Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2008, Síða 43

Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2008, Síða 43
Saturday, May 31 10:00 Ships’ foghorns signal the opening of the Festival of the Sea. 10:00 – 16:00 Bizarre sea creatures – The Icelandic Marine Research Institute displays a collection of strange sea dwellers. The central pier (Miðbakki), Reykjavik Harbour. 09:00 – 17:00 Whale watching Whale watching tours – 4100 ISK for adults, 1800 ISK for children aged 7–15 and no charge for chil- dren under 7 accompanied by adults. Departures are at 9.00, 13.00 and 17.00. Each tour takes 3 hours. Ægisgarður, Reykjavik Harbour. 11:00 – 17:00 Ferry trips to Viðey Special offer: 600 ISK for adults and 400 ISK for children. The ferry leaves Skarfabakki harbour at 11:15 and on an hourly basis after that. Return trips are 30 min- utes past the hour. Further information available at Skarfabakki, Sundahöfn Harbour. 10:00 – 12:00 Tourville – open ship. French anti-submarine frigate Tourville welcomes guests. Skarfabakki, Sundahöfn Harbor. 10:00 – 16:00 Open house at the Reykjavik sailing society Brokey Ingólfsgarður, Reykjavik Harbour. 10:00 – 17:00 Photography exhibition presented by Faxaflói Harbors. The central pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 11:00 – 22:00 Sjávarbarinn. Author Einar Már Guðmundsson reads sea related poetry and artist Tolli paints paintings inspired by the reading. Spe- cial offer on seafood buffet: 1900 ISK. Sjávarbarinn, Grandagarður 9. 12:00 – 17:00 Fun and games (mini amusement park). Free admission. The central pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 11:00 Sightseeing cruise to Akranes The Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue’s schoolship, Sæbjörg, sails from the central pier (Miðbakki) of Reykjavik Harbour to Akranes – waffles and coffee will be served on board. Admission is free but seating is limited. The ship will sail back at approximately 14:30. The central pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 13:00 – 16:00 Food and culture at the central pier Message in a bottle workshop: decorate your own bottle and send a bottled message. At 16:00 a ship will take all the bottles out to sea and release them. Reykjavik Whale watching introduces its opera- tions and hosts an art competition for children. The Icelandic Diving society sells samples of grilled shellfish and other delicacies. Akureyri University displays images of underwa- ter life in Eyjafjörður The zoo and family park: have you ever petted a crab? Live sea creatures you can examine and touch under the guidance of trained staff. Ladies from the Icelandic Search and Rescue Or- ganisation sell waffles. The Central Pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 13:00 The search and rescue organization, Ársæll, displays jeeps and other rescue equipment. The Central Pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 13:00 Reykjavík-Maritime Museum in Granda- garður opens five new exhibitions. Reykjavík Maritime Museum, Grandagarður 8. 13:00 Óðinn – Open Ship. Icelandic Coast Guard ship Óðinn welcomes guests. The ship lies at the pier by the northern end of the Maritime Museum. Reykjavík Maritime Museum, Grandagarður 8. 13:30 Football match and rope pull between ship crews in Laugardalur. Þróttarvöllur, Laugardalur. 14:00 Festival of the Sea Sailor Song Competi- tion in cooperation with Rás 2 radio. Reykjavík Art Museum – Hafnarhús. 14:00 Brokey sailing competition: Cannon fire signals the beginning of this event! The central pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 14:00 Former crew members of Óðinn welcome museum guest aboard the ship. Reykjavík Maritime Museum, Grandagarður 8. 13:00 – 16:00 The DAS lottery reveals a state of the art Mercedes–Benz and a Harley Davidson Fatboy motorcycle; both can be won in the lottery. The central pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 15:00 Energy Export in the Past. Solveig Nielsson introduces an exhibit dedicated to shark hunting and shark liver oil that was used to light up Copen- hagen in the past. Reykjavík Maritime Museum, Grandagarður 8. 15:00 From Poverty to Prosperity. Guided tour of the exhibition. Reykjavík Maritime Museum, Grandagarður 8. 16:00 The Handy Hiddenman Guided tour of the exhibition. Reykjavík Maritime Museum, Granda- garður 8. 16:00 Message in a bottle. Ship sails to launch bottled messages. The central pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 18:00 Festival of the Sea – Fish Fest From Friday to Sunday seafood restaurants offer a special three-course seafood menu. Prices range from 4500 – 5500 ISK. Participating restaurants are: Fjalakötturinn, Aðalstræti 16; Vín og skel, Laugavegur 24; Orange, Geirsgata 9; Við Tjörnina, Templarasund 3; Einar Ben, Veltusund 1; Hornið, Hafnarstræti 3; Þrír Frakkar, Baldursgata 14; Gull- foss, Pósthússtræti 2; Domo, Þingholtsstræti 5. Sunday, June 1 08:00 Ships’ celebratory flags drawn. 09:00 – 17:00 Whale watching Special offers on whale watching tours – 4100 ISK for adults, 1800 ISK for children aged 7–15 and no charge for children under 7 accompanied by adults. Departures are at 9.00, 13.00 and 17.00. Each tour takes 3 hours. Ægisgarður, Reykjavik Harbor. 11:00-17:00 Ferry trips to Viðey Special offer: 600 ISK for adults and 400 ISK for children. The ferry leaves Skarfabakki harbour at 11:15 and on an hourly basis after that. Return trips are 30 minutes past the hour. Further information available at Skarfabakki, Sundahöfn Harbor. 10:00 Memorial Service for the Lost Sailor. The memorial service will honour the memory of the lives of sailors lost during World War II when 203 Icelandic sailors and passengers were lost at sea. Fossvogskapella Chapel, Fossvogskirkjugarður. 10:00 – 16:00 Bizarre sea creatures – The Icelandic Marine Research Institute displays a collection of strange sea dwellers. The central pier (Miðbakki), Reykjavik Harbour. 10:00 – 12:00 Tourville – open ship. French anti-submarine frigate Tourville welcomes guests. Skarfabakki, Sundahöfn Harbor. 10:00 – 17:00 Photography exhibition presented by Faxaflói Harbors. 11:00 – 22:00 Sjávarbarinn. Author Einar Már Guðmundsson reads sea related poetry and artist Tolli paints paintings inspired by the reading. Spe- cial offer on seafood buffet: 1900 ISK. Sjávarbarinn, Grandagarður 9. 11:00 Sailor’s mass at the Dómkirkjan Cathedral. The memory of the Unknown Sailor will be hon- oured. Dómkirkjan Cathedral, Templarasund 11:00 Víkin-Maritime Musuem and Óðinn Coast Guard Vessel open. Reykjavík Maritime Museum, Grandagarði 8. 12:00-17:00 Fun and games (mini amusement park). Free admission. The central pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbor. 13:00, 14:00, 15:00 Family sightseeing cruise. The Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue’s schoolship, Sæbjörg, offers a great chance to see the city from a totally different perspective. Admis- sion is free but seating is limited. The central pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 13:00 – 16:00 Food and culture at the central pier Message in a bottle workshop: decorate your own bottle and send a message. At 16:00 you can join a short cruise from the central pier and send your message in a bottle into the unknown. Reykjavik Whale watching introduces its opera- tions and hosts an art competition for children. The Icelandic Diving society sells samples of grilled shellfish and other delicacies. Akureyri University displays images of underwa- ter life in Eyjafjörður The Zoo and Family Park: have you ever petted a crab? Live sea creatures you can examine and touch under the guidance of trained staff. Ladies from the Icelandic Search and Rescue Or- ganisation sell waffles. The Central Pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 13:00 The Search and Rescue Organization, Ársæll, displays jeeps and other rescue equipment. The Central Pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 13:00 Painter Sigurjón Jóhannsson gives a guided tour of his exhibition on the second floor of the mu- seum. Reykjavík Maritime Museum, Grandagarði 8. 14:00 – 15:00 Sailors’ Day Opening Ceremony Opening Speech: Guðmundur Hallvarðsson, Head of the Sailors’ Day Committee. Sailors honoured. Listasafn Reykjavíkur – Hafnarhús. 13:00 – 16:00 The DAS lottery reveals a state of the art Mercedes–Benz and a Harley Davidson Fatboy motorcycle; both can be won in the lottery. The central pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 14:00 Sigrún Magnúsdóttir welcomes guests and introduces five new exhibitions. Reykjavík Maritime Museum, Grandagarði 8. 10:00 – 12:00 Tourville – open ship. French anti-submarine frigate Tourville welcomes guests. Skarfabakki-Sundahöfn Harbour. 14:00 Helgi M. Sigurðsson gives a guided tour of the coast guard ship Óðinn. Reykjavík Maritime Museum, Grandagarði 8. 15:00 Pillow Fight By Suðurbugt boat pier, Reykjavík Harbour. 15:00 Rowing competition. The central pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 15:00 Aerobatics over the Reykjavík Harbour. 15:00 Energy Export in the Past. Solveig Niels- son introduces an exhibition dedicated to shark hunting and shark liver oil that was used to light up Copenhagen in the past. Reykjavík Maritime Museum, Grandagarði 8. 14:00 The coast guard’s helicopter demonstrates maritime rescue operations with the search and rescue organization Ársæll. 16:00 Award ceremony for the rowing competi- tion. The central pier (Miðbakki) Reykjavík Harbour. 16:00 Guided Tour of photograper Þorleifur Þor- leifsson retrospective. Reykjavík Maritime Museum, Grandagarði 8. 18:00 Festival of the Sea – Fish Fest From Friday to Sunday seafood restaurants offer a special three-course seafood menu. Prices range from 4500 – 5500 ISK. Participating restaurants are: Fjalakötturinn, Aðalstræti 16; Vín og skel, Laugavegur 24; Orange, Geirsgata 9; Við Tjörnina, Templarasund 3; Einar Ben, Veltusund 1; Hornið, Hafnarstræti 3; Þrír Frakkar, Baldursgata 14; Gull- foss, Pósthússtræti 2; Domo, Þingholtsstræti 5. A part of the Festival of the Sea program will take place in Akranes, a neighbouring town across the inlet from Reykjavík. A ferry will depart Reykjavík’s central pier at 11:00 and sail to Akranes where guests can enjoy an action packed program, be- fore sailing back at 14:30. The program includes an exhilarating bicycle competition, where competi- tors will not only compete for the fastest track time, but also try their hand at who can perform the longest jump of the pier into the ocean. Divers will be on hand to fish up the bicycle from the bottom of the ocean for the next competitor. Other death defying competitive events include: cardboard box climbing, sea swimming in P.V.C. clothing, pillow fights above sea, ropepull between piers, in ad- diton to monkey swings and rowing competitions. The program is free of charge and all guests will be treated to a barbeque hot dog and soda. There will be live music and festival atmosphere by the Akranes pier all day. Akranes Special – Saturday, May 31


Reykjavík Grapevine

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