The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 10.03.1945, Blaðsíða 8

The White Falcon - 10.03.1945, Blaðsíða 8
Organization Mews In case you’re wondering where those fancy aprons the bartenders are sporting in the Crew’s Lounge came from, cease wondering. We have our good friend John “Soap ‘n’ Water” Walsh to thank. He sent all the way back to the States for them. This new 0100 Liberty sure went over big with the men. Besides giving a couple of extra hours, it serves to defeat that last minute anx- iety of trying to beat the cur- few. It seems like the base just couldn’t get along without “Salty” Swalm on the MAA force and after a few days in a different division the}7 had to bring him hack. T. Hibson, Y2/c. the one pulled out of the snowbank. Next time, put chains on the steering wheel, Sgt .... Be careful, you hecklers of Pennsylvanians. We outnumber guys from any other state — Texas in- cluded! .... We know one Tec 5 who thinks Rosaleen is a very pretty name — so he’s knocking himself out trying to croon “Rosalie.” Cpl. Ervy Marsh. new Ichabod Club furnish- ings .... The sad look on the face of a certain memb- er of the Air Force Ork who tasted his first drink the other night .... How every- one seems to gravitate to the SkjaldbreiS every night The look of anguish on the pans of all who received new weapons complete with cos- moline .... The drummer who goes around humming “We Could Make Such Beautiful Music Together.” It se6ms since our initial column last week that tlier- smeared with lipstick. He sure had plenty of nerve to do it after what he had told us about himself .... “Fat Boy” Williams seems to be doing plenty of dog-robbing for the hoys of Hut 12. What are you bucking for, boy? . . . . “Choo Choo” Stewart still is of the opinion that a “Red Corpuscle” is a non-com in the Russian Army. “Pretty Boy” Gunnell is back in circulation now, so be careful all you girls. By the the way “Pretty Boy,” “Stina” has been sweating Port Of Le Havre Busier Now Than Before German0 Declared It Destroyed According to a, "War Dept, announcement, the German- wrecked port of Le Havre has now been restored to more than its pre-war cap- acity. The announcement says that the famous French port, considered “100 perc- ent destroyed” by the Ger- mans, is currently handling more tonnage than it ever did before. quRRTERnriR MUDVILLE, LAMENTS:. Our detachment has discov- ered the meaning of the words “Fighting Quarter- master.” A trip to or from the depot on the back of our trucks has become a battle royal since the office gang has been using this trip to release their pent up en- ergies. The snowballs really fly — debris not excluded. Pvt. Berman, detached, was seen trying to dig a foxhole in the truck bed. Now that the daylight per- iod is getting longer, the latrine is almost visible from where we live. Rumor has it tliat a beacon light may be installed on Hut 14 to guide the lalriners home. Sgt. Mul- lins needed his compass one dark night last week when he thought he was headed for Club 21. Pfc. Abe Cohen. TRUCKING TOPICS: It would seem at least one Cpl. is taking the training pro- gram a little too seriously. If he isn’t, why was he car- rying his bed roll around the area in the middle of the night?. ... “I’m Gonna Buy A Paper Doll” is the song our parts man croons these days, while Conway and O’Malley} mournfully lament “Somebody Else Is Taking My Place.” “I never get stuck,” boasts Hensgen, but we are told he was rescued by Hubler who was supposed to have been ORDNANCE ORDANOTES: What Pfc. made points or, the way home by speaking a hit of Polish to a Colonel? That’s real dog-robbing, Ed .... Sorry, men, hut just because Pfc. Friedrichs did a Sinatra in that Joisey Cafe is no reason to scream when he approaches .... It’s said that Pfc. CLutz is hell on drums. When he says play a song, he means play it. OK, ask that drummer in New- ark .... What S/Sgt. has been seen running around the camp in a simply gorg- ous blue bathrobe? Tsk, tsk, this TD is having its effects. We wonder how Tec 5 Fisher is coming along with his muscles? After all, if Atlas can’t do it, nobody can. He’s getting lesson number four in the next mail — which should enable him to lift his arms .... Tec 4 Mit- teer, to tell the truth, is mooning all over a gal nam- ed Ruth. Tec 5 John F. McCabe. e’s been a change in person-jyou out .... “Champ” Rio-1 nel — not in camp though earcli, the hoy who helped —r call it aft airs ot the heart make boxing a popular sport if you will. Since Dave leftJ on the.island,, has also turn-j your reporter has noticed e(] out to be one of the best! that another Sgt. from the basketball players in the Utilities Sec. is sweating out Elaine on that meter reading' session. Robbie.- company .... Congrats are; in store for the men who! had another stripe addedj this week .... Here’s hop-1 T , . , •, , the other dav. It happened mg the boys in the hospital |_. Ui _,t__ T ; WK:11J:.., have a speedy recovery. We h. la Sinatra, we had a swooning woman to care for all hope to soon. Bless. see vou back Batch and Chuck. HQ.&HQ.C0-IBC Next Wed. promises to be another red-letter day for the socially elite of camp what with all the activities scheduled in the EM Mess Hall. The festivities will commence with a super-de- luxe supper at “Gus’s Grotta” and will extend far into the night with a dance at the EM Club and a few extras at the Snack Bar. THINGS OF NOTE: The Now that Hut 88 has Tec 5 Edwin Bennetts and Pfc. Raowick on TD, morale is at a new low .... Cpl. Bischel has turned down the mid- night oil to take a well-earn- ed rest now that he has fin- ished his USAFI course in bookeeping .... It looks like Tec 5 Collier'and a few others will have to acquire “Seeing Eye Dogs” to guide them around fire and trash barrels on those dark and stormy nights. We are wondering: Why Tec 5’s Hamilton and Wasei- ty have been working like beavers for the past weeks. Could it be that a trip is in store for them? .... Pfc. Bagwell is down in the dumps agains since the new- er men refuse to listen to his tale about things being so rough at Logberg that he was forced to eat his sled dogs. Cpl. F. R. Murcko. MCK “Killer” Dobyns came into camp the other night all Sgt. Hytowitz had quite a problem when the road to his camp became impass- able. Lt. Linden founded up, all the shovels available and the crew started digging, their way down, the 30 perc-^ ent (or more) grade. Just asi the weary boys shouldered the shovels and headed for the final break, a bulldozer from the Engrs. arrived. Oh, their aching GI backs! What camp in this Btry. is known as the old folks home? Would you say drunk when he kronur a bottle beer and then uses coffee for a chaser? The boys know the answer — don’t they, Pfc. Brasher? The Btry. office had to be aired out the other day when Lt. Powell received one of those fragrant-smelling lett- ers from his wife. Pfc. G. W. Cletcher. ' right after I.l. Whilldin and S/Sgt. McCasland put in an appearance. No fooling. Complaints have been rec- eived from the lmtmates of Paul Draeger about his sleep-talking, ’tudder night all they heard was: “Ro 124, 124, 124 We’d like to see pinochle partners Suhr and Dobey get together with Slater . and Carmody in a session. That should be something to see. From the guard hut, we hear that Jim Birkenhead, swigging hard on Pepsi Cola, dreams often of Tee Dee and something strong- er. John Poljak won’t talk much any more about his tea parties. A security black- out on his operations? S/Sgt. Dale Carmody. for a man is pays ten 3.2% Send THE WHITE FALCON Home Aiajq ‘jajseuqsoj o/a duiBjg j{Bq-auo -puB-auo 3DBIJ UlOJjJ Pinch-hitting for “Sid the Glick” is not an easy job — so be patient with us until he returns from seeing whether or not a tree really does grow in Brooklyn! .... There’s a rumor along the boardwalk that our 1st Sgt. is taking up skiing. All cand- id camera fans take note — a picture of such a sight will be worth REAL DOUGH. “Russo” Lawless is hav- ing his TROUBLATIONS since Saturday rationing has returned. Russo! I still cont- end that it is made to sell — only .... The “Clipper Inn” is still operating on an eight-hour basis under the provisions of the WLB. You may make reservations by calling Pfc. Mendez .... If you’re interested in hearing a good yam or two, look up Chaplain Lawrence and he’- ll be, delighted to spin a few for you. Pfc. Jud Hessick.


The White Falcon

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