Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 15.04.2000, Síða 71
Sunnudagur 16. apríi
09.00 Morgunsjónvarp barnanna.
09.00 Hundurinn Kobbi (1:13).
09.12 Syngjum saman.
09.14 Leirfólkiö (38:39).
09.17 Sönglist. Krakkar syngja ýmis lög.
09.19 Prúðukrílin (42:107).
09.45 Svarthöfði sjóræningi (7:26).
09.52 Undraheimur dýranna (2:13).
10.15 Sunnudagaskólinn.
10.30 Nýjasta tækni og vísindi.
10.45 Tónlistinn.
11.15 Oklahoma (Oklahoma). Aðalhlut-
verk: Hugh Jackman, Josefina
Gabrielle, Shuler Hensley, Peter
Polycarpou, Jimmy Johnston, Vicki
Simon og Maureen Lipman. Þýö-
andi: Snjólaug Bragadóttir.
14.15 Páskaskrúðganga (Easter Parade).
Aöalhlutverk: Judy Garland, Fred
Astaire, Peter Lawford, Jules Muns-
hin og Ann Miller. Þýðandi: Vrr Ber-
16.00 Markaregn
17.00 Geimstööin (4:26)
17.50 Táknmálsfréttir.
18.00 Stundin okkar.
18.30 Óli Alexander Fílibomm-bomm-
bomm (7:7).
18.47 Þrjú ess (7:13)
19.00 Fréttir, veður og Deiglan.
20.00 I gegnum linsuna. Heimildarmynd
um líf og starf Sigríðar Zoéga Ijós-
20.45 Dansæði (Crazy Dancing).
21.35 Helgarsportið.
22.00 Kettirnir (Cats).
23.55 Markaregn Sýnt verður úr leikjum
síöustu umferöar í þýsku knatt-
00.55 Útvarpsfréttir í dagskrárlok.
10.30 2001 nótt.
12.30 Silfur Egils. Umræöuþáttur í beinni
útsendingu. Tekiö á málefnum liö-
innar viku. Frjálslegar og fjölbreyttar
umræöur sem vitnaö er í. Umsjón.
Egill Helgason.
14.00 Teikni/leikni.
14.30 Tvöfaldur Jay Leno. (e)
15.30 Innlit/Útlit (e).
16.30 Tvípunktur. (e)
17.00 2001 nótt. Barnaþáttur Bergljótar
19.00 Providence. (e)
20.00 Dallas.
21.00 Skotsilfur.
22.00 Datelfne.
23.00Silfur Egils. (e)
06.00 Sundur og saman (Twogether).
08.00 Litli hirðmaöurinn (A Kid in King
Arthur's Court).
10.00 Skólaskens (High School High).
12.00 Saga Doris Day (Celebrity Series.
Doris Day).
14.00 Utli hirðmaðurinn.
16.00 Skólaskens (High School High).
18.00 Sundur og saman (Twogether).
20.00 Saga Doris Day.
21.45 *Sjáöu (Allt þaö besta liöinnar viku).
22.00 Neöanjarðar (Underground).
00.45 Peningana eða lífið (Truth or Con-
02.30 Málið gegn Larry Flint (The People
vs. Larry Flynt).
04.35 Jane í hernum (G.l. Jane).
Aörar stöövar
CARTOON NETWORK 10.00 Johnny Bravo.
10.30 Courage the Cowardly Dog. 11.00 Scooby Doo
and the Reluctant Werewolf. 13.00 Scooby Doo Mar-
ANIMAL PLANET 10.00 Breed All about It.
10.30 Going Wild wlth Jeff Corwln. 11.00 Going Wild
with Jeff Corwin. 11.30 Going Wild with Jeff Corwin.
12.00 Crocodile Hunter. 13.00 The Aquanauts. 13.30
The Aquanauts. 14.00 Wishbone. 14.30 Wishbone.
15.00 Breed All about It. 15.30 Breed All about It.
16.00 Aspinall’s Animals. 16.30 Aspinall's Animals.
17.00 Wild Rescues. 17.30 Wild Rescues. 18.00
Keepers. 18.30 Keepers. 19.00 Untamed Australia.
20.00 Flies Attack. 21.00 Taiga - Forest of Frost and
Rre. 22.00 Wildest Asia. 23.00 Close.
BBC PRIME 10.00 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook.
10.30 Can’t Cook, Won't Cook. 11.00 Style Chal-
lenge. 11.25 Style Challenge. 11.55 Songs of Praise.
12.30 EastEnders Omnibus. 14.00 The Animal Magic
Show. 14.15 Playdays. 14.35 Incredible Games.
15.00 Going for a Song. 15.25 The Great Antiques
Hunt. 16.05 Antiques Roadshow. 17.00 The Private
Ufe of Plants. 17.50 The Godmothers. 18.40 Casual-
ty. 19.30 Parkinson. 20.30 Crazy for a Kiss. 22.00
Harry. 23.00 Learning History: The Face of Tutank-
hamun. 3.00 Leaming Languages: Italianissimo -1.
on Reds @ Rve . 17.00 Red Hot News. 17.30 Watch
This If You Love Man U. 18.30 Reserve Match
Highlights. 19.00 Red Hot News. 19.30 Supermatch -
Premier Classic. 21.00 Red Hot News. 21.30 Red All
the Wild Coast. 11.00 Royal Blood. 12.00 Spittlng
Mad: Wild Camels. 13.00 The Wild Boars. 14.00
Thunder Dragons. 15.00 Sharks of the Wiid Coast.
16.00 Royal Blood. 17.00 Retum of the Eagle. 18.00
Black Market Blrds. 18.30 Russla’s Amur Tigers.
19.00 The Beachmasters: the Elephant Seals of Pata-
gonla. 20.00 Desperately Seeking Sanctuary. 20.56
Perfect Predators. 21.00 Mitsuaki Iwago: Close-up on
Nature. 22.00 Survival on the Savannah. 23.00 Truk
Lagoon. 24.00 The Beachmasters: the Elephant Seals
of Patagonia. 1.00 Close.
DISCOVERY 10.00 Drlvlng Passions. 10.00 Driv-
ing Passlons. 10.30 Car Country. 10.30 Car Country.
11.00 The Dinosaurs. 11.00 The Dinosaurs. 12.00 Se-
archlng for Lost Worlds. 12.00 Searching for Lost
Worlds. 13.00 What If? 13.00 What If? 14.00 Wea-
pons of War. 14.00 Weapons of War. 15.00 Untold
07.00 Heimurinn hennar Ollu.
07.25 Mörgæsir í blíðu og stríöu.
07.50 Kossakríli.
08.15 Orri og Ólafía.
08.40 Búálfarnir.
08.45 Kolli káti.
09.10 Trillurnar þrjár (1.13).
09.35 Villti Villí.
10.00 Maja býfluga.
10.25 Batman.
10.45 Ævintýri Jonna Quest.
11.10 llli skólastjórinn.
11.35 Dagbókin hans Dúa.
12.00 Sjónvarpskringlan.
12.20 NBA-leikur vikunnar.
13.45 Indíáni í stórborginni (e) Aöalhlut-
verk: Thierry Lhermitte, Miou-Miou.
Leikstjóri: Herve Palud. 1994.
15.15 Aðeins ein jörð (e).
15.25 Krlstall (28.35) (e).
15.50 Oprah Winfrey.
16.35 Nágrannar.
18.25 Framtíðarfólk (4.4) (e).
18.55 19>20 - Fréttir.
19.10 ísland í dag.
19.30 Fréttir.
20.00 Fréttayfirlit.
20.05 60 mínútur.
21.00 Ástir og átök (12.24)
21.30 Til fyrirmyndar (Picture Perfect). Að-
alhlutverk: Jennifer Aniston, Kevin
Bacon, Jay Mohr. Leikstjóri: Glenn
Gordon Caron. 1997.
23.15 Flugeldar (Red Rrecracker, Green
FirecrackerJ.Aöalhlutverk: Hing Jing,
Wu Gang, Zhao Xiaorui. Leikstjóri:
He Ping. 1994. Bönnuö börnum.
11.30 Afreksmaðurinn Guöjón Þórðarson (e).
12.00 Enski boltinn. Bein útsending frá úr-
slitaleik Stoke City og Bristol City í
14.45 Enski boltinn. Bein útsending frá
leik Leeds United og Arsenai.
17.00 Meistarakeppni Evrópu. Fjallaö er
almennt um meistarakeppnina.
18.00 Sjónvarpskringlan.
18.25 ítalski boltinn. Bein útsending.
20.30 íþróttir um allan heim. Bein útsend-
21.30 NBA-leikur vikunnar. Bein útsending
frá leik Los Angeles Lakers og
Minnesota Timberwolves.
00.00 Vondur félagsskapur (Freefall). Leik-
stjóri. John Irvin. 1994. Stranglega
bönnuö börnum.
01.40Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur.
06.00 Morgunsjónvarp.
14.00 Þetta er þlnn dagur - Benny Hinn.
14.30 Líf í Oröinu meö Joyce Meyer.
15.00 Boðskapur Central Baptist kirkjunnar.
15.30 Náð til þjóðanna meö Pat Francis.
16.00 Frelsiskalliö meö Freddie Filmore.
16.30 700-klúbburinn.
17.00 Samverustund.
18.30 Elím.
19.00 Believers Chrlstian Fellowship.
19.30 Náð til þjóðanna meö Pat Francis.
20.00 Vonarljós. Bein útsending.
21.00 Bænastund.
21.30 700-klúbburinn.
22.00 Boöskapur Central Baptist kirkjunnar.
22.30 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord).
23.30 Nætursjónvarp.
Stories of the Navy SEALs. 15.00 Untold Stories of
the Navy SEALs. 16.00 Crocodlle Hunter. 16.00
Crocodlle Hunter. 16.30 Vets on the Wlldslde. 16.30
Vets on the Wildslde. 17.00 The Human Journey.
17.00 The Human Journey. 18.00 Lost Treasures of
the Ancient Worid. 18.00 Lost Treasures of the Anci-
ent World. 19.00 Shipwreck. 19.00 The Lusitania - a
Damned Dirty Business. 20.00 Deep Inside the Titan-
ic. 20.00 Deep Inside the Titanic. 21.00 Titanic’s
Lost Sister. 21.00 Titanic's Lost Sister. 22.00 Trail-
biazers. 22.00 Trailblazers. 23.00 Best of Britlsh.
23.00 Best of British. 24.00 Lonely Planet. 24.00
Wildlife SOS. 0.30 Outback Adventures. 1.00 Close.
MTV 10.00 Jackson Weekend. 10.30 Michael
Jackson - His Story in Music. 11.00 Jackson Week-
end. 11.30 Essential Janet Jackson. 12.00 Jackson
Weekend. 12.30 Michael Jackson - His Story in
Music. 13.00 Jackson Weekend. 13.30 Ultrasound.
14.00 Say What?. 15.00 MTV Data Videos. 16.00
News Weekend Editlon. 16.30 Making the Video.
17.00 So ‘90s. 19.00 MTV Uve. 20.00 Amour. 23.00
Sunday Night Music Mix.
SKY NEWS 10.00 News on the Hour. 10.30 The
Book Show. 11.00 SKY News Today. 12.30 Fashlon
TV. 13.00 SKY News Today. 13.30 Showbiz Weekly.
14.00 News on the Hour. 14.30 Technofile. 15.00
News on the Hour. 15.30 Sunday with Adam Boulton.
16.00 Uve at Rve. 17.00 News on the Hour. 18.30
Sportsiine. 19.00 News on the Hour. 19.30 The Book
Show. 20.00 News on the Hour. 20.30 Showbiz
Weekly. 21.00 SKY News at Ten. 22.00 News on the
Hour. 23.30 CBS Evening News. 24.00 News on the
Hour. 0.30 Sunday with Adam Boulton. 1.00 News on
the Hour. 1.30 Fashion TV. 2.00 News on the Hour.
2.30 The Book Show. 3.00 News on the Hour. 3.30
Week In Review. 4.00 News on the Hour. 4.30 CBS Ev-
ening News.
CNN 10.00 Worid News. 10.30 CNN Hotspots.
11.00 Worid News. 11.30 Dlplomatíc Ucense. 12.00
News Update / Worid Report. 12.30 Worid Report.
13.00 Worid News. 13.30 Inslde Africav. 14.00 Worid
News. 14.30 Worid Sport. 15.00 Worid News. 15.30
Thls Week In the NBA. 16.00 Late Edltion. 16.30 Late
Editlon. 17.00 Worid News. 17.30 Buslness Unusual.
18.00 World News. 18.30 Inside Europe. 19.00 Worid
News. 19.30 The Artclub. 20.00 Worid News. 20.30
CNNdotCOM. 21.00 World News. 21.30 World Sport.
22.00 CNN WortdVlew. 22.30 Style. 23.00 CNN
WortdVlew. 23.30 Aslan Edltion. 23.45 Asia Buslness
Thls Mornlng. 24.00 CNN WoridView. 0.30 Science &
Technology Week. 1.00 CNN & Tlme. 2.00 Worid
News. 2.30 The Artclub. 3.00 Worid News. 3.30 Thls
7.00 Fréttir.
7.05 Fréttaauki.
8.07 Morgunandakt.
8.15 Tónilst á sunnudagsmorgnl.
9.03 Stundarkorn í dúr og moll.
10.15 Kirkja hins krossfesta lýðs. (1)
11.00 Guösþjónusta í Dómkirkjunni. .
12.00 Dagskrá sunnudagsins.
12.20 Hádegisfréttlr.
13.00 Hlustaðu ef þú þorir. 3. þáttur.
14.00 Af herra flugna, fióa og lúsa. (e)
15.00 Upp, upp mín sál...“.
16.08 Sunnudagstðnlelkar.
17.55 Auglýsingar.
18.00 Kvöldfréttlr.
18.25 Auglýsingar.
18.28 Þetta reddast.
18.52 Dánarfregnlr og auglýslngar.
19.00 Tímamótatónverk.
19.30 Veðurfregnlr.
19.40 íslenskt mál. (e)
20.00 Óskastundin. (e)
21.00 Leslð fyrir þjóðlna. (Lestrar úr Víðsjá)
22.00 Fréttir.
22.10 Veöurfregnir.
22.15 Orð kvöldslns. Helgi Elíasson flytur.
22.30 Til allra átta. Forvitnileg tónlist.(e)
23.00 Frjálsar hendur.
24.00 Fréttir.
00.10 Stundarkorn í dúr og moll. (e)
01.00 Veðurspá.
01.10 Útvarpaö á samtengdum rásum til
7.00 Fréttir og morguntónar. 9.03 Spegill,
spegill. 10.00 Fréttir. 10.03 Stjömuspegill.
11.00 Úrval dægurmálaútvarps. 12.20 Hádeg-
isfréttir. 13.00 Sunnudagslærið. 15.00 Sunnu-
dagskaffi. 16.00 Fréttir. 16.08 Rokkland.
18.00 Kvöldfréttir. 18.28 Milli steins og
sleggju. 19.00 Sjónvarpsfréttir. 19.35 Tónar.
22.00 Fréttir. 22.10 Tengja. 24.00 Fréttir.
fm 98,9
09.00 Milli mjalta og messu. 11.00 Vikuúr-
valiö. 12.00 Hádegisfréttir. 12.15 Hafþór
Freyr Sigmundsson. 13.00 Tónlistartoppar
tuttugustu aldarinnar. 15.00 Hafþór Freyr
Sigmundsson. 17.00 Bylgjutónlist 18.55
Fréttir. 20.00 Bylgjutónlist 22.00 Þátturinn
þinn. 01.00 Næturhrafninn flýgur.
BIB—r. * fm 102,2
07.00 Tvíhöfði. 11.00 Bragöarefurinn. 15.00
Ding Dong. 19.00 Ólafur. 22.00 Radio rokk.
• fm 103,7
7.00 Morgunógleðin. 11.00 Mústk og minn-
ingar. 15.00 Hjalti Már.
____________ m ioo,7
10.00 Bachstundin (2:5). 22.00 Bachstundin (e).
07.00 Hvati og félagar 11.00 Þór Bæring
15.00 Svali 19.00 Heiöar Austmann 22.00
fm 95,7
og rómantískt.
Spámaðurinn. 14.03 Hemmi feiti.
X strim. 22.00 Hugarástand 00.00
fm 97,7
Einar Ágúst. 14.00 Guðmundur Arnar.
Islenski listinn. 21.00 Geir Róvent.
Sendir út alla daga, allan daginn.
Sendir út talað mál allan sólarhringinn.
Sendir út talaö mál allan sólarhringinn.
Week in the NBA.
CNBC 10.00 CNBC Sports. 12.00 CNBC Sports.
14.00 US Squawk Box Weekend Edition. 14.30 Wall
Street Journal. 15.00 Europe This Week. 16.00 Meet
the Press. 17.00 Time and Agaln. 17.45 Time and
Again. 18.30 Datellne. 19.00 The Tonight Show With
Jay Leno. 19.45 Late Night With Conan O’Brien.
20.15 Late Nlght Wlth Conan O’Brien. 21.00 CNBC
Sports. 22.00 CNBC Sports. 23.00 CNBC Asia Squ-
awk Box. 24.00 Meet the Press. 1.00 Trading Day.
2.00 Europe This Week. 3.00 US Squawk Box. 3.30
Power Lunch Asia. 4.00 Global Market Watch. 4.30
Europe Today.
EUROSPORT 10.45 Motorcycling: Le Mans 24
Hours, France. 11.45 Cycling: Worid Cup: Uége - Ba-
stogne - Uége, Belgium. 12.00 Motorcycling: Le
Mans 24 Hours, France. 13.15 Cycling: World Cup:
Uége - Bastogne - Uége, Belgium. 15.00 Cycling: Vu-
elta a Aragon, Spain. 16.00 Tennis: ATP Toumament
in Estoril, Portugal. 17.30 Tennis: Who’s That Girl?
18.00 Tennis: Sanex WTA Tournament In Amella Is-
land, USA. 19.30 Snooker: Worid Championships in
Sheffield, England. 21.00 News: SportsCentre. 21.15
Rugby: European Cup. 22.15 Cycling: Worid Cup:
Uége - Bastogne - Uége, Belgium. 23.15 News:
SportsCentre. 23.30 Close.
Love: The Danlel Huffman Story. 12.30 Time at the
Top. 14.05 Mary, Mother of Jesus. 15.35 Mr. Rock ‘n’
Roll: The Alan Freed Story. 17.00 The Youngest God-
father. 18.25 The Youngest Godfather. 19.50 The In-
spectors. 21.35 Don’t Look Down. 23.05 Free of
Eden. 0.45 The Youngest Godfather. 2.10 The Youn-
gest Godfather. 3.35 Tlme at the Top.
VH-1 10.00 Behind the Muslc: Quincy Jones. 11.00
Talk Music. 11.30 Greatest Hlts: Genesls. 12.00 Vld-
eo Timeiine: Cellne Dion. 12.30 Greatest Hits: The
Clash. 13.00 The Kate & Jono Show New York Specl-
al. 14.00 Uve Request Weekend. 18.00 The VHl Alb-
um Chart Show. 19.00 The Kate & Jono Show New
York Special. 20.00 Behind the Music: Milli Vanilll.
21.00 Behind the Music: Thln Llzzy. 22.00 Behind the
Music: Lenny Kravitz. 23.00 Planet Rock Profiles:
Davld Bowie. 23.30 Greatest Hlts: Rolling Stones.
24.00 VHl Country. 1.00 VHl Soul Vlbratlon. 2.00
VHl Late Shift.
TCM 18.00 Where the Sples Are . 20.00 Two
Weeks in Another Town. 21.45 Biackmail. 23.10 The
Hill. 1.20 The Great O’Malley. 2.35 Ladies They Talk
Einnig næst á Breiöbandinu: MUTV (Sjónvarpsstöö Manchester Unidet), ARD (þýska ríkissjónvarpiö), ProSieben (þýsk afþreyingarstöö), RaiUno (ítalska rikissjónvarpiö), TV5
(frönsk menningarstöö) og TVE (spænska ríkissjónvarpiö).
Skreyting í körfu,
C w Litil skreytmg
í körhi, téte a téte
^ A m TTYI-J J2 I k Á á Tl
Jtl 13 I JPvLrilv
Skírdagur, kl. 10-21
Föstudagurinn langi, iokax
Lýugardagur, kl. 10-21
Paskadagur, bkað
Annar í Pásku