The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 23.09.1944, Side 1

The White Falcon - 23.09.1944, Side 1
Vol. VII. ICELAND, Saturday, September 23, 194k. No. 1. ANNIVERSARY — Paying her respects to the White Falcon staff as the paper celebrates its third anniversary is screen star Marlene Dietrich. To her right are — 1st Lt. David Zinkoff, supervising officer; Sgt. John Moran, managing''editor; Sgt. Gordon Farrell, associ- ate editor; and Cpl. Robert Hill, troop news editor. Missing from the picture is staff reporter Pvt. E. C. Gray. U.S. May Cut War Production By 40°/0 After Fall Of Germany Concert Tonight At Fieldhouse Werner Gebauer, violin virtuoso; John Grant, out- standing baritone; CWO John D. Corley and the Army Band; Cpl. Millard S. Thompson, pianist, and Cpl. Alfred Cerunda, narrator, appear in a concert tonight at the Andrews Fieldhouse at 2000 hours. No tickets are nec- essary for military personnel and their Icelandic guests. Each soldier will be permitted no more than two guests. Willkie Chides Both Parties On Foreign Policy Platforms Damaged Tanks Go To Battle Again Thousands of damaged Amer- ican tanks will soon be roaring back into battle as a result of a new large-scale rebuilding pro- ject developed by the Army Ser- vice Forces. Before Jan. 1 the Ordnance Dept, expects to re- build 3,000 M4 General Sherman medium tanks and 550 M5 light tanks. Rebuilding operations will be carried out at reclamation cent- ers located in all sections of the U.S. Wendell Willkie, for whose support the Democratic and Re- publican parties reportedly are contesting, temporarily has reject- ed both suitors. Writing in Col- lier’s Magazine, the 1940 GOP presidential candidate said plat- forms of both major parties' pre- sented an “irreconcilable para- dox” by promising lasting peace for the world without stating that the components of such a peaceful world must voluntarily relinquish some of their national sovereignty to gain that postwar goal. Willkie called upon rival can- didates' orally to augment their party’s respective platform by statements that would end pop- ular confusion as to what the peace planks mean and how they will work. “It must be said,“ wrote Wil- lkie, “that on the general ques- tion of foreign policy the Demo- cratic plank is in many ways Nazis Seen Behind ‘Surrender* Rumors A warning against Nazi pro- paganda tricks — in the guise of false rumors of German sur- render — has been issued by military authorities and the OWI. “False rumors of German sur- render or of negotiations look- ing toward surrender have al- , ready appeared and may be ex- pected to be more frequent from now on,” stated authorities. Austria Told To Rise Against ‘Protectors’ ' U.S. Sec. of State Cordell Hull has warned the people of Aust- ria that the time for them to rise against the Germans “is almost here.” Similar announcements have been made to the Austri- ans by Russia, better than the Republican plank, but both parties' reveal a tend- ency of practical politicians to try to conciliate and win all ele- ments of the population without offending others.” He charged that such tactics failed squarely to face the prob- lem “and so prepared soil for the sowing of World War II.” Der Fuehrer Said To Have Girl Friend In Munich According to a German pris- oner who claims to have been Hitler’s valet for three years, Der Fuehrer’s girl friend is a Munich stenographer. “The Fuehrer is a very diffi- cult man to know,” said the pris- oner. “He is different every day. One day he is all fondness and next day he is all brutish harsh- ness.” An indication of the extent of industrial conversion in the U.S. after the defeat of Germany was noted recently in a report rend- ered to Pres. Roosevelt by War Mobilization Director James F. Byrnes. Recommending a 40 percent cutback in war productiofi after the capitulation of the Nazis and the employment of former war workers in the output of civili- an goods, Byrnes said, “It is nec- essary that the government plan now to spread work. We will speedily return to civilian pro- duction, and the pent-up demand for goods will come from people who have the money with which (Continued on Page 2) Nazis Make Bombs Like Bowling Balls A new not-so-secret weapon of the hard-pressed Nazis is re- ported to be a “bowling-ball- bomb.” The bomb consists of a teller-mine with time fuse, all of which is placed in a round oversize wooden casing. Battle reports do not speak w’eil of its effectiveness. Occupation To Demand Armed Forces Level Of 3,000,000 Men A report by the House Econ- omic Planning Committee recom- mends that U.S. armed forces be maintained at a level of at least 3,000,000 men until the need of occupation abroad has ended. CONGRATS — HEADQUARTERS ICELAND BASE CCWUNL APO 660, o/o Postmaster Kew York, fa’. Y. 14 September 1944 SUBJECTi THE WHITE FALCON Anniversary. TO* / THE ; in 11A FaIECII Staff. 1. As your outstanding newspaper -begins its fourth year of publi- cation in Iceland, I take this opportunity of expressing fty congratulat5* and appreciation for a job •well done. 2. The first AEF nev/spaper of World War II, THE WHITE FALCON has maintained a uniformly excellent quality and has been one of the greatest factors contributing to the high morale of this command. 3. Despite difficulties which included censorship, lack of modem printing equipment, paucity of news-gathering facilities and the problem of serving scattered units of a widely dispersed command, the official Iceland base Command newspaper has accomplished its mission in an exem- plary manner. 4. The pre-eminence of THE WHJIE FALCON among Service newspapers is attested by its winning of Third Prize in the Camp.News paper Service Contest of 1044—in competition with more than 200 Service papers. This ie a tribute to the resourcefulness end ability of THE WHITS FAIEGN Stoif. CIGARETTE GIRL— In the guise of a cigarette girl, Miss Margaret Nash of the ARC helps entertain soldiers and their girl friends during fest- ivities last Sunday which marked the opening of the “Palm Court" at ARC Club 14. Tea dancing • cabaret style — feat- ured the occasion.


The White Falcon

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