hardy, B.C. Miss Brenda Garner Saskatoon, Sask. Rodney Byron Mountain, N.D. Michael Danielson Winnipeg, Man. Harvey J. Johnson Winnipeg, Man. Mrs. Gudrun S. Tait Winnipeg, Man. Ronald H. Eyolfson Winnipeg, Man. Peter (Jean) Thompson Winnipeg, Man. Joe V. Arnason Furniture Store Gimli, Manitoba Mrs. Betty Scovel Fredericton, New Brunswick Mrs. Flora Mitchell Winnipeg, Man. Hjortur Hjartarson Calgary, Alta. O.J. Peterson Arborg, Man. G. Marvin Eyolfson Winnipeg, Man. Herman Sveinson Victoria, B.C. E. Einarson Winnipeg, Man. T.E. Thorsteinson Winnipeg, Man. Mr. S. Stefanson Winnipeg, Man. Mr. N.L. Thorarinsson Saskatoon, Sask. Freda Johnson Selkirk, Man. Fred Erickson Selkirk, Man. Wanda Helgason Selkirk, Man. Clara Henrikson Selkirk, Man. Lily Mckeag Selkirk, Man. J.R. Heath Selkirk, Man. Mr. W. Heid Rossburn, Man. Walter O. Goodman Grafton, N.D. Haldor Eastman Winnipeg, Man. Mrs. R.K. Siddal Winnipeg, Man. Mrs. Oddny Craner Ft. McMurray, Alta. Ingvar Karvelson Gimli, Man. Marvin Shenkarow Winnipeg, Man. Gisli Kristjansson Reykjavik, Icéland Tom Stefanson Winnipeg, Man. Mr. Larry Stene Winnipeg, Man. 1 F. Henrickson Winnipeg, Man. Mr. Steve Stefanson Winnipeg, Man. Mrs. Lois Hansen Winnipeg, Man. Mr. Don Shaw Edmonton, Alta. Employment wanted An Icelandic couple with their 17 year old daughter wish to obtain employment on a North American farm or com- parable outdoor work for 3-4 months, June - Sept. 1981. Salaries not very important — the main interest is in doing outdoor work. Please write to: Sigurður Jónsson Hraunbæ 1 110 Reykjavík Iceland Atvinna óskast Islensk hjón með sautján ára dóttur sína óska eftir vinnu við sveitastörf, eða aðra útivinnu í 3-4 mánuði, júní- september n.k. Launakröfur eru ekki aðalatriði, en við leggjum aðaláherslu á útivinnu. Upplýsingar sendist sem fyrst til — Sigurðar Jónssonar Hraunbæ 1 llOReykjavík ICELAND



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