The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 10.02.1945, Blaðsíða 8

The White Falcon - 10.02.1945, Blaðsíða 8
8 Organization Mews qunRTERmfiSTE R We’re looking forward with •enthusiasm to the. party to- night at the Herskola Theat- er and wondering who’ll sur- prise us this time by bring- ing stulkas. Mut and Hank ■didn’t do bad at the last shin- dig. We are glad to see Tec 5 McKenzie able to work again. Did you run out of kronur, •Mac? Glad to see your smil- ing face, too, Harry. Hope ■you stay well. The recent return of our CO and Lt. Garney has been the cause of many happy smiles. We hope they had a .good time on TD, hut hope that they don’t leave 11s again — hut take us along with them the next time. Popular remarks heard in the Mess Hall: “Is the laund- ry hack?” .... “When do we send in dry cleaning?” .... “What time is the PX open tonight?” ... mail in?” .. •cutting my o’clock?” Cpl. . “Is there any . “How about hair at one Eri)i] Marsh. with admiration .... Sgt. Dobyns not at the company party. (Could il he that he didn’t want to make the boys jealous or was il the other way around ?)i .... “Jansey Wansey” Janowski out of the sack and well on the way to being a reformed man. (Will someone please tell us where he gol the fancy name?) .... And Tec 5 Stev- ens mil of the sack. That noise you heard in Hut 4 last night was not an- other invasion as rumored — just “Curly” Robel finding his way in the dark .... The mystery of the week is who pushed “Gato Muerto” Flen- ker in the ditch and why? “Gorgeous Gory” (Goro- witz to the uninformed) re- fused to pay us the promis- ed amount for putting his name in this column. So, from now on, it’ll be kronur on the line! .... Pfc. Ford is now passing up seconds in the chow line (could il be because of what the CO told him?). Butch and Chuck. back minus bis heart. Now all you hear is Pete sing- ing “Molly, ma’ sweet blue bell.” T. Hibson. Y/2c. A bit of this ’11’ that: Fav- orite songs of the week — Sgt Hyde, “My Son, My Son;” Ed Hickman, “That Silver Haired Daddy of Mine”... . J Sgt. Wendt must really have good eyes judging from the way he can spot those men who aren’t covered off for reveille formation .... We , earnestly hope that the WAC won’t discover the reason why “Blimp” Nufrio volun- teered for steady guard duty at the gate .... Whaddaya know? “Meat” Posillico made Pfc .... For a man who hasn’t far to 'bend, Bill Hylton really has a tough time getting his pants off each Saturday night. Sunday at the range we saw: Frank Connolly of the Boston Connolly’s kicking up the ice half-way to the target . . . . Sgt. Boyett show- ing off (no surprise) .... the medics hoping that some- one would get shot .... that the safest place to be was behind Target No. 3 at which Sgt. Bankoski was firing. Bill Donnell}]. WE SAW IT OURSELVES: The First Man, Sgt. Anjori- an, swinging a pick and us- ing a shovel while the “Utili- ties” squad (“Bull Gang” to the less educated) looked on It looks as if Jim Burt’s leave to the UIv has caused quite a commotion about his stulka. Even with a Chief Storekeeper, a Yeoman and a Marine battling it out for first place in her heart, we think Jim will pick up where he left off without any troub- le at all. Marine Pfc. Hiltz (the Farmer) is still looking for\ easy kronur anti usually he gets it. Probably the system he uses is infallible. It seems he wakes a guy up and while the fellow is still grog- gy from sleep he does a little fast-talking and, before his victim realizes it, he is forc- ed into a sucker bet. Hoot Mon! Scots wha hae! What is it these Scotch lass- ies have that causes the wist- ful look in the boys eyes aft- er they come back from the UK? Pete Pristavec went ov- er in one piece and came ORDNANCE ORDANOTES: Our apo- logies to Tec 3 Sundeen for omitting his name from last week’s list of promotions. Just blame it on the weath- er, Sundeen, as it wasn’t in- tentional ... . A salute to Cpl. Geo. Sparacino for his j excellent and informative lecture on the war issues. Nice going, George .... Has anyone noticed the “spread” on T/Sgt. (Porky) Wilson since he joined up with our outfit? Maybe it’s our in- signia? What Icelandic girl thinks Tec 5 Swinderman is a “cute kid?” You bet he is trying to find'out! .... The myst- ery of the week is whether Tec 4 (knuckle-buster) Pro- ce did — or did not — marry Joan .... Aside to Eileen: Let’s see, it must have been R.B. Craig who we mention- ed in this column — or was it R.T.? No, it was — well, the B is correct, anyway. Personally, we still can’t tell them apart. Well, tear up my leggins and ship me a bobby sock! A “Sinatra (eek) Club” in Iceland! Quick, Sgt., the smelling salts! We might organize a counter-Crosby club but why elevate Sin- atra to the level of a vocal- ist? He (Sinatra) isn’t even a good echo. Suffice, there- fore, to say Phooey! Tec 5 John F. McCabe. It’s all over but the memo- ries and the after-thoughts are very pleasant. The boys are still talking about the company dance held in our day room last Saturday ev- ening. Top honors went to Pvt, James (Judge) Barnes for doing his impersonation of Schickelgruber. He cer- tainly made a Ilit(ler) with the crowd .... Tec 4 Cliff- ord P. Johnson is a jitter-bug par-excellence. Cliff certain- ly was hot in his dance rout- ine, in fact, lie sizzled so much that JOHNSON melted the FLOOR WAX .... Pvt. Thomas (J- for Jersey) Gum- ina’s dancing rocked the house and when the band went to town in a musical way swinging out the “Cow Cow Boogie,” young Tom didn’t do the Turkey Trot but had the joint a-jump- ing. You could see the Jers-| ey Bounce — and that’s no bull .... Many thanks to Capt. Alexander, Lts Rich- ardson and Kappus for mak-j ing the party possible. Thanks to the Army Band which furnished the music and the boys and girls for1 their atten(dance). A happy time was had by all. Pfc. Sidney Click man. V ACK j sph ■ -?c MCK Pvt. Roy Heim insists that he be called an Artificer. Dictionary, please! He paint- ed some fire buckets. .. .The “Big Boys” had better look to their laurels, Cpl. Hupka, a newcomer in our midst, weighs 285 lbs! .... Pfc. Bi- erce claims that he can beat any man in the Btrv. at cas- ino .... Cpl. Toneatti and Pfc. McDonough have been bitten by the “pin-up collec- tion bug” .... They say that Pfc. Moorman used up two rolls of film posing for pic- tures with the Good Conduct Medtal pinned on his blouse .... We miss Sgt. Bendorf’s pies, cakes and doughnuts. So, Sarge, please come out of the hospital’— but quick! .... Richard “Down on the Farm” McDonald receives more letters than anyone in the outfit. Quite a popular man! Cpl. L. Auritt. an Sam Ackly is the MC now .... So lightning never strik- es twice? You should hear A1 White tell of his new love .... Tonv Paolucci is plenty busy sandwiching plane trips to you know who in between jauuts to Civil Affairs and the preacher to make arrangements. Charlie Bayer was seen taking a beefsteak (very small) into Hut 23 ... . The Sweat Club is growing so fast it now wants the walls moved outward. For the jitt- ery bugs, we presume .... Aurelio Padrivita and his magic violin is the finale for most of our affairs. Harry Kopatz is sweating out the bronze doughnut for his ETO bar. He’s earned it for his 100 missions to the ARC .... Jake Wirth can now sleep morning since he gave those keys back to Penzlin. Penz makes break- fast regularly these days . . . . We wonder how George Nelson felt after he and the medics had carefully splint- ed that lad’s leg, and rush- ed him to the hospital where they found it was only a cramp .... Boz actually got out on the dance floor at the last party. It’s rumored that he practiced secretly for weeks before taking the plunge. Those TD boys have no good reply yet for the taunt “Wait’ll you’ve been in Ice- land as long as I have” .... Otto Scholl is losing cribb- age games to everyone now that Anna Marie’s inspirat- ional photo has been taken from atop his desk. . . . Toto finally made the grade. All those bus trips finally paid off — or so we bear. Cpl. Ken Stark. “Duffy’s Tavern” is und- er new management. Veter- Soad Till WHITE FM.COM Home araq duitqg ! j jjuq-ouo ! -pue-auo a'p3 q.xo\ av3\[ ‘jajseuqsoj o/a UIO.1^ 1st Sgt. Bianclii is now “Little Bill” to his mates. It can’t be simply because lie’ goes around saying “I’m out of gas.” The angle of the hat and that favorite expression “Isn’t that right, Guilfovle?” must have something to do with the nickname. Jimmy Adams, fresh from TD,has added another stripe. Make it Sgt. Adams from here on out .... Cpl. Harold Hermann, the Jersey Flash, is zooting around the area on a bike now that spring ( ?) is here. If lie can ride as fast as he can walk he’ll set a new record, for the island. The White-Haired Terror of the Stiilkas, Pvt. Morris Flaxman, is back in belter (or is it worse?) shape than ever. He and Harpo Marx have the same leer — and the same tactics. Cpl. F. R. Murcko.


The White Falcon

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