The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 06.01.1945, Qupperneq 8

The White Falcon - 06.01.1945, Qupperneq 8
Organization Mews Glad to see McLean onl of the hospital, we thought for sure lie was going to spend the winter there — hut we guess he got out fast when he found out lie was made Cpl. » .. . The guys in the Sqdn. want to thank the Mess Sgt. and the cooks for the swclleiegant Xmas, and New Years Day dinners. Also, a grqal big vote of thmiks for Cpl. Manza and Pfc. Ash- worth Tor the grand show the3r put on for us after our Christmas dinner. They had us laughing throughout the show .... Well, all the boys in the outfit are ready to start the new year out right by. turning over in their sacks, and saying “I hope I get as. much sleep this year as I did last year.”. .. .“Doc” Valenzuela is a wizard of a butcher. When he uses tliQse barber shears, we darn near have to go to the dis- pepsaiy for a blood transfus- ion. Now that he’s Pfc., though, lie may do a better job..... I see that Cpl. White over Hut 43 way is kind of stuck on that two-page, nine- picture pin-up spread in last Saturday’s White Falcon. He just sta3'S stretched out on his;'sack, staring up at the pictures and swooning — especialh7 over that delect- able dish named Sherry Brit- ton .... With the new pro- motion list out, everyone is passing around cigars or ac- cepting them from someone else. Along this line, congra- tulations to our new 1st Sgt. Garrett. He’s a swell guy when he isn’t loooking for someone for KP or detail. Or, should we say, when lie’s asleep? .... Pfc. Pitts sure looks , tired these da3rs now that be has, a stead37 date — but he’s happy and that’s all that counts. Cpl. Stieve of Orderly Room fame sa3rsthal if he doesn’t get to see his nurse soon, lie’ll get gray hair worrying about her. To tell the truth, lie only has hair around his head aqd not on top of it! Sgt. Angelo J. According to the compam7 rosier, we have the follow- ing men whose last names begin with “Me”: McKenna, McDade, McCleaiy, McKin- ney, McGeough and MeSmith (how did he get in?) It seems that we have almost as 111am' “Macs” as there are in the Navy. If all the Mg’s were stretched out end to end. Ihe3r would he more com- fortable. In last week’s Falcon, this department wrote about Cpl. Steve Andrasko taking on all comers at pocket billiards. Since then, Steve has receiv- ed many challenges to a game. We would suggest a contest be held. The cham- pion would then be award- ed the POOLitzer Prize. Take your cue from this bo3rs and start the ball aroUing. New Year’s’ Eve parties were thrown (no one was hurt) though plent3T of bones were rattled in many of the huts. Lots of GI Joe’s called for their 3’oung namesakes “Little Joe.” The lucky ones were rolling in dough; the unlucky ones had the cards stacked against them. As they sa3r in Wall Street, “A fair exchange is no robbery.” Pvt. Sidney Glickman. QURRTERmRSTER Once again the big news consists of the two excellent parties over the weekend at our club. To quote one of our more distinguished visi- tors, “Anyone who says this isn’t the best club on the is- % land will have to see me, Joe Dugan.” And that was before lie fell into sewer. One flush would have meant the end of a rather brilliant career. Even Dolph Wilson gave all the girls a New Year kiss — though he was hlushiug so profusely that 3rou couldn’t even notice the lip- stick. We don’t mind Vic Niel- sen coming down eveiw weekend hut we do wish he would refrain from getting sick continually. Last Satur- day flight he embraced the stove and sang a love song to it — must have thought he had a hot number. “Set ’em up for the house” Evans won a five kronur bet from Hebert, but as 3Tet hasn’t been able to collect. Every other entry on the check list at the gate was “Grump with a load of girls.” Nice going, John. The quizzical are asking why Jack Hazelback is sing- ing again. See 3:011 all at the Club to- night. Bill Donnelly. This recent epidemic of bandaged heads, aching backs and other miscellan- eous cuts and bruises doesn't mean that the bo3’s have been going in for pugilistic activities. It’s just that they have been going in for a little amateur basketball and the games have beeu gett- ing a little rough at times, Marine Pvt. Shepard says the Zippo Lighters we rec- eived for Christmas are pretty cheap. They only cost us 365 da3Ts, Be patient, Sliep., we hear they’re going to pul hash marks on them in the future. Mike Coppola is getting to he a regular somniloquist and the rest of the fellows enj03’ his nightly conversa- tion. Be careful what you sa3% Mike! John M. Smith and Les Wahl returned from the Ski Club and their faces were quite red. We can’t figure out if it was because of the skiing or the drawing the3’ had in the office. Incident- ally, fellows, how much ski- ing did you do? Bingo is the latest rage in Hut E-33 but it doesn’t seem to be ver3r profitable for the proprietors, Pete G.erlock (an outsider) showed them some of the finer points of the game. Why does Jeriy Cutro search the mess hall before entering? Is it because of Jog Walker’s sermons about reforming Jerry? Those wedding bells ring louder and louder each time Palla sees his stulka. Where will the wedding be, Palla, at Borg or Heckla Square? We understand all hands will he invited to the big affair. T. Hibson, Y/2c. ORDNANCE ORDANOTES: That “start- er crouch” of S/Sgt. Thilking is the result of those man 3- sprints to the orderR7 room everv 'I'D rumor ....It loolis as though Pvt. Steinen is running a close second to Pvt. Swinderman as head man in the chow line. . . .Who were those depot men who raided the hut of a certain S/Sgt. at 0100 hours?. And then stayed to 0800 hours? That’s what night work does, huh?.... To Tec 5 Richardson goes the “tissue paper” messkit for his exellence in the “Rumor” Dept. . . .We don’t like to say this, but one Tec 4 Schranz has been seeing RAILROADS in Iceland!!! Say it isn't so, John. Let’s just say it was a “toot” and let it go at that. Ok?. . . The “Inner Sanctum” (orderly room to you) is making it difficult for your correspondent. TliC3' all can’t he good bo37s—not all the time. T’ain’t Iloomun! Christmas EVE-nts: The debut of the famous sym- pathy orchestra, the. “Nikel- odians,” giving out with music that was out of this world, (It should have been!) Guest artist for the evening was S/Sgt, (Tulips) Straehl who played strictly from hunger. Well, ok, make it from thirst .... The “jitter- hugging” of one ea. Tec. 5, Tollman and Pvt. King.... The vocalizing by a group of GIs huddled in a corner. It always happens when Craig meets Craig. . . .All in all, it helped make Christmas a little easier for each of us. Let’s hope we will all have a Happy New Year. Tee. 7 A. Nonny Muss. volves one individual who is finally admitting his guilt — after many, many months. It seems that this yery young soldier does little more than eat and sleep. Work, as far as he is concerned, is some- thing one talks about but never does. And so, after all these months, he has admit- ted that he should not con- tinue to keep all the mone3r he “was given” in the past 12 months. After a period of careful deliberation, it was decided that he is entitled to eight percent of his pa3' which, represents 30 days of work out of the past 366. And so he shall return to the Army some $600 as soon as the proper method of re- fund is determined. We won’t tell 3011 exactly who this luck3' 603' is, but your guess is as good as mine! Cliff Franklin claims he is through with women — seems, we have heard that song before .... Jim Young has promised Lee Berkman of Ilerskola Theater fame anything in the place. WI13'? Young was sweating this out hut lie can stop worrying now. This is not the week. .... Tony Galinsky promis- ed the Re3'kjavik “Snow Queen” a Hollywood con- tract. That’s win7 she went out with him, poor kid. At this week’s swell and fast-moving ENSA- show, T01137 Cortese received more than his share. He still hasn’t calmed down after touching that girl’s calve .... Harry Auld took a runout powder on 11s the other night and we expect him hack, post haste. Pfc. Ben Rosenthal. There is a most unusual I tale spreading ilke wild fire throughout the camp. It in- Haye 3’ou tried a “Mendez Special?” We are not refer- ring to an alcoholic concoc- tion or to a super-fast train but to haircuts. Pfc. John Mendez, our tonsorial artist, is read3r to trim or clip 37ou, so wh\7 not visit liis shop and meet the Axis. It will prove to be a hair-razing experi- ence. Send THE WHITE FALCON Hon-e ajaq duiejg pni-auo juB-auo 3DBIJ A'4I3 M4°A A^N ‘jajSBuqsoj 0/0 uiojgi Pfc. Jimmy Wynn, a rank amateur in. affairs of the heart, announces plans for his forthcoming publication “An Illustrated Guide to Reykjavik Nite Life.” In spite of the fact that Geor- gia’s favorite son is strange to his new sin-roundings, he yet insists that all of his mat- erial hajs been drawn from personal experience. • .That’s the best I’ve heard in two years....It may not be re- garded as being of any real news value when a canine bites a Homo Sapien (this means you!), but when a man, Pfc. Bagwell, digs his incisors and cuspids into the ankle of a dog-robber, Pvt. lack Reddick, that my friends is definitelv news. .. .REQU- IRED READING FOR PRO- SPECTIVE GOODWILL AM- BASSADORS: “A, Primer of Modern Icelandic” by Siue- bjorn Jonsson. .. .BLESS! Sgt. C. A. Postler.


The White Falcon

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