Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.02.1984, Blaðsíða 21

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.02.1984, Blaðsíða 21
Most of Iceland to the west of the ax- ial zone is also characterized by a high average heat flow and a considerable number of low-to-medium temperature geothermal systems. The activity is con- centrated on the lowlands of the SW and the Borgarfjordur region. There is considerable literature on the general setting of the geothermal activi- ty in Iceland. For an overall review, we will here refer to Bodvarsson (1964) and Palmason (1974). During the past few years, a considerable amount of work has been carried out in the Krafla high- temperature geothermal area in the North (Bjornsson et al., 1978). This work has furnished a great amount of interesting and important data that reveals a close relation between active rift-zone volcanism and geothermal ac- tivity. The extensive study of the Deuterium content of natural waters in Iceland carried out by Arnason (1976) is another very significant contribution to the geothermology of Iceland. Finally, a survey of microearthquake activity in Iceland (Ward and Bjornsson, 1971) is of particular interest in the present con- text. Turning to the topics of present in- terest, the results that have been obtain- ed in Iceland give important data as to the subsurface circulation of water in a rift-zone evironment. First, some borehole temperature profiles indicate that the axial zone includes local regions of a very high vertical fluid conductivi- ty. A borehole that was drilled near to the city of Reykjavik in the SW (see Fig. 1) gives a direct indication of this situa- tion. As shown in Fig. 2, this borehole, although located in a region of con- spicuous volcanic activity and high heat flow, is, nevertheless, almost isothermal at about 5°C down to a depth of 700 m. This can only be understood on the basis that adjacent vertical fractures of substantial conductivity permit a signifi- cant downward mass flow of surface water. Moreover, based on some un- published Deuterium isotope data and other results from the Krafla area, the mechanism of, at least, a part of the high-temperature systems in the axial zone is best understood on the basis of a very localized thermal convective flows in open vertical fractures. In the case of the Krafla, this circulation is maintained by magma at a depth of the order of 3 km and there is little doubt that the water penetrates down to this depth, at least. It appears very likely that CDM is in part responsible for the fluid flow and heat uptake. A significant result of the microearth- quake survey of Ward and Bjornsson (1971) is the concentration of micro- earthquake foci at depths of 3 to 6 km below some of the major high- temperature areas. This is possibly an indication of hydrothermal activity and thereby of the penetration of water down to such depths. The situation in the many low-to- medium temperature thermal areas in the regions west of the axial zone is pro- bably different. Here, we can, for ex- ample, consider the Reykholtsdalur system (see Fig. 1) in the Borgarfjordur region. This system includes a number of springs that flow a total of 300 kg/s and has a base temperature of about 150°C. To account for the supply of the system, the present writer concludes (see section (27) above) that the circulating water flows through a system of numerous horizontal fracture type channels covering a total thermal drainage area of 300 km! and located at a depth not less than 3 km. The flood basalt series of Iceland is characterized by numerous structural features that permit flow systems of this kind. ESTIMATES OF THE RATE OF CONVECTIVE DOWNWARD MIGRATION OF FRACTURES In the present context, it is of some interest to provide estimates of the possible rate of downward convective migration of fractures. Here, it must be underlined that CDM presents some of the most perplexing problems in hydrothermal system theory. The natural setting is notoriously ill-defined. For example, it is a simple matter to show that the Rayleigh type problem of convective stability in narrow vertical fractures is not well-posed and can therefore not be discussed along the same lines as the classical Rayleigh (1916) method of deriving stability con- ditions for viscous fluid layers. Although Murphy (1979) has obtained important results on fracture fluid stability this has been achieved by mak- ing strong assumptions that modify the problem setting to a substantial degree. Because of the various difficulties in- volved, both with regard to the underly- ing models and the thermomechanical theory, we will here follow a much simplified approach to obtain an order of magnitude estimate of the rate of CDM of fracture systems in the natural setting. The method is a modification of an earlier development along similar lines (Bodvarsson, 1978). For a number of the steps taken below, we refer to this reference. Consider an upper crustal situation where there is at some depth a system of parallel vertical fractures in the process of CDM. This may take place, for ex- ample, within major rift or fault zones. Cold water of surface origin is piped by natural channels down to the fracture system where it sinks to the bottom of the fractures, cools the adjacent forma- tions and thereby generates the thermal contraction that is required to migrate the system downward. The water heated in the process rises up through the frac- ture system. On the basis of this model, we take that there is a steady temperature differential of AT between the water at the bottom of the fracture system and the adjacent formations. For analytical convenience we con- sider now a circular fracture of diameter D in common igneous rock that is clos- ed because of a contact pressure pc. Forcing water into this fracture at a pressure p > pc will open it such that the width in the center is w = 1.5xl0'11(p-pc)D, SI (2) Much the same effect can be achieved by a thermoelastic contraction of a volume of the rock around the fracture such that the resulting tension across the fracture becomes sufficiently large to relieve the contact pressure pc. Assum- ing pressure isotropicity to estimate how large AT would have to be for this pur- pose, the following relation AT > Pc/ok (3) can be applied where a is the thermal expansivity and k the bulk modulus of Ihe rock. Clearly, to obtain the required effect, the contraction, and thereby the temperature reduction, has to affect a certain volume containing the fracture. Let D be an estimate of the linear dimension of this volume. A system of a number of parallel long fractures in CDM at a rate v can under rather general circumstances be model- ed as a cold temperature front moving downward with the velocity v relative to the rock. On a one-dimensional heat conduction theory, the temperature dif- ferential ahead of the front is given by T = aTexp(-vx/a) (4) where x is the distance frorn the front and a is the thermal diffusivity of the rock. The expression on the right of (4) TÍMARIT VFÍ 1984 — 13


Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

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