

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1981, Síða 26

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1981, Síða 26
records of Wood Sandpipers in the Mývatn area: 1. Single adult bird was seen south of Mývatn 27. 5. 1965. Behaviour indi- cated breeding (Sven-Axel Bengtson). 2. A fledged young seen 7. 8. 1966 at Skútustaðir, south of Mývatn (S.-A. Bengtson). 3. A single bird seen between Grímsstaðir and Reykjahlið, north side of Mývatn, 21. 5. 1969 (S.-A. Bengtson, Jon Fjeldsá). 4. A pair seen in 1979 at same locality as breeding in 1981, at least until 8 July. Behaviour indicated breeding (David Hunt et al.). 5. A single bird was seen at same locality as in 1981, on 25. 6. 1980. No indication of breeding (Á. Waag, D. Hunt). In light of the rather frequent occurrence of Wood Sandpipers in the Mývatn area for the past 25 years, it is possible, and in fact very likely, that the species has bred before, perhaps annually. Behaviour indicating breeding and the occurrence of a fledged young support this. HEIMILDIR Dement’ev, G. P. & N. A. Gladkov. 1951. Birds of the Soviet Union. Vol. 3. Jerusalem. Ensk þýðing 1969. Garðarsson, Arnþór. 1969. Er flóastelkur (Tringa glareola) varpfugl á íslandi? Nátt- úrufræðingurinn 39: 10—16. Glutz von Blotzheim, U. N., K. M. Bauer, & E. Bezzel. 1977. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Bd. 7. Charadriiformes (2. Teil). Wiesbaden. Nethersole-Thompson, D. 1971. Highland Birds. London. Sharrock,J. T. R. 1976. The Atlas of Breed- ing Birds in Britain and Ireland. B. T. O. and Irish Wildbird Conservancy. Voous, K. 1960. Atlas of European Birds. London. Ensk þýðing 1960. Witherby, H. />., F. C. R. Jourdain, N. F. Ticehurst & B. W. Tucker. 1940. The Handbook of British Birds. Vol. 4. London. 168



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