Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.02.1988, Síða 6

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.02.1988, Síða 6
6-LÖGBERG CENTENNIAL YEAR, FÖSTUDAGUR 5. FEBRÚAR 1988 Elderly conference A news release dated Jan. 14th, 1988 is billed as, "The first ever con- ference on housing options for seniors," and is scheduled for Oct. 4-6, 1988 at Halifax. The Hon. Stewart Mclnnes, minister for Canada Mortgage and Housing corporation stated, that the conference will facilitate discussions between seniors, gerontologists, bankers, architects, developers and other senior related organizations. He went on to say, "In the very near fu- ture, seniors will be demanding more and more varied housing designs, support services and financing pro- grams and we have to be ready." Prior to the conference in October, Mclnnes will meet with seniors and related groups from coast to coast and listen to their concerns on housing. This is an opportunity for senior citizen organizations to present the minister with proposals. Others in a middle age group may also wish to give thought to the question of living arrangements in the future, when they in turn will have retired and are required to alter their way of living, which is compatible to them and their children who have young families. There are many angles to this ques- tion of life during retirement years and approach to the period when physically, your capacity to cope with life becomes a problem. It is bet- ter to think ahead, than to deal with age problems on a crisis basis, when the siatuation demands immediate at- tention and the solutions become a severe readjustment to new condi- tions and surroundings, dictated by the facts of old age, that could have been made more acceptable through planning. They mention such factors as home sharing, reverse annuity mortgages, and lifestyle communities. The new Betestadur facility in west Winnipeg is a form of lifestyle com- munity living. It is a 74 single and double bedroom facility 6 stories high. The suites are of normal size common to the average privately owned block. It is not a downgraded size from average living space. It has a good size lobby, a lounge area, a fairly large multi-purpose room with an attached good size kitchen and meeting room. Personal facilities are, a hairstyling room, a library, an ad- ministrative office, and laundry rooms on each floor. Spacious balco- Morgunblað interviews J. Asgeirsson Work has been my main occupa- tion during free hours, says Jón As- geirsson, as he was being interviewed by the Morgunblad in Iceland. Most of us remember him as a former edi- tor of Lögberg-Heimskringla. In Iceland he is well known as a sports commentator and after his return from Winnipeg, as the managing director of the Red Cross in Iceland. Jón has been an avid traveller in his duties, both as a sports commentator and on behalf of the Red Cross. He is known far and wide outside of his native Iceland. He is now occupied with managing his own enterprise, which deals with the arrangement of conferences for groups which wish to foregather and deal with matters of their organiza- tion. Such meetings require well or- ganized groundwork by way of everything from agendas to locations and physical arrangements, by way of accommodation for the meeting and delegates, in harmony with the aims of the organization and financial means. This type of organizing re- quires wide experience and Jón is no stranger to these problems. As he says himself, "In all my working years I have attended untold Jón Asgeirsson conferences world wide and I con- cluded it was timely to offer this kind of service here in Iceland. This is be- ing directed mainly to people here, who wish to meet and hold a confer- ence, and to increase such gatherings within the country." He indicates, that he has always had this idea in the back of his mind and finally decided to launch the en- terprise as a full time occupation. As a director of the Red Cross and world traveller, his paths must have led to many areas where extreme poverty and primitive accommoda- tion meant both mental and physical exhaustion, aggravated with the limited means with which to help hu- man beings fraught with extremely difficult conditions of mere existence. We wish Jón all the best and suc- cess in his new enterprise. nies are an adjunct to each suite. Betelstadur is incorporated as a cooperative, a non-profit organiza- tion, owned and operated by the members who are 90% residents of the complex. It is a CMHC project financed through the Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation. It is a good example of community living by people in retirement years, who feel comfortable within a com- mon age group, where the life pace is slower but are physically able to care for themselves. The residents have control over the administration and hopefully will enjoy future rents at a level below commercial rates, since it is a self-sustaining non-profit organization. Last fall we published an article and pictures of a portable home that could be set on footings adjacent to a residential house, where zoning or zoning variation will permit. Being built for portability, it could be read- ily moved to another location as cir- cumstances permit. This would allow an elderly couple to live indepen- dantly but in close proximity to their immediate family in a modest cost facility. The possibilities are many and it is never too early to move towards planning life during the declining years. Working To Keep Our Heritage Alive CANADA ICELAND FOUNDATION SECRETARY: 1 - 204 - 772-8989 Mrs. S. Borga Jakobson 1145 Dominion St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 2P3 NOTICE OPEN HOUSE AT Lögberg-Heimskringla Rm 40 - 339 Strathmillan Rd., To commemorate the lOOth year since Lögberg commenced publication Fri., Feb. 19, 4 to 6 p.m. Access is by way of the front door, or preferrably, the N.E. entrance. Tallin & Kristjansson Barristers and Solicitors 501-55 Donald St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1L8 942-8171 750,000- 700,000- 650,000- 600,000- 550,000- 500,000- 450,000- 400,000- 350,000- 300,000- 250,000- 200,000- 150,000- 100,000- 50,000- Original 218,000 Endowment Fund Heritage Image Pride A Campaign To Raise Funds For The Chair of Icelandic Language and Literature At The University of Manitoba Yes, I wish to make a donation to ensure that the chair of lcelandic Language and Literature at the University of Manitoba continues to serve the needs of the lcelan- dic community of North America. NAME ________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________ PHONE NO._________ Donation in honour of: Fjallkona Fund _ Please mail this form with your donation to: The H.I.P. Committee, #501-55 Donald Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1L8 I pledge: q $100.00 □ $500.00 □ $1,000.00 □ Other $ . I intend to honor my pledge in the following manner: □ Payment in full (cheque enclosed). □ By annual payment of $________in each of the next. (tirst payment enclosep) □ Through a bequest in my will. Signature____________________________________________ _ years All cheques should be made payable to the University of Manitoba An income tax receipt-wíll be mailed ío you. ICELAND CHARTER 3 Wks. Dept: Winnipeg Wed., July 27 — *Dept: lceland Mon., August 15 *Price: Adults - $675 Cdn. Child - 11 yrs. $575 — Infants - FREE Plus departure taxes and insurance CONTACT VIKING TRAVEL AGENCY BOX 1080 GIMLI, MAN. ROC 1B0 Call Collect: (204) 642-5114, 642-8276 Subject to government approval



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