Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.08.1981, Side 20

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.08.1981, Side 20
20-WINNIPEG, HÁTÍÐARBLAÐ 1981 ANewBody for Developi ng Tourism Developing Tourism in Iceland. Iceland Tourist Board is a new body for promot- ing and developing tourism in Iceland. Its func- tion is to establish and coordinate policies and services, and help initiate new enterprises. A Tempting New World Iceland is a country always. fresh, new and surprising. Whether you’re on business, or coming here purely for sharing with us the strange beauty of the land, it’s an ex- perience to remember. A temptaton you won’t regret giving in to. Looking for new places to explore for your- self, your clients - or conference site in a dif- ferent atmosphere? Contact Iceland Tourist Board for information. Iceland Touríst Board Laugavegur 3 Box 1184. Phones 15677, 27488. Telex 2248. Cables: lcetour



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