The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 10.07.1943, Qupperneq 3

The White Falcon - 10.07.1943, Qupperneq 3
3 Allied Planes Hit Italian Defenses Model GI trucks are rol ling off the pro duction line here as rapidly as T/4 Stanley Gri g a I o n u s can whittle ’em. Signalman, Gri- galonus makes the accurate scale vehicles in his spare time using discarded boxwood, a jack knife, copingsaw and sandpaper Local Craftsman Makes GI Trucks That Ride The Bumps With Ease Crushing blows to Axis defen- sive bases in the Mediterranean were dealt again this week as Allied bombers from the North African Air Force unleashed tons of high explosives and incendiar- ies on strategic targets at Sicily and Sardinia. Fierce Air battles took place, hut Axis interceptors were unable to detour Gen. Eisenhower’s bombers before they battered air- fields at Catania, Sciacca, Comiso and Milo. It was a tragic event for the enemy; in addition to the damage inflicted on their ground installations, 44 fighter planes were shot from the sky. Fresh from their successful venture, American Flying For- tresses returned later in the week to strike a wide-scale blow against the important network of airfields at Gerbini in eastern Sicily. Increased anti-aircraft failed to stop the Allied airmen. Large fires were started by the precision-bombing attack. Am- munition dumps were destroyed, explosions were visible among ad- ministration buildings and all five runways were throughly smashed. Mitchell medium bombers slip- ped 'through enemy defenses to bombard airdromes atBiscariand Binbari in southern Sicily, com- pletely covering runways and a number of buildings with their bombs. A small group of Axis fighters attempted to repel the attack, but escorting Lightnings drove them away. Milo, Biscari and Gerbini fur- nished targets for Bostons, Balti- mores and Wellingtons of the RAF and American Mitchells in another successful venture. De- spite a tremendous curtain of anti-aircraft fire, the bombers splattered airfields and ammun- ition dumps, starting fires which • were visible for several miles. Meanwhile, Britain-based bom- bers enjoyed a respite after their powerful sweep against what remains of Cologne. RAF Mosqu- ito bombers raided targets in France, and other places of the Coastal Command laid mines in enemy waters, but no widespread activity was reported. Former Governor Jailed For Fraud Former Gov. Leon C. Phillips of Oklahoma and Robert F. Fitz- gerald, former state pardon and parole officer, were arrested this week, charged with receiving $500 each in an $8,000 parole payoff. Authorities claim Phillips and Fitzgerald got the money from Mrs. Eisinger for a parole for her husband, a doctor who is serving 25 years for murder. Former state legislator W. A. Strong already has been convict- ed of collecting the $8,000 from Mrs. Eisinger. Fight Not Won Yet, Knox Warns It is nice to lay back once in a while and dream of the day when you can climb into the old blue .serge suit again, but if you wish to take the word of Secre- tary of the Navy Frank Knox, don’t plan on handing in your khaki for quite a spell yet. Speaking in California this week, Knox said that the time was approaching when the United Nations could put into effect plans for victory. However, he continued, “for our own success it is best to calculate that the war will last from three to four years more and take steps to that effect.” Victory Gardeners To Lose Extra Gas Victory gardeners who have received additional gasoline coupons to till their crops will no longer be granted extra rati- ons under an order issued this week by the OPA. By Pvt. Saul Gottlieb. Wanna buy a GI truck? Yes, we know it’s ag’in the law to sell Army property, but the trucks that T/4 Stanley (Greasy) Grigalonus, of a local Signal out- fit has are his own, and he can sell ’em if he wants to. They’re his own because he makes them out of ordinary box- wood right in his barracks in whatever spare time he has from his job as mechanic. The reason they fit in the barracks is that Greasy’s trucks are about l/100th the size of the real thing. Grigalonus is one jeep who doesn’t waste his time wondering about the little gal back in Oska- loosa. And that’s not only be- cause he’s from Chicago. He sits on his bunk, with a homemade table before him, and using only a jacknife, a coping saw, sandpaper and odd bits of wood, makes remarkably accur- ate models of Army vehicles. His latest creation is a 4-ton Diamond-T wrecker, 26% inches long and 11 inches high—a com- plete replica in every detail of the wrecker he- drives. Not only has the miniature truck a dash- board, clutch, brakes, gear-shift, real windows, and movable booms and wrecker equipment, but a motor, too. First, he whittled each separ- ate part: spark plugs, electric wiring, carburetor, crankcase, et al, then glued them into the block of the motor. The tires seem to be made of rubber, down to the life-like ply, but actually the ent- ire machine is made of wood. After a month and a half of patient, painstaking effort, Greasy has it finished, and now he‘s moving on to bigger fields —an airplane of his own design. Modeling has been Grigalonus’ hobby ever since he can remem- ber. Besides the wrecker, he has completed two 2%-ton trucks, one 1%-tonner, and a semi- trailer. —Pacific (Continued from Page 1) New Georgia Island. American forces now are in full control of the southern end of this vital stepping stone to Tokyo. The northeastern approaches of the island are sill being contended for. The Jap air force struck with ferocity over a widely scattered area. And everywhere that the Nips went in search of trouble they found it. They suffered heavy losses over Rendova; seven enemy planes were destroyed in a duel over the port of Darwin, and in the Anafura Sea, north of Australia, Allied fighter planes drove off enemy planes which were attempting to attack a con- voy. A Jap dispatch from Tokyo said that four Allied warships, includ- ing a destroyer, were sunk by a Jap destroyer flotilla in the Kula Gulf on Monday. New Device Aims Guns At Planes A remote control device which enables anti-aircraft guns to fol- low automatically the course of attacking planes is now being used by the U.S. Army, accord- ing to a War Dept, announce- ment. Reporting on a demonstration of the device, called a director, at Fort Totten, Staten Island, the Army said that 32 Bofors guns' and 32 machine-guns were kept trained on an attacking plane with only loading and firing crews required at the weapons. The director, operated from a distance, has telescopes which are pointed at a plane by its crew. It automatically calculates the speed of the plane, making allowances for the direction of its flight. —Baker (Continued from Page 1) Rockefeller scholarship, one of the most valuable grants offered to American students of the the- ater. During his tenure as director of the Southwest Summer Theat- er at Waco, Tex., Lt. Baker pro- duced and directed about 20 plays,irangingfrom Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and Sherwood Ander- son’s “Winterset” to “The Am- erican Way,” a mammoth pro- duction with a cast of more than 450 performers. At present Lt. Baker is assist- ing Sgt. Mel Brandt, director of “Heaven Can Wait.” He hopes to expand theatricals so local stages will never be idle. What’s Doing MAIN CENTER Tomorrow—1600—Juke Box Dancing. 2000—Blue Jacket Jive. Monday—1600 — Stamp Club Meeting. 2030 — Kitchen Band Con- cert. Tuesday—1300 — Dancing Lessons. 2030 — Dance — Infantry Band. Wednesday—1300 — Art Club Meeting. 1930 — Bridge Club. Thursday—1300 — Dancing Lessons. Friday—1400 — Coin Collec- tor’s Meeting. 2030 — Engineers String Ensemble. CENTER NO. 2 Tomorrow—2030 — Juke Box Dance. Monday—2000 — Movie. Tuesday—2030 — Dance — In- fantry Band. Wednesday—2000 — Movie. Thursday—2030 — Dance, SSO Band. Friday—2030 — Games Night.


The White Falcon

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