Fregnir - 01.02.1991, Blaðsíða 10

Fregnir - 01.02.1991, Blaðsíða 10
-10- brépfrA eistneska bókavarðafélaginu Bókavarðafélaginu hefur borist eftlrfarandi bréf frá Eistneska bókavarðafélaginu. Dear colleagues, Like the whole world the Estonian librarians are shocked by the bloodshed ln occupied Lithuanla that was carried out by the Soviet Union, as a result of which on January 12 at least 14 innocent civilians were kllled and hundreds were wounded. Violent acts may also be possible in Estonia and Latvia. The way of freedom and democracy chosen by our states is in real danger, our people get open threats promising a massacre. We conslder lt our task to inform you about the self-denying actions and faithfulness to humanity of the librarians of the National Library of Lithuania in the present situatlon where darkness and evil dominate. Like Lithuanian churches the National Library of Lithuania has been tumed into a center of medical aid. Librarians give medical help to lots of injured people. try to alleviate their sufferings and. if necessary, secure with qualified medical aid. People bring medicines, dressing. food from home for those who need them. A mouming of three days was proclaimed in Estonia in memory of the innocent Llthuanian victims. Common sense has to win violence. Estonian librarians want the whole world to hear their protest against any use of force that endangers people’s lives, their higher mental aspirations, free information exchange and the preservation of cultural values. Ivi Eenmaa, General Director Evi Rannap, President National Library of Estonia Estonian Librarians’ Association HEIMTLiSFÖNG NORRÆNNA BÓKASAFNA Endurskoðuð útgáfa á prentaðri skrá um bókasöfn, sem taka þátt í NOSP, kom út i byrjun þessa árs, 81 bls. að stærð (NOSP 1991. Förteckning över i NOSP representerade bibliotek). Þar er að finna nýjar upplýslngar um heimlllsföng. síma-. telex- og faxnúmer hátt á sjöunda hundraðs norrænna safna. Skráin fylgir áskrift að NOSP, en hana má lika kaupa sérstaklega (á 150 FIM eintakið), enda kemur hún ein og sér að góðum notum i þeim söfnum, sem eiga einhver viðskípti við norræn bókasöfn. Skráin er einnig fáanleg i tðlvutæku formi. og má panta hana hjá : NOSP-centralen Industrigatan 23 SF-00510 Helsingfors Tel + 3580 708 4388 Fax + 3580 708 4441 Þ.J.



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