The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 21.10.1944, Page 2

The White Falcon - 21.10.1944, Page 2
2 THE WHITE FALCON - OUR FORCES — ALWAYS ALERT Fublislieu Oy and lor tile American force* in Iceland, under the supervision of Special Service Section, Iceland Base Com- mand. All photographs are by the U.S. Army Signal Corps un- less otherwise credited. THE WHITE FALCON receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service, War Dept. 1 his paper has been passed by the censor and may be mailed home for one-and-one-half cents. I HE WHITE FALCON is written and edited by enlisted-man personnel. Service Group to Buy GIs’ Christmas Gifts GIs can now have the- ir Christmas shopping done by "proxy" by the United Nations Service Center, 500 N. Capital, Washington, D. C. All the sorviceme- IliC Special Service Officer..Lt. Col. Lee F. Gilstrnp. Supervising Officer ..........Lt. David Zinkoff. need do is send their name; the name and add- Managing Editor ..............Sgt. John Moran Associate Editor .............Sgt. J. Gordon Farrell Troop News Editor ............Cpl. Robert Hill Staff Reporter ...............Pvt. E. C. Gray MulUlith Operator ............S/Sgt. N. H. Heppel ress of the recipient; their ohoice of gift and a money order and the center will do the purchasing and mailing. --- Abroad In Iceland --- THE STATE CHURCH Above - the Lutheran Cathedral and Bishop Christianity was fo- unded early in Ice- land, being almost as old as the Republic itself. The first es- tablished church was Catholic, being found- ed in the year 1000 A. D. (the first Republic was established in 930) by a small group of Viking laymen who brought back the first religious teachings from their wanderings abroad. Sympathetic- ally received, the Catholic Church con- tinued to groTf and was the principal religion of the people until 1550. At that time Lutheranism was intro- duced, under pressure of the Danish crown. Slowly accepted at fi- rst, the strength of the church gradually increased down over a period of years, as prominent leaders and scholars accepted the church. Through the centuries, congregati- ons grew and it final- ly became the chief religion of the people and was later adopted as their national ch- urch. The State Church less officially, might rather be called the "universal" church, for it now represents the chosen religion of over 90 percent of all Ice- landers . The "State" part of the church does not imply in any sense, any coercion or restri- ction of religious fre- edom, for all sects are free to practice their beliefs in Iceland, al- though there are only two others. Neither does it signify a^r different teachings or adoptions other than the international Luth- eran church doctrines. The church is, however, supported by the Ice- landic Government, wh- ich in turn levies an annual church tax aga- inst all members. Non- members are not taxed. Tax-payers may, if they Sigurgeir Sigurdsson. wish, designate their contribution to either the church or to the educational system of Iceland. There are 285 State J Churches throughout j Iceland. These are * presided over by 112 \ clergymen. Exoept for several older members of the olorgy, all the clerics have- received their ; divine training at the ", University of Iceland. , The State Church is I headed by the eminent theologian, Dr. Sigur- geir Sigurdsson, the Bishop of Iceland. The present cathede- ral, located on "Borg i Square" across from the Althing House, was ! built in 1846-48. PI- : ans are already being \ drawn for a new and larger church —plans ' which Bishop Sigurds- \ son hopes will mater- ialize into an actua- ’■ lity soon. Next Vteeki ALTHING HOUSE Some GIs may think that Coa6t Guardsmen' "have it made" but after visiting a group a- board their ship here recently, it seems that is decidedly not the case...They have their “gripes" too...but are cheerful about them... like such things as two-month-cruises without mail...on one, without washing water of any kind for over a week...Seeing the same movie over and over, there being only one aboard on one cruise...Round-the-clock watch duties... Habitual sea-sickness among some of the men (even after two years at seal)...Infinitesimal living quarters...let there is a strong "esprit de corps" among the men. * * # Top radio programs for Fall back home, via a Hooper report, are...Eob Hope...Walter Win- chell...Charlie McCarthy...Radio Theatre...Mr. District Attorney...Take It or Leave It...Joan Davis...Broadway has another smash hit on its hand in "Bloomer Girl" which just opened... first nighters gladly paying speculators £100.00 per pair for seats...The show bids well to compete with that other perennial favorite, "Oklahoma" which it resembles...Other openings of last week..."Men to the Sea," a sexy drama, ...and "Last Stop." ' * * * Signs of the times...A new "silk-shirt era8 in full swing back home...only this time it Is sports shirts...Just as during the last war,- flush spenders thought nothing of buying £15.00 or $25.00 silk shirts, so it is in this one with "leisure shirts" at the same run of pri- ces...When you get ready to buy that "civie"su- it back home, you'll get most of the works with it...pleats...cuffs...patch pockets and other extras...all restrictions having now been lif- ted on such items...But no two-trouser suits yet...nor vests for double-breasted models. -LEGION HEAD first-line ships. In dcheiberling's op- inion, the actual de- sign of postwar securi- ty should be left "to the experts," but on oertain underlying iss- ues, he believes it is the Legion's duty to take an aggressive st- and. "Just so we won't have to do the job over again." Orson Welles Film At Fieldhouse Sunday Night "Journey Into Fear" - the Orson Welles movie of international intri- gue - will be present- ed at the Fieldhouse tomorrow evening at 2000 hours. Joseph Cot- ten and Delores Del Rio are featured in the film. MORE POSTWAR PLANNING United Air Lines has put it up to its custo- mers to deoide on eith- er blonde, brunette or rod heads for hostesses on postwar planes. CHAPLAIN’S CHALLENGE Snow changes a de- solate countryside into a beautiful scene; moonlight and shadows reveal bea- uty not visible in daylight; and hope is the ray of sun- shine that penet- rates the darkest days in our lives. Never believe the picture you see when you are depressed and discouraged. The true picture is hid- den behind the cloud in your eyes. Hold on to your true per- spective.


The White Falcon

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