

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1981, Qupperneq 39

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1981, Qupperneq 39
S U M M A R Y HEIMILDIR Gesneria centuriella (Den. & SchiíT.) discovered in Iceland (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). by Erling Ólafsson Museum of Natural History P.O. Box 5320 125 Reykjavík, lceland The pyralid moth Gesneria centuriella (Den.& Schiff.) was discovered in Iceland in 1972, when a single specimen was caught near the mountain „Arnarfell hið mikla" in Central Iceland on 12th August (Fig. I). Since then the species has been collected on several occasions on Skeiðarársandur, SE Iceland, a total of 8 specimens, and 2 speci- mens in the oasis Hvannalindir in the high- land desert north of the icecap Vatnajökull. The localities are shown in Fig. 2. The moths were collected on 26th June - 12th August, on all occasions associated with the plant species Epilobium latifolium L., on which the species may feed in Iceland. The specimens from Arnarfell and Hvannalindir are kept at the Museum of Natural History, Reykjavík, but the specimens from Skeiðarársandur are kept in the collection of Hálfdán Björnsson (Kvísker, Iceland), ex- cept for one which was donated to the Zoo- logical Museum, Copenhagen. Downes, J.A. 1966. The Lepidoptera of Greenland; some geographic consider- ations. — Can. Ent. 98:1135-1144. Einarsson, Eyþór. 1973. Eyrarós (Epilobium latifolium L.). — Náttúrufr. 43:1-11. Kristinsson, Hörður & Bergþór Jóhannsson. 1970. Reitskipting íslands fyrir rann- sóknir á útbreiðslu plantna. — Nátt- úrufr. 40:58-65. Linnaluoto, E.T. & S. Koþonen. 1980. Lepidoptera of Utsjoki, northernmost Finland. — Kevo Notes 5:1-68. Ólafsson, Erling & Hálfdán Bjórnsson. 1976. Sandygla (Photedes stigmatica Ev.) endur- fundin á íslandi. — Náttúrufr. 46:118- 120. Stefánsson, Stefán. 1901. Flóra íslands. III. útg. aukin, 1948. Reykjavík. Valle, K.J. 1933. Die Lepidopterenfauna des Petsamogebietes unter faunistisch-zoo- geographischer Berúcksichtigung der Fauna ganz N-Fennoskandias. — Ann. Zool. Soc. „Vanamo“ 1 (3): 1 -262. Wahlgren, E. 1915. Fjárilar. Lepidoptera. II. Smáfjárilar. Microlepidoptera. Första Familjegruppen: Mottfjárilar. Pyralid- ina. — Svensk Insektfauna 10:1-85. Wolff, N.L. 1964. The Lepidoptera of Greenland. — Medd. om Granl. 159 (11): 1-74. Wolff N.L. 1971. Lepidoptera. — Zool. of Icel. III, 45:1-193. 181



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