
Bókasafnið - 01.02.1988, Page 56

Bókasafnið - 01.02.1988, Page 56
BOKASAFNIÐ 56 tion needs. Thc approach is based on the language they use to define their needs - the keywords of the classroom and their own experience which summarise their know- ledge of the topic. The microcomputer is used at the information re- trieval stage when pupils can search small databases of information which havebeen indexed using curriculum- based keywords. Techniques such as questioning, keyword mapping and keyword clustering were used by pupils to plan an enquiry or summarize and organise information. In phase 2 of the project, MISLIP has been concer- ned with analysing the effect of the key word approach on all those involved - pupils, teachers and librarians. An important feature of the project is that teachers and librarians have taken charge of their own research and development. These methods are not new but by bringing them together within an information skills context MISLIP has been able to demonstrate a meaningful link bctween information skills and information technology. KAL can be helpful wether the search procedure involves the use of a key worded database or not. The microcomputer can, however, complement this approach by providing a quick and flexible means of following up their lines of enquiry and suggesting altemative search routes and top- ics. (IS) Guðrún Pálsdóttir: Different schoolbooks?-page 25 In this interview Dr. Gunnar Karlsson historian explains his aim in writing a series of new schoolbooks about the history of Iceland, Sjálfstœði Jslendinga (The independ- ence of the Icelanders). The books are designed for chil- dren aged 11,12 and 13 years. In Gunnar’s books an emphasis is put on the stu- dents answering questions, commonly based on their feelings and understanding of the persons and their actions. The author often asks them to describe their point of view and appeals to their common sense. The text is written in an easy language and the children find these schoolbooks a pleasant reading. In Sjálfstæði Islendinga the children cover fewer events and persons than in older history books but read more about each one. (GP/KG) Heimir Pálsson: Media and textbooks - page 28 The article discusses book reviews on textbooks. The author maintains that Icelandic media neglects textbook reviews. The major part of the nation reads little else than schoolbooks nine months of the year, but the newspapers however seldom publish book reviews on schoolbooks as textbooks. The author has himself written two text- books on Icelandic literature. Something was written about the first one, but as a history of literature, not as a textbook. The latter has never been reviewed proper-ly in the newspapers. In Iceland it is very important how the school- children learn about their own literature, that has been praised so much. The author asks for intellectual and academic discussions about textbooks in media. It is very important that the school-children get what is best be- cause the future is founded in the schools. (ÞÓ) Guðrún Pálsdóttir: How are good books for children written? - page 29 This is an interview with Dr. Stefán Aðalsteinsson about his books for children and young people. Stefán has written four books for children: Sauðkindin, landið og þjóðin (The sheep, country and nation), Ilúsdýrin okkar (Our domestic animals), Fuglarnir okkar (Ourbirds) and Villtu spendýrin okkar (Our wild mammals). These four books have been published by the publishing company Bjallan, which specializes in non-fiction material for children. Stefán works at the Agricultural Research Institute of Iceland. He has been researching the colour inheri- tance of Icelandic sheep for years and now he and two other Icelandic scientists have published new theories about the inheritance of fox colours. While Stefán was writing these books he worked in close collaboration with the photographers, especially Kristján Ingi Einarsson, who took all the pictures in Húsdýrin okkar. Stefán always asked specialists review the text to prevent scientific errors. He also read the text aloud to children or they read it themselves and told him if they found a word or a phrase they didn’t understand. Stefán has received very good critique for his books and was rewarded by the National Centre for Educatio- nal Materials for Sauðkindin, landið og þjóðin and he and Kristián Ingi Einarsson for Húsdýrin okkar. (GP/KG) Einar Sigurðsson: The University Library - future prospects - page 32 About thirty years ago a decision was made by the Althing (Icelandic Legislative Assembly) to merge the University Library (about 260.000 volumes at present) and the National Library (about 380.000 volumes). In 1978 the construction of a new library building, which will accommodate the new library after the mer- ger, was started on a site near the University of Iceland. The construction has been delayed for financial reasons but the building should be completed after a few years. Examples from other parts of the world, where libraries serve this double function of a national library and a university library, are cited with special reference to the development in the other Nordic countries. The



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