Lögberg-Heimskringla - 04.02.2000, Qupperneq 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 04.02.2000, Qupperneq 7
Icelandic-Canadian Millennium Community Calendar lace Time Date(s) Event Aamission Venue Site Contact(s) Gimli Aug 6 "Danshópurinn Sporið1'- Borgarnes Folk Dance Group The dancers perform in Lceiandic national costume at the Icelandic Festival. Susan Hjalmarson (204 896 1222) Gimli afternoon Aug 7 Karlakór Reykjavíkur; The Male Voice Choir of Reykjavik Visit of The Bishop of iceland to Canada The Bishop of lceland, Karl Sigurbjömsson visits Canada to share with us the occasion of thc 1 (XK)th anniversary of the adoption of Christianity by lceland and to celebratc thc rich Christian heritage we share. ■ ' ' David Gislason (204 376 5578) MB Sep 4 Sep 7 Ingthor Isfeld (204 772 7444) Arborg 8:00 pm; Reception to follow Sep 5 Visit of the Bishop of Iceland to Canada - Church Service Festive church service and reception Ardal-Geysir Lutheran Church Ingthor Isfeld (204 772 7444) Winnipeg 7:30 pm; Reception lo follow Sep 7 Visit of the Bishop of iceland to Canada - Church Service Festive church service and reception First Lutheran Church Ingthor Isfeld (204 772 7444) Winnipcg October lcelanders and First Nations In recognition of the support First Nations people provided Manitoba's early Icelandic settlers and in cejebration of friendship, a one to two day symposium will be held^ ) TBA Winnipeg Oct 5 Reykjavik Symphony Orchestra Concert The first concert of a 13 concert Noitli American tour. This concert will launch the Manitoba celebrations, commemorating the 125th anniversary of the Icelandic settlement in Manitoba. TBA Winnipeg Centennial Concert Hall Box Olfice (204 949 3999) or Consulate (204 284 1535) Gimli TBA Oct 21 A Federal Historical Marker Recognizing New Iceland A federal historical marker will be unveiled in recognition of the establishment of New Iceland as an "Hvent of National Historical Signilicance" by the National Historical Sites and Monuments Board of Canada. Dignitary presence TBA. Betel Waterfronl Centre Tammy Axelsson (204 642 4001) Gimli TBA Oct 21 The 26th Annual Walk to the Rock This year's annual walk will commemorate the 125tli anniversary of the landing of Icelandic settlers at Willow Point. Participants wili make the 3 rnile walk to Willow Point in honour of this significanl historical event. Gimli Public School (starting point) Connie Magnusson (204 642 5963) MB Oct 21 125th Anniversary of the "New Iceland" Icelandic Canadian Settlement Gimli TBA Ocl 21 The Grand Opcning of the New Iceland Herilage Museum In recognition of the 125th anniversary of the arrival of Icelandic settlcrs to Manitoba, a public opening of the museum will be held in conjunction with other events, including the Gala Dinner and Dance. Betel Waterfront Cenlre Tammy Axelsson (204 642 4001) Winnipeg Oct 26 Dec 20 Living and Reliving the Icelandic Sagas An exhibit featuring original saga manuscripts, as well as lst edition copies of many of the sagas, contemporary works based upon the sagas, and other textual and audiovisual materials pertaining to the sagas and life in 'saga times'. III; Elizabeth Dafoe Library, U. of M. Sandra Stewart (204 474 6362) Winnipeg Öct 26 O-l 2b Interdisciplinary acadcmic conference on Icelandic/Canadian studies. In accordance with the new agreement bctween the University of Iccland and the University of Manitoba, tliere will be academic conferences every third year, beginning in Winnipeg. Kári Stefánsson, Director of DeCode Genetics, will be the keynote speaker. University College, University of Manitoba David Amason (204 474 8487) Winnipeg Oct 26 Icelandic Collection Opens New Facility The University of Manitoba's Elizabeth Dafoe Library will open a new facility to house the Icelandic Collection. Participation by Icelandic dignitary TBA. Elizabeth Dafoe Library, U. ofM. Sandra Slewart (204 474 6362) Winnipeg Nov 1 st/2nd wk. Icelandic Film Festival Six new Icelandic films will be ofíered to Catiadian film festivals. Dave Barber of Cinematheque (204 925 3453) Leaf Rapids November "The Vikings: Master Mariners, Traders, Colonists and Artisans" Museum of Man & Nature's portable exhibit, comprised of text, illustrations and artifact replicas from many of the main Viking sites in northem Europe and L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland. The exhibit dispells common negative stereotypes of Vikings. National Exhibition : Centre Gimli 2:00 - 4:00 pm Dec 9 "Jólatré skemmtun" Christmas Party Parents/Grandparents are expected to bring a gift for each child they bring. Activities include: reading about traditional Icelandic Christmas, Jólasveinar, sing around the Christmas tree. Special guest: Santa Claus. Free Minerva Hall Tammy Axelsson (204 642 4001) Gimli Dec 31 New Year's Eve Dinner & Dance TBA | Betel Waterfront Centre - Great Hall of Gimli Gimli TBA Akurcyri visit to sister town of Gimli Kristine Sigurdson (204 642 9020) Viking Trail Jun 1 Jul 28 The "Snorri" Explores Vinland. The original Snorri crew will retum to sail Snorri up the west coast in the summer of 2000 and stopping in communities to partjcipate in community festivals and events, ending its voyage by joining Viking Sail 2000. Brent Meade (709 729 4247) St. John's Jun 2 Aug 6 Viking Exhibit - "Full Cirele: Viking First Contacl" Led by the Ncwfoundland and Labrador Museum, this 2800 sq. feet exhibit will tell the story of the Vikings at L'Ansc aux Meadows and contact with ahoriginal peoples. The exhibit will be touring nationally and intemationally late 2000 & 2001. Brent Meade (709 729 4247) Perry Chafe L’Anse aux Meadows Jul 17 Sep 8 Grand Encampment A recreation of a Viking village, with up to 100 reenactors, showcasing reenactment, crafts, skills and food of the Viking era. The reenactors will consist of local people and members of Viking reenactment societies from around the world. Brem Meade (709 729 4247) Cartwright, Wonderstrand, southem Labrador, L’Anse aux Meadows Jul 23 Jul 28 Viking Sail 2000 Led hy íslendingur. len to twelve Viking boats from around the world will leave the southern coast of 1 .abrador, the Wonderstrand, and undertake a six day voýage as a flotilla to L'Anse aux Meadows, arriving at the peak of the Grand Encampment on July 28. Brent Meade (709 729 4247) L'Anse aux Meadows Jul 28 Jul 31 The Arrival of the Viking ship "íslendingur" Halldór Ásgrímsson, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Iceland welcomes the crew of the Viking ship Brent Meade (709 729 4247) Port aux Choix Jul 31 Aug 1 The Viking ship “íslendingur" docks With a crew of modern day Vikmgs and captained by a direct descendant of Leifur Eiriksson, a replica Viking ship. Islendingur, will visit nine ports of call on Newfoundland's west coast. south coast & Avalon Peninsula. Brent Meade (709 729 4247) Norris Point Aug 1 Aug 2 The Viking ship "Islendingur" docks Brent Meade (709 729 4247) Port aux Basques Aug 6 Aug 8 The Viking ship "íslendingur" docks Brent Meade (709 729 4247) Harbour Breton Aug 9 Aug 11 The Viking ship "íslendingur" docks Brcnt Meade (709 729 4247) Burin Aug 11 Aug 13 The Viking ship "íslcndingur" docks Brent Meade (709 729 4247) Placentia Aug 13 Aug 14 The Viking ship "Islendingur" docks r Brent Meade (709 729 4247) St. John’s Aug 15 Aug 19 The Viking sliip "íslendingur" docks With a crew of modern day Vikings and captained by a'direct descendant of Leifur Eiriksson, a replica Viking ship, íslendingur, will visit nine ports of call on Newfoundland's west coast, south coast & Avalon Peninsula. Brent Meade (709 729 4247) Port De Grave Aug 20 Aug 21 The Viking ship "fslendingur" docks With a crew of modern day Vikings and captained by a direct déscendant of Leifur Eiriksson, a replica Viking ship, íslendingur, will visit nine ports of call on Newfoundland's west coasl, south coast & Avalon Peninsula. \ - Brent Meade (709 729 4247) St. John’s Aug 20 Aug 21 The World's Smallcst Giant Children's puppct theatre presenlalion by the Story Apron Puppet Theatre TBA Brent Meade (709 729 4247) For more information, visit our website: www.iceland2000.org



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