Bókasafnið - 01.11.1985, Blaðsíða 37

Bókasafnið - 01.11.1985, Blaðsíða 37
Abstracts in English • 30-31 Sigrún Klara Hannesdóttir: School Libraries in South and West In this article the author reports two inter- national conferences, she visited in the summer of 1984, i.e. the Conference of the International Association of School Librarians in Hawai and the IFLA-Meeting in Kenya. (VG/ÞTÞ) • 32-33 Thórir Ragnarsson: The activities of the Committee for Automation in lcelandic Libraries The article outlines the activities of the Committee for Automation in lcelandic Libraries. The Committee was establis- hed in 1981 and served originally as an advisory organ for research libraries. Later on its function became broader and it deals now with library automation in general. The main recommendations of the Committee are the following: - that a MARC format be prepared and put into use in lcelandic libraries; - that a database (union catalogue) be set up comprising lcelandic and foreign acquisitions; - that further requirements of lcelandic libraries for computerization should be defined; - that foreign library systems should be investigated with the view of eventually importing such a system to lceland. At the time of writing an lcelandic MARC format has been made, but a com- puterized union catalogue remains to be established. Members of the Committee are seven. Three of them come from the public library sector, three from research libraries and one is from a computer organization. Chairman is Thórir Ragnarsson, the University Library, and secretary Stefanía Júlíusdóttir, the National Library. (ÞR) • 34 Instructions to contributors on the pre- paration of manuscripts Afgreiðslutími safna Kennaraháskóli íslands- Bókasafn v/Stakkahlíö, sími 32290. Opið á veturna frá kl. 8.30-18, á sumrin frá kl. 9-16. Landsbókasafn íslands Safnahúsinu v/Hverfisgötu, símar 91 -13080 og 16864. Opið: mánud.-föstud. kl. 9-19, laugard. 9-12, nema sumar- mánuðina júní, júlí og ágúst. Norræna húsið Hringbraut, símar 91-17090 og 17030. Opið: mánud.-laugard. kl. 13-19, lestrarsalur kl. 9-19, sunnud. kl. 14-17. Þjóðskjalasafn íslands Safnahúsinu Hverfisgötu, sími 91-13201. Opið: mánud.-föstud. kl. 10-12 og 13-19, laugard. kl. 10-12 nema í júní, júlí og ágúst. BÓKASAFNIÐ 37



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