The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 16.04.1999, Page 2

The White Falcon - 16.04.1999, Page 2
White Falcon Commander, Iceland Defense Force Commander, Fleet Air Keflavfk Rear Adm. David Architzel The White Falcon is produced by the Iceland Defense Force staff. The editorial content of this newspaper is prepared, edited and provided by the public affairs office of IDF. Photo processing is provided by Commander, Fleet Air Keflavik. PAO - Lt. Cmdr. Karen D. Sellers Deputy PAO - Fri0|o6r Kr. Eydal Asst. PAO - JOCS(SW) Dave Voungquist Editor - J02 Christopher E. Tucker Staff Journalist - J03 Mike C. Jones Administrative Asst. - Sigriflur Svansddttir The White Falcon is an authorized publica- tion for members of the military services and their families stationed at NAS Keflavfk. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marine Corps, the U.S. Army or the U.S. Air Force and do not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this news- paper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Marine Corps, Army or Air Force, Commander Iceland Defense Force or /Egir Mar Karason of the products and services advertised. Everything advertised in The White Falcon shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, reli- gion, gender, national origin, age, marital sta- tus, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the vio- lation is corrected. The White Falcon is published by /Egir M6r K3rason, a private publisher, in no way con- nected with the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marine Corps, the U.S. Army or the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive contract with the U.S. Navy. Questions or comments can be directed to the public affairs officer or the editor. The White Falcon staff can be reached by calling ext. 4612 or 6492, e-mail or stopping by Bldg. 936. The deadline for story submissions is close of business Friday for the following week of publication. The White Falcon reserves the right to edit all submissions. The White Falcon is published every Friday by /Egir Mar Karason, whose office is located at Hafnargotu 57, Keflavik. /Egir Mar Karason may be contacted at 421-7700, 896- 0708, fax 421-7701 ore-mail Printed at Gragas in Keflavfk. The White Falcon is now on-line at CFK Chief of Staff Commander in the Spot Light In this article I will attempt to explain the differ- ent titles and roles that are sometimes associated under the collective title of Commander Fleet Air Keflavik (CFK). First, the actual role Rear Adm. David Architzel fulfills as CFK is that of the senior Naval officer present. He is responsible for administration of assigned fleet units, and the horizontal coordina- tion between all Naval activities in Iceland. This is unique from his Iceland Defense Force hat where he exercises authority over Navy-only issues such as uniform requirements, quality of life issues, and legal proceedings. In his role as CFK he does not own any operational forces, but rather focuses on the administrative authority assigned by CIN- CLANTFLT. A second hat, or component, of CFK is the Commander Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Eastern Atlantic or CTG 84.1. This is probably the most visible function of CFK on the base. While wearing this hat the Admiral exercises operational control over the P-3 patrol squadron, currently VP- 45, and the Dutch airplane and aircrew deployed to the Keflavfk sector. The Tactical Support Center (TSC), located on the second floor of the Combined Operations Center, is the nerve center of CTG 84.1 operations. Staff personnel working in this windowless environment provide the intelli- gence and briefs to the flight crews prior to each mission. During the flight, personnel from NCTS working within the TSC enable the communication link between the aircraft and the TSC. Following the flight, the aircrew reports to the TSC for a debrief and post flight analysis of their logs and records. Another hat the Admiral can wear is the Commander Iceland Anti-Submarine Warfare Forces Iceland, referred to as COMNAVICE, reports directly to Iceland Defense Force. During an exercise or actual crisis, CFK puts on the COM- NAVICE hat and, along with the Commander of the 85th Group who serves as Air Forces Iceland (AFICE), Commander of the Army’s National Guard 28th Brigade who serves as Army Iceland (ARICE) and the Commander of the Naval Air Station, reports directly to CIDF. Component com- manders NAVICE, AFICE, ARICE and CO NASKEF provide their respective forces to IDF in order to defend Iceland. Wearing many different hats the officers, men and women assigned to CFK continue to perform superbly. All four of my hats are off to you! Group (COMICEASWGRU). This is the NATO maritime patrol command. Under this hat the on- island patrol aircraft would respond to tasking from Have a great Navy day! COMMAIREASTLANT. COMICEASWGRU would only be activated during NATO contingency operations. The fourth and final hat is part of the local, on- island command structure. Commander Naval Cap!. Ken Morrell Lyte Bytes By Chaplain Henry Hensley In his Nov. 11, 1942 report on the war to the British House of Commons, Winston Churchill referred to the “soft underbelly of the Axis.” On the surface, Hitler’s regime seemed any- thing but soft. The powerful blitzkrieg of Nazi troops and the bravado and pageantry of the Third Reich seemed solid. What the British prime minister perceived, however, was the hidden side of the German dic- tator: his lack of character, his insecurity, and his racially biased fears. Churchill saw the moral darkness of Hitler’s soul and predicted that when that darkness was exposed, it would Page 2 Be True create a black hole where all the Nazi claims would be sucked into oblivion. Mark Twain used a similar word picture when he said, “Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” When you face up to your own darkness of sin, you can either embrace and pursue it - which leads to condemnation - or you can repent and turn from it, trusting God to forgive you and flood your dark soul with light. In so doing, you ultimate- ly find that you have no risk of exposure, because there is noth- ing to expose! You can’t be truly embarrassed, because there is nothing you are desper- ate to hide. F-15s continued from page 1 work with the Air National Guard, the 199th is a group of highly skilled professionals who can get the job done. “Whenever we deploy we carry a stigma [as reservists] that we’re second-class citizens. We want people to know that we’re world class. We can step beside any active duty member and do our part - and do it proudly.” What may be the most extraordinary about the airmen of the 199th is they’re fulfilling this job for only two weeks, and they are still able to maintain a high level of continuity. “We stay in contact with the rest of the squadron in Hawaii on a daily basis through e-mail and tele-conferencing,” Bruhn explained, “so they know what we’re doing and we can set things up for them to deploy here.” Suprisingly, none of the squadron complained about the 18-hour flight or adjusting to a 12-hour time-zone change. They just say they’re ready to return to the sunshine of Hawaii. Integrating into the NATO Base command in just 12 hours, the first wave of the 154th say they received a warm welcome from everyone on base and look forward to another deployment to Iceland in the future. “I’ve met a lot of professionals here who were very helpful to us,” said Bruhn. “People have been very friendly and receptive. It’s been a very rewarding experience for me. I’ve made some friends that I’d like to maintain contact with.” The White Falcon April 16, 1999


The White Falcon

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