Tímarit lögfræðinga

Tímarit lögfræðinga - 01.07.1974, Side 47

Tímarit lögfræðinga - 01.07.1974, Side 47
13) Sjá: A. W. Koers, „The enforcement of fisheries agreements on the high seas: a comparative analysis of international State practice." Law of the Sea Institute, University of Rhode Island, Occasional Paper No. 6, June 1970. 14) Með breytingum árið 1969, 9 Int. Legal Materials 1. 15) 11 Int. Legal Materials, 6. 16) 9 Int. Legal Materials, 543. 17) Sjá „Arctic Anti-Pollution: Does Canada Make — or Break — International Law.“ L. Henkin, Am. Journal of Int. Law, Vol. 65, No. 1, bls. 131—136. 18) Sjá „Intemational Boundary Study.“ Series A. Limits in the Seas. National Claims to Maritime Jurisdictions, No. 36. March 1973. U.S. Department of State. 19) Meðal þessara ríkja eru Noregur, Kanada og Astralía. 20) Lista yfir tillögur bornar fram í undirnefndinni 1972 og 1973 er að finna í loka- skýrslu Hafsbotnsnefndarinnar, Vol. I, G.A. Official Records: Twenty Eighth Session, Supplement No. 21 (A/9021) bls. 62—66. Texti tillagnanna, sem bornar voru fram í undirnefndinni 1973: ibid Vol. IH, bls. 1—115. 21) (1) Bandaríkin, (2) Sovétríkin, (3) Holland, (4) Jamaica, (5) Japan, (6) Afghan- istan, Belgía, Austurríki, Bólivía, Nepal og Singapore, (7) Uganda og Zambía, (8) Zaire. 22) Sjá L. D. M. Nelson, — „Te Patrimonial Sea“. The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 22, Part 4, Oct. 1973, bls. 685—686. 23) Ályktanir nr. 3016 (XXVII) og 3171 (XXVIII). 24) Ef svo færi að ráðstefnan mistækist, sjá W. T. Burke, „Consequences for Terri- torial Sea Claims of Failure to Agree at the Next Law of the Sea Conference.“ Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, University of Rhode Island, bls. 37 et seq. 25) U.S. Seabed Committee: U.N. Doc. A/AC. 138/SC. II/L. 55. 26) A/AC. 138/SC. II/L. 34. 27) A/C. 138/SC. II/L. 39. 28) A/C. 138/SC. II/L. 41. 29) A/C. 138/SC. II/L. 60. 30) Sjá A. W. Koers „Intemational Regulation of Marine Fisheries." London 1973, bls. 246—248. Mælt er með þessari leið í tillögu Möltu í Hafsbotnsnefnd S.Þ. nr. A/AC. 138/SC. II/L. 28. 31) Supra bls. 15. 32) The Yaouendé Declaration of June 1972: U.N. Doc. A/AC. 138/79, the Santo Do- mingo Declaration of June 1972: U.N. Doc. A/AC. 138/80, Declaration of the Algiers Conference of Non-aligned nations, September 1973: U.N. Doc. A/AC. 1/L. 646. 33) Á sl. 4 ámm hefur heildsöluverð á frystum fiskflökum hækkað um 200% á Banda- ríkjamarkaði. 34) A. Q. Koers, op. cit. bls. 307—317. 41


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