Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.08.1981, Síða 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.08.1981, Síða 1
Skrifstofa Lögbergs-Heimskringlu verður lokuð í ágústmánuði vegna sumarleyfa. Næsta blað kemur út 5. september. The offices of Lögberg - Heimskringla will be closed during August. The next issue will be published Sept. 5. 95. ÁRGANGUR Löqberq \ LÖ( HEI L leii IBERG Stofn MSKRINGLA nskrin að 14. janúar 1888 Stofnað 9. septenibcr 1886 gla ■ A WINNIPEG, HÁTÍÐARBLAÐ 1981 NUMER 26 íslendingadagurinn — 1981 Fjallkonan The Fjallkona (Maid of the Moun- tain) for 1981 is Marjorie Arnason of Gimli. Marjorie grew up in Riverton ' and is a descendant of settlers Evyindur Jonasson Doll and Sesselja Johannsdottir. She was educated in Riverton and in Winnipeg at Success Business College. She worked in the Accounts office of Eaton's prior to her marriage to Ted Arnason of Gimli in 1948. They have three daughters; Wendy Delbaeré and Kathy Hurlburt of Winnipeg and Kristine Becker of Gimli. There are four grandchildren. . I 1 n wmm Marjorie has been a member of the Gimli Lutheran Ladies Aid and the Kinette Club. She worked for ten years in the Gimli Figure Skating Club where her artistic abilities were put to use when she became chairman of the costume design committee. The artistic abili- ty was further deplayed through the many beautiful wedding cakes which she decorated for family and friends over the years. In 1966 Marjorie and Ted moved to Winnipeg where she became ac- tive in the Icelandic National League, serving on the executive. After their return to Gimli in 1974 Marjorie worked in organizing and promoting exchange tours between Iceland and Canada. In 1975 she was co-chairman of the billeting committee for a large delegation from Iceland, who came to par- ticipate in the Centennial of Icelan- dic Settlement in Manitoba, at Gimli. Marjorie was a founding member of Viking Travel Ltd., and has been an active partner of the travel agency since 1976. She has for many years helped to promote cultural exchange and goodwill between the peoplé of Iceland and Canada. In the spirit of true Icelandic hospitality Marjorie along with Ted have opened their home to many visitors. They have welcomed cultural groups, govern- ment officials (including in 1975 the President of Iceland, Kristjan Eld- jarn and Mrs. Eldjarn) as well as many private individuals from Iceland and around the world. Maids of Honor: Kristine (Arnason) Becker and Karen Olson Minni Islands John J. Arnason yfirverkfræðingur hjá Rafveitu Manitóbafylkis flytur Minni íslands á íslendingadeginum í ár. John lauk prófi í verkfræði frá Manitóbaháskóka 1948, og hefur síðan starfað hjá Manitoba Hydro þar sem hann hefur um alllangt skeið verið "General Manager of Corporate Operations”. John hefur starfað í Islend- John J. Arnason ingadagsnefnd á þriðja áratug. * Forseti Islendingadagsins Maurice Eyolfson ráðuneytisstjóri verður forsti Islendingadagsins í ár Maurice var í mörg ár aðalsátta- semjari í Verkalýðsmálaráðuneyti fylkisins. Hann hefur átt sæti í ís- lendingadagsnefnd í mörg ár. Fjallkona — Marjorie Arnason Minni Kanada On the present I issue of L.H. fjjjjt Because of the Canandian postal strike, one of the regular issues of L.H. was not printed. * 111,. As a result, the present issue has been expanded from 16 to 20 pages. Dorothea og Helgi Bergs Helgi Bergs bæjarstjóri á Akureyri og kona hans Dorothea Bergs verða gestir Islendingadagsins í ár, og flytur bæjarstjórinn Minni Kanada á aðalhátíðinni. Helgi lauk, háskólaprófum í viðskipta-og hagfræði frá Háskóla íslands og University of London. Hann hefur verið bæjarstjóri Akureyrar frá árinu 1976. Maurice Eyolfson



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