Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.1991, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.1991, Blaðsíða 3
LögbeFg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 13. desember1991, • 3 Free Spirit, continued Saskatchewan for two summers; Emily Carr College of Art and Design in Van- couver, where I studied film and video, and in Montreal at Concordia I attended a program called Cinema.” Erika has also travelled quite a bit. She left grade 12 to work as a nanny for two months in Australia. “I completed that grade by correspondence and then travelled for four months she says. “And in 1983, my brother Arne and I travellcd fortwo months in Iceland. “One year, our afi, Hafsteinn Bjarnason, gave us raffle tickets for Christmas. The grand prize was a trip for twotolcelandand somecash. Mybrothcr and I made a pact. If onc of us would win, we would takc the other along, but kcep the cash. And sure enough, at the Ed- monton Þorrablót the following spring, Ame won. “As we were landing at the Keflavík airport I remember thinking, how can anybody say that this is such a beautiful place. But, bit by bit, as the trip went on, the landscape bccamc more scnsational and I was totally blown away. “We travclled all over. In Þórsmörk wc both fell in an icc cold glacierstrcam and ate blueberries and crackers. My brother, who had been in Iceland be- fore, was sure there was a store or a small village close to the place, which we later found out is in the midst of wilderness. “When I was growing up, our mother always reminded us of being Western Icelanders although my father, of co urse, is not Icelandic. Consequently, I had very romantic ideas about Iceland and the Icelanders. I guess I expected to find a nation that hardly ever took its nose out of a book and that all the afar would be sitting with little blond blue-eyed children in their lap, reading to them from the Sagas. Of course, modern Iceland is quite different. But we met a lot of veiy interesting people and really enjoyed our stay there.” In Montreal, Erika first met her friend Louise Loewen, who is also involved with the St. Norbert Artsand Cultural Centre. “At that time Louise and Shane were al- ready living at the Guest House in St. Norbert. I came back here with her to do a mural,” she says. “We did the mural on the west side of the West End Cultural Centre and we also facilitated an art group at the St. Norbert Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Foundation which did the mural on the St. Norbert kiosk on Pembina Highway.” Erika says she has no regrets about moving to Manitoba. “I find the artistic community in Winnipeg very accessi- ble, and I’m fascinated by the inde- pendent nature of its film community as well. Its members feel free to produce what they want and they have the com- munity’s support to go ahead with it. . ... - . .---‘-'V., >> The movies coming out of Winnipeg, for example, are not mainstream. Look at the quirkiness of Guy Maddin’s mov- ies, and of Smoked Lizard Lips . You can’tlabelthiswork as mainstream. I have worked in training positions as an apprentice on a few Winni- peg-made movies, andlfind thatyou can work in a number of artistic media without be- ing labelled, and still your work is taken seriously.” Erika is still taking Icelandic lessons at the Scandinavian Centre. But on occasion she will say, “I won’t be able to attend the next four classes, I’ve got a job to do.” At one time she had been commissioned to do an art piece out of province, at another she was building a cabin, which her frfend Louise had de- signed, somewhere in Kenora, and once she had restricted herself to a friend’s basement in order to complete one of her artworks. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if she were one day to tell me she had to go to Peru,China, Siberia orlcelandto heada community-based art project. And I have no doubt she would go at it with the same gusto and fun as everything else she does. Erika Mac- Pherson is a free spirit. And watch out, on a windy day she may blow into your town, like Mary Poppins, and feel entirely at home. After the holidays JCELAND 1Ihe very center of the worlbí) ^ Your European holiday, centered around breathtakingly beautiful lceland, not only puts you in the very heart of things but saves you a nice bit of change, too. • Eurobargain and Super Bar- gain fareson direct flights from New York and Orlando, Fla. to Luxembourg. • Low cost round trip servlce to Paris. ftankfurt. London and Stockholm, Copenhagen, Osto, Helsinki, Gothenburg, Bergen. • Bargain stopover tours of lcetand. • Super Saver car rentels in Luxembourg. • FREE bus service from Lux- embourg to cities in Germany. • Reduced train fares to Swhzerland and France. Lögberg-Heimskringla will resume publication on Friday, January 17th, after our traditional Christmas Break. In our first issue of 1992, which is L-H’s 103rd year of continious pub- lication, we will feature a review of Gus Sigurdson’s book of poetry, Seven Books Between Two Covers, and of Betty Jane Wylie’s book, New Begin- nings—Living through Loss and Grief, which was launched in the fall of 1991. We will also report on the Frón Ice- landic Language Classes’ Christmas Party and feature other interesting articles. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all our readers for their continu- ing support of Lögberg-Heimskringla. Without you we could not survive. Not only have you supported us with direct financial donations, but also with the submission of excellent material for publication. More and more people are writing letters and articles, and voicing their opinions on important issues. This kind of activity is essential for a small ethnic community newspaper such as ours. Along with a supportive Board and a volunteer operational manager, Gordon Thorvaldson, who has restruc- tured the administrative side of the paper, we have only our editor and graphic artist, Barbara Gislason, who has reshaped L-H’s look, working di- rectly on the paper’s actual produc- tion. If it were not for the copy and articles you send in, Lögberg- Heimskringla would not be as interest- ing as so many of you are telling us it is. Keep up the good work and a very Merry Christmas and Gleðileg Jól to all. Hulda Karen Daníelsdóttir, editor. FAMILYI FUNERAL COUNSELLORS Gleðileg jól 0£f fars&lt nýtt ár How will you make the choice that is right for you and your family? ICELANDAIR Sm THEQRIOINAL10WCOSTAIRUWTOEUROPE K CALL YÖUR TRAVEL AGEIMT ORICELANDAIR 1800223^600 Ask us. 949-2200



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