The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 04.11.1944, Blaðsíða 1

The White Falcon - 04.11.1944, Blaðsíða 1
Voi. VII. War Department Proposes Vast Educational And Recreational Program For Troops After War Hitches on broomstick, black cats, half-moons and pumpkins formed the decorations in the mess hall of the CA outfit pictured above which obs- erved Hallowe'en this Week. Cpl, Riohard Isen- hour, left in trio above, decorated the mess hall as well as taking part in the musical en- tertainment# Pfo. Robert Sells and Too 5 John Sittig completed the trio. The menu consisted of -*teaL, French fries and pumpkin pie# Government Can Rotate But 30,000 Men Monthly A\ftilability of ship- ping space "imposes a very definite ceiling on the rotation and was pointed out that four to seven times the number of men - the equivalent of eight to temporary duty polioy, i 14 divisions - are inm- the War Dept, said in ai recent statement expl- j aining why no more than 30,000 men are Lei. 0 returned home monthly from all theaters. In order to bring ho- me these 30,000 men, it obilized. The War Dept, state- ment added that select- ion of individuals to be returned to the Sta- tes is the sole respon- sibility of theater co- (Continued on Page 2> Army Band Offers Concert Tonight At Fieldhouse 'LITTLE GIRL” ACT HIT OF NEW USO SHOW Backed up by the Army Air Force Band, USO-oa- mp Shows Unit 349 gave a Command Performance at the Tripoli Theater Monday night. Terry Rio, assisted by her husband, MC Ral- Above, 1 to r, are Ray Strickland} Thelma Gardner} Terry and Ralph Rioj and Jo Andrews of DS0 Camp Show 549 at the finale of their show. During the period following the defeat of Germany and while facilities are being provided for the evacuation of this Command, soldiers here will be given the opportunity of taking part in a vast recreational, entertainment and educational program now in preparation by the ear De- partment . World-wide in scope, the program will ulti- mately embraoe every theater of operations where American troops are stationed. Purpose jis officially described las an endeavor to pro- vide constructive, non- military activities for soldiers in theaters made inactive by the defeat of Germany - and later of Japan. aooording to Major F, a. Dusker, IBC Plans and Training Officer, whose office will han- dle the educational ph- ase of the program, subjects to be offered for study here will be determined largely by a survey among enlisted men whioh is to be con- ducted sometime prior to the setting-up of the olasses. He stated, however, that the majo- rity of olasses will probably be vocational in nature. Instructors will be chosen from am- ong enlisted men and officers. "Service troops here," said the Major, "must of necessity be exoluded from the pro- gram, for their work will have to continue as before regardless of the military situat- ion." hntertainment and recreational activities (including athletics) will be under the sup- ervision of lit. Col. Lee F. Giletrap of Base (ContleMd OH Page 2) s/3gt. Saverio T. Prunesti (left) and Cpl. Harold Scheckman (right) are soloists at tonight's oonoert. ph Rio, was the "hit of the show" with her lit- tle girl act. Jo Andrews proved to be quite adept at the Samba, while Thelma Gardner brought loud oheers from the "Re- bels" with her guitar and her singing of "Mo- lasses." Kay Strickland, tall, willowy blonde, drew plenty of applause with her vooal "Anor," while she aooonpanied herself on the aooordian. S/Sgt. Barney Morel and the band gave out with "Douis#" -for one of the highs pets of the show. CY«) John D. Corley presents his Army Band in an all instrumental oonoert at the Andrews! Fieldhouse tonight at 2000 hours. S/Sgt. Saverio T. Prunesti plays the first movement of the "Concerto Ho. I in G Major for Flute, Opus 313" by Mosart. Cpl. Harold Sohebk- m#n iB violin soloist. He has ohosen Saint- Saens' "Danse Maoabre." Aaron Copland's "hi Salon Mexioo" will re- ceive its first perfor- mance in Iceland. The Army Band has programed the Overture to the opera "Mignon* by Thomas and the seo- ond and fourth move- ments to the Symphony Ho. 5 An a Minor by Dvorak - better known as the "Mew World Sym- phony." RADIO SCHEDULES for the GI station will be distributed each Friday with the ICE FROHT. PRINTED BY BASE ENGINEER


The White Falcon

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