The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 14.10.1944, Side 1

The White Falcon - 14.10.1944, Side 1
Vol. VII. OUR FORCES — ALWAYS ALERT ICELAND, Saturday, October 14, 1944. No. 4. One - Third Of Men In 18-38 Age Group Unfit For Service New Bogart Film Premiered This Evening At Fieldhouse FREE HOSPITALIZATION AND MEDICAL CARE ADVOCATED FOR VETERANS Selective Servioe officials revealed re- cently that a third of all the men in the 18 to 38 age group are not physieally qualified ?or servioe with the irmed forces. A Senate sub-commit- tee investigating war- time health and educa- tion was told by Col. Leonard 0. Rowntree, Chief of the Selective Service Medical Divis- ion, that there are now 4,217,000 men in the 4F classification and that after the present list of 22,000,000 draft registrants are examin- ed, there will be about; 4,000,000 more 4Fs. The ocmmittee was ad- vise-5. by other medioal authorities that the Veterans’ hospitals are in the "backwaters of medicine" and that medioal eare for veter- ans and their families (who will make up one- third ©f the popu- GERMANY.ORDERS OFFICERS TO . PROTECT THEMSELVES *0R NEXT WORLD CONFLICT Discovery of a "sup- er secret" memo during recent fighting on soil of the Reich not only reveals plans for World War III by the Germans but also makes a plea to officers to protect themselves when a re- treat is ordered - "re- gardless of' the sacri- fice in enlisted men." The memo mentions the vital part which offic- ers played in World War I, the part they are at present playing, and the part they can play in an "unavoidable thi- rd contest for the lea- dership of the world." lation) should not be- come a matter for the dole. Dr. John R. Boling, president of the Flori- da Medioal Association, advocates the issue of a paid-up hospitaliz- ation and medioal care contract not to exceed ten or 15 years for each discharged vet- eran. Dr. Boling be- lieves that veterans should reoeive only limited medioal care "exoept in case of in- jury and disease actu- ally sustained dur- ing active duty." Nelson Admits China Facing Grave Crisis The situation in Chi- na is serious but not hopeless, Donald M. Nelson told a United China Relief meeting in Chioago this week. Hav- ing recently returned from Chungking, the former WH3 ohairman asserted that plans are under way to speed add- itional war supplies "including the all-imp- ortant trucks," to our Far Eastern Ally. "A relatively small amount of American in- dustrial equipment rea- ching China in the near future could quickly make a profound differ- ence in her fighting power," Nelson said. PYLE SAYS NAZIS MAY KEEP FIGHTING THROUGH WINTER Ernie Pyle, war corr- espondent now vacation- ing in the U.S. after two year3 on the bat- tle fronts, stated re- cently that "the Europ- ean war could go on all winter. The Germans," he added, "are fighting desperately." GIs MAY COKE HOKE WITH COLLEGE DEGREES If they have to wait long enou#i for a ship, Uncle Sam’s nephews may bring back college de- grees when they return States. The War Department is designing a plsui which will enable the troops to pursue grade-school and college courses v?h- ile they await ships to take them back home. Oregon Legislature Asks Veterans' Hospitals For Returning War Dogs Who Don't Like Civilians Soldiers in Iceland have again been given the opportunity to wit- ness a world premiere of a new Hollywood film - this time, CON- FLICT, with Humphrey Bogart, Sidney Green- street ("bad man" of THE MALTESE FALCON, THE MASK OF DEMETRIOUS and others), Rose Hobart and Alexis Smith. This "brand new" pic- ture, which has yet to be released in the Sta- tes, will be shown to- night at 2000 hours at. Andrews Fieldhouse fpr one performance only. Admission will be limited to . military personnel. Produced by Warner' Brothers, CONFLICT is described as a mystery story "which has no- thing to do with the war." The film's novel finish (we promised not to telli) should hold the entire audience in suspense up until the final flicker of the last reel. Since discharged K-9 veterans have shown a marked dislike for civ- ilians, the Oregon Leg- islature has received a suggestion that the four-legged friends be sent to veterans' hosp- itals where "a oompan- ionable dog would do more to sooth shocked nerves than any other treatment." Posing a new problem in rehabilitation, it has been found that the veterans of 14 months' sei-vioe in the armed forces have become em- bittered towards anyone not wearing GI uniforms - and especially bell- boys and milkmen. ’•A" PRINTED BY BASE ENGINEER


The White Falcon

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