

Ægir - 01.01.1986, Page 69

Ægir - 01.01.1986, Page 69
ÆGIR Fiskaflinn í janiíar — nóvember 1985 og 1984 (Total Catch of Fish) Fisktegundir Fryst Frozen Saltað Salted Hert Dried Niður- soðið Canned í mjöl Reduc- tion Innanl- neysla Direct consum ísað On Ice 1985 Samtals afli 1985 Samtals aflaverðm. 1984 Samtals afli 1984 Samtals aflaverðm. Br. afli <7o Br. verðm °7o Þorskur Cod ■ ■ 147.462 123.153 3.607 87 905 21.810 _ 297.024 4.944.485 263.461 3.285.323 13 51 Ýsa Haddock 30.068 58 64 21 4.390 8.089 6 42.697 809.648 45.008 501.819 -5 61 Ufsi Saithe 38.392 8.657 334 200 57 3.212 - 50.852 432.249 59.103 423.023 -14 2 Karft Redfish 71.869 - - 172 100 14.632 - 86.773 1.205.588 105.400 1.037.179 -18 16 Langa Ling 1.458 973 29 3 9 212 - 2.684 31.663 3.197 28.319 -16 12 Blálanga Blue Ling 594 234 23 3 11 462 - 1.326 22.525 3.057 32.689 -57 -31 Keila Tusk 1.227 447 632 20 4 308 - 2.638 32.348 3.176 28.599 -17 13 Steinbítur Catfish 8.072 3 93 84 187 662 - 9.101 123.632 9.911 101.523 -8 22 Lúða Halibut 825 - * * 261 346 - 1.433 56.902 1.596 45.096 -10 26 Grálúða Greenland Halibut .... 25.449 - - 86 14 2.201 - 27.750 310.436 28.322 227.822 -2 36 Skarkoli Plaice 5.414 - - 17 74 5.287 - 10.792 225.881 10.872 137.587 -1 64 Síld Herring 11.944 31.440 - 823 4 - - 44.212 330.354 45.867 232.151 -4 42 Loðna Capelin 1.066 - 211 799.576 - 43.217 - 844.070 1.477.928 745.352 981.952 13 51 Loðnuhrogn Capelin roe 438 - - - - - _ 438 9.734 2.671 59.402 -84 -84 Kolmunni Blue whiting - - - - - - - _ 105 129 -100 -100 Humar Lobster 2.380 - - 7 4 - - 2.391 227.744 2.459 169.180 -3 35 Rækja Shrimp 20.628 - - 26 - 12 2.083 22.748 655.187 23.842 586.518 -5 12 Hörpudiskur Scallop 14.383 - - 89 - - - 14.472 237.223 13.861 168.655 4 41 Annar afli Miscellaneous 2.129 107 5 877 84 590 48 3.839 43.758 6.029 58.033 -36 -25 Samtals Total 383.797 165.072 4.999 802.092 6.105 101.037 2.137 1.465.240 11.177.286 1.373.287 8.105.000 7 38 ALLIR VÉLBÁTAR ALLIR TOGARAR Fisktcgundir Magn í tonnum VerBmæti þtls. kr. Magn i tonnum Verðmæti þús. kr. _________________________________[985_________[984_____ 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 1984 Þorskur Cod.................................. Ýsa Haddock.................................. Ufsi Saithe.................................. Karfi Redfish................................ Langa Ling................................... Blálanga Blue Ling........................... Keila Tusk .................................. Steinbitur Catfish........................... Lúða Halibut................................. Grálúða Greenland Halibut.................... Skarkoli Plaice.............................. SUd Herring.................................. Loðna Capelin................................ Loðnuhrogn Capelin roe....................... Kolmunni Blue whiting........................ Humar Lobster................................ Rækja Shrimp................................. Hörpudiskur Scallop.......................... Annar afli Miscellaneous..................... Samtals Total 148.563 128.377 2.395.288 1.570.643 27.780 28.122 519.826 301.447 18.796 29.000 143.505 197.995 4.946 5.129 53.517 41.543 1.646 1.849 18.617 15.911 147 194 1.823 1.895 2.597 3.092 30.741 27.475 6.503 6.953 83.304 68.431 847 971 30.527 23.912 1.920 3.045 24.179 29.208 8.744 8.263 173.097 92.974 44.130 45.857 330.354 231.928 796.416 706.543 1.400.677 925.612 402 2.602 8.931 57.857 2.391 2.459 227.744 169.102 20.188 20.883 571.764 507.760 14.472 13.861 237.223 168.655 2.166 3.441 29.056 29.538 1.102.652 1.010.639 6.280.173 4.461.885 148.845 135.261 2.544.114 1.710.502 15.294 16.865 289.527 199.723 32.066 30.100 288.626 224.553 81.945 100.258 1.151.660 994.601 1.054 1.350 13.046 12.365 1.171 2.858 20.702 30.678 96 84 1.610 1.072 2.591 2.942 40.282 33.076 589 625 26.336 21.129 25.847 25.266 286.498 197.849 2.109 2.625 52.042 44.327 47.654 38.809 76.712 55.203 36 69 803 1.544 - 105 - 129 2.552 2.335 78.772 61.347 1.691 1.385 14.729 11.306 363.540 360.938 4.885.461 3.599.403



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