Lögberg-Heimskringla - 03.06.2005, Side 4

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 03.06.2005, Side 4
4 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Friday 3 June 2005 Singing Steinþór Guðbjartsson Managing Editor Some of my dreams are unrealistic, to say the least. When I was young and innocent, I wanted to be an astronaut. Little did I know then that I could never explore the skies and the moon. At this time of the year, in the spring and early summer, I see more “astronauts” than at other times and that does not make me feel good since it’s a sign of a dan- ger in the air. But there are two sides to the coin. I’ve been told that astro- nauts are not allowed to en- ter space with their appendix aboard. If it so happens that in the rain an astronaut has that little or- gan in place he has to have it removed. If that were the only obsta- cle, I was all set for the moon at the age of eight. After the oper- ation, I was told that I had been in great danger because my ap- pendix might have burst any day. I’ve heard that astronauts, when in space, can’t take that chance. Since the age of eight, I have not had to worry about the danger of a burst appendix. However, I’ve never been an astronaut. When it rains in the spring and early summer, I dream about the blue sky. I think about my early wish of being an astronaut. Recently I found out that mosquitoes had pre- vented my dream from coming true, rather than lack of ability and skills required. I’ve been told that neither mosquitoes, nor those who are loved by mosquitoes and fre- quently bit by the insects, are welcome passengers aboard a space shuttle. NASA has rules, and I believe that I follow the same rules at home regarding the insects. However, the mos- quitoes don’t listen to me, and they don’t take no for an an- swer. Astronauts are most likely aware of the behaviour of the mosquitoes and that’s prob- ably the reason why they, when out in space, wear special uni- forms' that mosquitoes can’t get through. That seems also to be the reason why some stores have astronaut-like uni- forms for sale when it rains in the spring and early summer. When I see people dressed like astronauts all over the place I know danger is in the air. When other people pack their winter clothes, I buy some more and keep them where I can reach them when needed. Wherever I am. The same rule applies whether I’m in bed or at the beach. The more clothes, the better. But because of my failure to become an astronaut I can’t buy astronaut-like uni- forms to wear in the spring and early summer. Instead, I wear my winter clothes, a mosquito head net, I cover my skin with insect repellent and always have my “Afterbite” pen at hand. I’ 11 never become an astro- naut, and it does not bother me. I have interviewed the father of an astronaut and that made my dream come true. What both- ers me is that insects I don’t like at all still try to make my life misearable in the rain in the spring and early summer. I had never heard about them when I was young and innocent and dreamed about becoming an as- tronaut. Now it looks as if they can’t live without me. Until I start singing in the rain. That will probably be my best repellent, and I’m told they are still looking for participants in “American Idol.” I wonder if they accept middle-aged people who are loved by mosquitoes and frequently bit by them. Letters TO the Editor Dear Editor: With reference to my ar- ticle “Mountain to Mountain,” L-H No. 7, April 8,1 would be pleased if you would allow me a little space to add early set- tlers’ names that were missed when I transferred my hand- written notes into their typed form. 1. Sigurdur and Kristin Magnusson came from North Dakota in 1905 with four chil- dren who attended Mountain School. Five more children were bom and with district boundary changes they at- tended Kandahar School. It is remembered that Sunday School picnics were held at their farm. 2. .Nymundur and Gudny Josephson came in 1907 from the Mountain/Gardar area to the Mountain School District souuth of Big Quill Lake. They raised a family of eight. Many have made strong con- tributions to the Co-operative movement. 3. Julius and Helga Bjar- nason came in 1911. They had three children — two more were born in Saskatchewan. They were a community-mind- ed family. 4. And now I would like to take this opportunity to mention Gudmundur and Emma Gud- mundson — married in Moun- tain, ND in 1909 and came di- rectly to the Lakes Settlement. They first settled in another district but came later to farm by Mountain Coulee. Mundi and Emma were a warm-heart- ed couple. They raised a niece, Evelyn Jonasson. I apologize for missing these names when I sent my ar- ticle to be published. To com- pensate (in a way) I have add- ed a bit of information about each family. If any reader has information that relates to the article, please contact me. Response to the write-up has been heart-warming. Sincerely, Lillian Thorsteinson Thorlacius Wynyard, SK * * * Dear Editor: Today I cried. I received my L-H paper this day and read of Lillian’s passing. I never met her but felt she was my friend. Every week I’d read her column and so enjoyed what she wrote. I’ll miss her. She was a dear. Inga Bachmann North Vancouver, BC Al rborg pharmacy 1 * Pharmacist: V. T. Eyolfson . ! Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sun. noon - 4 p.m. i Box 640, Arborg, MB R0C 0A0 Ph: 376-5153 Á OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. - 8 P.M., MONDAY - SATURDAY 10A.M.-6P.M., SUNDAY Welcome to Gimli BOX 1578, 46 CENTRE STREET • QIMLI, MB R0C 1B0 PHONE 204/642-5995 JjLWi t. r. +. i/jfeL r w35Ly Lögberg- Heimskringla Published Fridays, 24 times a year by Lögberg-Heimskringla, Incorporated 100-283 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B5 Phone: (204) 284-5686 Toll free: 1-866-LOGBERG (1-866-564-2374) Fax: (204) 284-7099 www.lh-inc.ca lh@lh-inc.ca - Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 5 pm. Mon. - Fri. • MANAGING EDITOR: Steinþór Guðbjartsson (204) 927-5645 steinthor@lh-inc.ca ASSISTANT EDITOR/LAYOUT: David Jón Fuller (204) 927-5644 david@lh-inc.ca ADVERTISING and MARKETING MANAGER: Catherine Lambertsen McConnell (204) 927-5643 catherine@lh-inc.ca BUSINESS MANAGER: Audrey Juve Kwasnica (204) 284-5686 audrey@lh-inc.ca PRINTING:The Daily Graphic SUBSCRIPTIONS SUBSCRIPTION: 24 issues/year: Canada: $45 CAD Manitoba, add GST & PSf: $51.30 Other provinces, add GST: $48.15 USA: $81 CAD lceland: $81 CAD L-Honline is free to all print subscribers Online only: $45 CAD PAYABLE IN ADVANCE DONATIONS All donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are tax-deductible under Canadian laws Charitable Reg. # 10337 3635 RR001 Business # 10337 3635 RT 0001 CORRESPONDENTS • NEW YORK, NEW ENGLAND: Thomas J. Martin • SASKATCHEWAN: Joan Eyolfson Cadham • TORONTO: Betty Jane Wylie BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: Grant Stefanson VICE-PRESIDENT: Julianna Bjornson TREASURER: Bill Perlmutter SECRETARY: Elva Jónasson BOARD MEMBERS: The Honourable Kris Stefanson, Evelyn Thorvaldson, Walter Sopher, Ragnar Bergman, J.S. Laxdal, Vi Bjarnason Hilton, Brian Tomasson, Skuli Sigfusson REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES: • BC: Norma Guttormsson • CALGARY: Linda Bjarnason • EDMONTON: Walter Sopher The L-H gratefuíiy acknowledges the generous support of the Government of Canada through Canadian Heritage's PAP program. Publication Mail Agreement No. 40012014, PAP Registration # 8000 ______Canada The L-H gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the Government of lceland. Visit us on the web at http://www.lh-inc.ca



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