The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 28.10.1944, Blaðsíða 6

The White Falcon - 28.10.1944, Blaðsíða 6
0 yes INDEEP, SIR.. VERY FARSISHTEP What A Standing Operating Procedure HIGHLY COMMENPA5L£ THE WAY THOSE MEN WOEKEP UP A NJIOHT PROBLEM ON THEie. B . OWN INITIATIVE...^ Male Call by Milton Caniff, creator of "Terry and the Pirates" Organization Mews PREMATURE CHRISTMAS DELIVERIES: A few have delved into the cont- ents of the traditional Yulotide stockings and report the following tokens of affection be- stowed upon them thus ifar. Pfc. Henry Garza is all <smiles over his electric machine inten- ded to remove excess avoirdupois without un- due exertion on the part oj the user...Cpl. .Junior Dopp a bit un- decided as how he light use "Old Lavender and Laoe Bath Salts"....... T/Sgt. Borenbaum*s emo- tional balance was con- siderably upset last week when he received his request for an elixir to soothe his irritated throat pass- ages. His better half complied literally v.ith cough syrup... .Chef Pfc Howard Fulle received "Hew Improved Culinary Guide for Beginners." Sgt. C.A. Postler. Widow Waltz" in Hungar- ian....Ho, that wasn't an enthusiastic peanut stand we heard in Hut 47, It was Cpl. Luzader and his flute with Tec 5 Genz with a musical sweet potato. Don't complain. Tec 6 Sherry was looking for a saxa- phofie'. It's never so bad'.... .Pvt. Geere gets the nod as the noisiest guy in any mess hall... Accolades to anguillo, Moore, Guglielmo, Eeasy and Keisner as well as Rifenburg, Flores and f/eigel for the new str- ipes they're wearing. Tec 7 A. Nonny Muss. Were the seats so hard that Pfc. Huffman went to the *RC carry- ing a comforter with him? They laughed when Pvt. Stewart fell into ranks, but they sang another tune when "Dr- illmaster" Stewart put them through their pac- es. Did you know that Pfo. Russell was an in- structor in the States and literally fought to come overseas? Smart boyi It's been reported that Pvt. Ford made ab- out 33 points by making another brilliant rema- rk in the presence of rank. Tec 4 Beary wants to see his name in print. Here it is: BEaRY. Is it true that dis- patcher Uix quit the basketball team because he was not able to find a uniform that would fit. Cpl. H, Goodinsky. John Fruge is defin- itely not wearing all GI clothes these days - he's changing over to pinks....Everyone is celebrating next Wed- nesday night at the party....Le Roy Ish is receiving loads of mail these days in response to his ad in the Lonely Hearts Journal. They've yet to see his photo - but that's almost be- side the point, All the boys and girls are anxiously a- weiting the opening of the Martin Room which is the sharpest night club this side of Bdwy and 50th St. J, J. is personally supervising the sandpapering of el- bow holes in the bar for the more prominent drinkers..,,Loren Abbey is reading the wrong kinds of books these days. Pvt. Ben Rosenthal. QURRTCROIBSTE R Have you noticed the improvement in the ve- hicles sinoe Jimmy Jim- inez was made acting motor sergeant? I guess Curley and Hiok will now change their ways. Topic oi•conversation for the week was the Egyptian hula-hula dan- ce seen in the GI movie last Monday, John Berry had to go baok Tuesday because he was sitting behind Sam arsiglia and the reflected light from that bald spot blinded him. Norman Co- hen went back Tuesday just on general princi- ples. If our 1st Sgt. does not stop roaming around curing the night and putting out fires, the- re's going to be a vac- ancy in our T/O. Bill Donnelly. ORDNANCE ORDAKOTES - They say that the strut of Teo 4 iditteer is only his re- hearsal for the coming TD (Trip Down the aisle- with his gal). Walk,''do,' not run, Dick..«.Ijf is I, not true that Cjitpady Punishment consists ,pf listening to S/Sgt. Tu- tuska sing the l(t.erry4~' Send THE WHITE FALCON Home itaBjtqx'jea'eag 3ipkBf^©H TrossniTjSTTwiT JtnuiTJt®TT13H JW , l- ^ ^ , . , ......... ^‘N ‘ aH.............:. 098 # ... NODIVd aiiHA mojj 'R&pQhtz* WHAT ARE YOU SENDING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS? "Well, to tell you the truth, 1 don't know," replied Cpl. Harry Webb, of Jersey City, N. J. "After a fo- ur hour tour of this town I coulcn't find any- thing, I guess I'll ju- st send a money order." IAC John Staton, of Nottingham, England, th- oughtfully answered, "I intend to send home the more se- verely rati- oned things, such as silk stockings, undergarments, tinned fruits and chocolate." Turning the tables on- this col- umn's photo- grapher, Tec 5 Samuel G. Kadorian, he. countered, "Ask me an easy onel Last year it was easy—souvenirs,pi- ctures and woolen6, but this second Christmas I am stumped. What are YOU sending?" "There are so many things here £ ec* Aircraft- sman Bruce is Morrison-St- ■■■■I ory of West- on-Super-tVare, England. "I hope to buy some woolens and gloves," he said . to send home that it is hard to cho- ose," repli-


The White Falcon

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