Lögberg-Heimskringla - 16.03.2001, Blaðsíða 4

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 16.03.2001, Blaðsíða 4
4 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Friday 16 March 2001 The purpose ofthis column is to encourage is what I do” format. Contributors will be now making significant contribution to the us bio notes and a photo. Ifyou don’t have and enable people of Icelandic descent invited to provide photos. Icelandic/North American community. bio notes available, let us know and we’ll throughout North America to exchange This column recognizes people of Please let us know ifthere is someone spe- arrange an interview. information about their careers, in a “this Icelandic descent who have made or are cial you know who should be featured. Send Alice Sigurdson: Mother of the Year Photo courtesy of F. Holigroski Alice Sigurdson. Join us for the 2nd annual White Night Summer Writing Workshop in Saga-Land Come write with Carol Bly, David Arnason (Manitoba) and Bill Holm in Hofsós a little fishing town next to an lcelandic fjord Enjoy 24 hours of light, mountains, seals, sea birds—and work on poems, stories, essays, plays, or film scripts Two week-long sessions, 20 students each May 27-June 4, June 4-12 $2400, all flights, transportation, lodging included from Minneapolis ($600 due March 15 to hold place) ‘Depart Minneapolis Sun. May 27, return June 4 *Depart Minneapolis Mon. June 4, return June 12 Horse riding—trout fishing bird watching, island climbing, seal watching available when you’re not writing! Special guest in the second week: John Weier, Manitoba birder Call, write, or e-mail to: Bill Holm—Box 187 Minneota, MN 56264 (507) 872-6950 tbgbp@starpoint.net David Arnason: arnasn@cc.umanitoba.ca Florence Holigroski WlNNIPEG MB In the year 2000, Alice Sigurdson of Prince George, BC was named “Mother of the Year” for her com- munity spirit and involvement. Alice is the wife of Bob Sigurdson, who was raised in Lundar. The Prince George Citizen of May 13, 2000 reported that Alice was sur- prised to be named Prince George’s Mother of the Year. “I’m just a quiet little person who does quiet little things. I’m a Plain Jane in jeans and a top,” said Sigurdson, who runs Ziggy’s Before and After School Care program for ten children. She’s cared for children for about thirty years as a babysitter and daycare operator. Ráð Continued from page 1 helping in the office, canvassing for new subscribers, writing, or wherever else you can contribute, and in whatev- er time you can spare.” Mamo Olafson spoke last about fundraising for the paper. Following the speeches, the slate of nominations for directors for the year 2001-2002 was accepted. Continuing on the board are Julianna Bjomson, President; Grant Stefanson, Vice President; Bill Perlmutter, Treasurer; Melissa Kjartanson, Secretary; Kristin Jóhannsdóttir; and Marno Olafson. New board members are Pat “Yeah, I like kids and I find it a good way to make a few dollars,” said Sigurdson, who was honoured at a Mother’s Day banquet by the Fraternal Order of Eagles. In her submission, Alice Bonnar, who nominated her long-time friend for the honour, told how Sigurdson played the mother role to “all us young con- stmction-worker families” more than twenty years ago. “It was Alice who led the Girl Guides, was in charge of the year-end banquet and the weekend campouts,” said Bonnar. Over the years Sigurdson became involved with the Hart Community Association and was a main source of energy for the annual Kelly Road Craft Fair, which she continues to engineer. She’s also part of the North Nechako McKetcheon, Kris Stefanson, Ernie Stefanson, and Fred Oleson. Continuing appointees to the board are Shirley McCreedy (IODE), Evelyn Thorvaldson (INL) and Elva Jónasson (Frón). During the meeting the members in attendance, (thirty-nine including the board and staff) did not ask any ques- tions. At the end of the meeting David Gislason rose to comment on his recent “letter to the editor.” Evelyn Thorvaldson, INL Rep on the Board and the INL Communications Director, spoke briefly to the meeting before adjoumment. Her comments were light and taken in good stead. Following the meeting refresh- Lions Club, where she assists with all the annual events and works to raise money to help families in need, espe- cially at Christmas. “She deserves to be the Mother of the Year because I personally know she has been mother of the year many times over,” said Bonnar. To celebrate the event, there was a parade and the public was invited to attend cocktails and dinner, which many past Mothers of the Year attend- ed. In addition to the groups men- tioned, Alice and Bob continue to take in friends and relatives who need help or a warm place to sleep. She thinks nothing of cooking dinner for twenty or more on any given day. I’m proud to call her my sister-in-law. ments, compliments of board member Mamo Olafson, were served. Ed. Note: The full text of Harley’s speech can be read at our website, or, if you would like a print copy, contact the Winnipeg office and we will send it out to you. MESSUBOÐ Fyrsta Lúterska Kirkja Pastor Michael Kurtz 10:30 a.m. The Service First Lutheran Church 580 Victor St., Winnipeg R3G 1R2 Ph. 772-7444 Wanted! Bed & Breakfasts from all across Canada! Advertise in our Bed & Breakfast Guide in our Travel Issue. Know of any reputable B & B’s that deserve acknowledgement? Give us a call at (204) 642-9133 for more information. <m mw R)ii* um mv m u rirwfer Niir'mm & rim \ rin whfciiM



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