Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.08.1981, Síða 11

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.08.1981, Síða 11
WINNIPEG, HÁTÍÐARBLAÐ 1981-11 "Ein helsta hátíð sem haldin er í Manitóba", segir Snorri Jónasson um íslendingadaginn t&e þUco* on first avenue - Gimli Dining Room & Cocktail Lounge ''íslendingadagsnefnd hefur unn- annar félagsskapur". Þetta voru orð ið meira til framgangs íslenskri Snorra Jónassonar, en hann átti sæti í Islendingadagsnefnd í 15 ár um miðbik aldarinnar. Snorri var forseti íslendingadagsins 1955 og á ekkert nema góðar endurminningar um þá hátíð. Aðsókn var þá sem fyrr og síðar með miklum ágætum. Ekki vill Snorri mæla með breytingum á Íslendingaagshátíð inni frá því sem nú er. Hann minnist þó með söknuði íslensku skáldanna sem settu mikinn svip á dagskrána. Minnist hann sérstaklega manna eins og Guttorms J. Guttormssonar og Gísla Jónssonar. Snorri bendir á að Islend- ingadagurinn sé ein af helstu , hátíðum sem haldnar eru í : Manitóba á ári hverju og er mjög bjartsýnn á framtíð hans. COMPLIMENTS OF LUNDARPHARMACY KEITH and DAVILYN EYOLFSON menningu hér vestra en nokkur Snorri Jónasson A Festival to remember MtESCRlPTIONS, DRUGS, COSMET1CS COMPLETE VETERINARY SUPPUES GIFTWARES, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERY PHONE 762-5431 LUNDAR, MAN. COMPLIMENTS OF . . . Brian Jákobson, one of the past presidents of the Icelandic Festival reminisces about the 1972 Celebration As far as the weather was con- cerned, the 1972 Icelandic Festival was a minor disaster. Pouring rain made it impossible to stage an out- door event. At nine o’clock in the morning it was obvious that we were in for a bad day, so the Committee decided to move the formal program into the Park Pavillion, cancel the sports events, but try to get the parade go- ing. The Reykjavík City Band, (Lúðrasveit Reykjavíkur), in the true Icelandic tradition, carried the parade. The band members played throughout the entire route even though, on occasion, they had to empty their instruments of rain- water. The balance of the day went off reasonably well, but I kept remembering my father on the day he was president of the Icelandic Brian Jakobson. Festival and that the same thing had happened to him. If the presidency has any bearing on the inclement weather condi- tions, it will be a long time before another Jakobson is elected to preside over íslendingadagurinn. ROBINSON STORES FAMILY CLOTHING & VARIETY STORE COFFEE BAR GIMLI, MAN. GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES the bestsellers ra BLOCK BROS. M REALTY 502-203 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba Phone 943-6531 S.M. SIGMAR General Manager, Manitoba Region



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