Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2008, Qupperneq 47

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2008, Qupperneq 47
PROGRAMME ARTISTS HONORARY AUDIO/VISUAL SEQUENCES ARTIST: RÚRÍ CONCERT FESTIVAL 2008 WORKS IN PUBLIC SPACE SATURDAY 11. OCTOBER MONDAY 13. OCTOBER ALEXANDER ZAKLYNSKY (IS/UKR) RÚRÍ & JÓHANN JÓHANNSSON IN COLLABORATION WITH ICELAND LAUNCHED FOR THE THIRD TIME AMANDA RIFFO (FR) ANDREW BURGESS (USA) ELÍN HANSDÓTTIR (IS) CASPERELECTRONICS (USA) HILDUR I. GUÐNADÓTTIR (IS) FORT LORTUR FUMIKO IMANO (JAP) KIPPI KANÍNUS (IS) RÓSA SIGRÚN JÓNSDÓTTIR (IS) MOSS STORIES TERESA HIMMER (DK) TRONG GIA NGUYEN (USA) SARA RIEL (IS) UNNUR MJÖLL LEIFSDÓTTIR (IS) STILLUPPSTEYPA (IS) TAMY BEN-TOR (ISR) HALLDÓR ARNAR ÚLFARSSON (IS) HARALDUR JÓNSSON (IS) MAGNÚS ÁRNASON (IS) MAGNÚS HELGASON (IS) ELVAR MÁR KJARTANSSON (IS) FASTWÜRMS ÚLFUR HANSSON (IS) ELÍN HANSDÓTTIR (IS) ALBERTA NIEMANN (GER), ANNA JANDT (GER), JENNY KROPP (GER) AÐALHEIÐUR HALLDÓRSDÓT- TIR, ÁSDÍS SIF GUNNARSDÓTTIR, BJARNI MASSI, DAGMAR ATLADÓT- TIR, DAVÍÐ ÖRN HALLDÓRSSON HAMAR, FALLEGA GULRÓTIN, FRIÐ RIK SÓLNES, GUÐNÝ RÚNARS- DÓTTIR, GUNNLAUGUR EGILSSON, HAFSTEINN GUNNAR SIGURÐS- SON, HILDIGUNNUR BIRGISDÓT- TIR, HUGINN ÞÓR ARA SON, INGI RAFN STEINARSSON, INGI BJÖRG MAGNADÓTTIR, JÓN THOR HAN- SEN, KID TWIST, KLIVE, KOLBEINN HUGI HÖSKULDSSON, KRISTJÁN LOÐMFJÖRÐ, LIBIA CAS TRO & ÓLAFUR ÓLAFSSON, ORGELK- VARTETTINN ANANAS, ÓLAFUR EGILL EGILSSON, PÉT UR MÁR GUNNARSSON, SKAKKA MANAGE, STEVE LORENZ, ÞÓRUNN HAFSTAÐ, ÞRÁNDUR ÞÓRARINSSON HANNA C. SIGURKARLSDÓTTIR (IS) KIM KOZZI (CA), DAI SKUSE (CA) BJÖRK VIGGÓSDÓTTIR (IS) BJ NILSEN (SWE) INGIBJÖRG BIRGISDÓTTIR (IS), SINDRI MÁR SIGFÚSSON (IS), JÓN ÞÓR BIRGISSON (IS), SCOTT ALA- RIO (USA), ALEX SOMERS (USA), MARGUERITE KEYES (USA) DARRI LORENZEN (IS) DR. BJÖRN QUIRING (GER) FINNBOGI PÉTURSSON (IS) INGÓLFUR ARNARSSON (IS) COLLABORATE AIRWAVES & BEDROOM COMMUNITY OCTOBER 11TH-17TH ICELAND TUESDAY 14. OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 15. OCTOBER THURSDAY 16. OCTOBER SUNDAY 12. OCTOBER FRIDAY 17. OCTOBER 14:00 12:00 – 17:00 14:00 – 17:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 20:00 – 24:00 20:00 – 02:00 14:00 15:00 17:00 20:00 21:30 – 23:20 16:00 17:00 20:00 21:30 21:00 – 02:00 21:00 – 02:00 14:00 – 18:00 18:00 16:00 19:00 21:00 20:00 22:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:00 – 02:00 20:00 – 22:00 23:00 – 01:00 – – – – – 21:00 19:00 16:00 Sequences 2008 reception. Elvar Már Kjartansson & Hanna Christel Sigurkarlsdóttir. Sequence nr. (7). Elvar Már Kjartansson & Hanna Christel Sigurkarlsdóttir. Sequence nr. (7). Lortur: Kid Twist. Iceland Airwaves off venue. Lortur: Skakkamanage. Iceland Airwaves off venue. Rósa Sigrún Jónsdóttir. Oh when. Fastwurms. Krummi Krúnkar. Audio/visual concert in collaboration with Bedroom Community and Iceland Airwaves. Yroyto Ben Frost vs. Transforma Amiina Sam Amidon Nico Muhly Valgeir Sigurðsson Final Fantasy Dr. Björn Quiring, BJ Nilsen, Darri Lorenzen, Finn bogi Pétursson and Ingólfur Arnarsson: Open. Lortur: Release Party - Trommusóló H42 Artist Book. Lortadans directed by Gunnlaugur Egilsson under the drum beats of Friðrik Sólnes and the dolce tunes of Franz Lizst, pancakes and an open drum kit. Casper Electronics, Kippi Kaninus, Alexander Zaklinsky & Amanda Riffo. Magnús Árnason: Irritation, Magnús Helgason: Stolen Moment & Björk Viggósdóttir: Reverse / Moment / Verse. BJ Nilsen, Dr. Björn Quiring, Darri Lorenzen, Finnbogi Pétursson & Ingólfur Arnarsson: Bílferð nr. II / Autofahrt nr. II. Dr. Björn Quiring: Reframing the Open Archive: A Live Show – A lecture by Dr. Quiring with live sounds by BJ Nilsen. Stilluppsteypa: Stilluppsteypa Presented By Other Beings -An Artifi cial Intergalactic Alien Presentation Presented By a Fantastic Wave of Other Beings. Performance by Sequences honorary art ist Rúrí, in collaboration with Jóhann Jóhannsson. Performed by Rúrí, Jóhann, Matthías Hemstock, Pétur Hallgrímsson, Hilmar Jensson, S. Björn Blöndal & Nýlókórinn directed by Hörður Bragason. Vocal IV. Elín Hansdóttir & Úlfur Hansson Helix, performed by Selkórinn. Fort. Point gray. Fort. Point gray. Elvar Már Kjartansson & Hanna Christel Sigurkarlsdóttir. Sequence nr. (7). Alexander Zaklynsky is an Icelandic / Ukrainian artist from Newport, Rhode Island. After moving to New York in 2001 Alexander developed his work through various shows and independent projects. Alexander apprenticed a number of highly regarded professional Artists in New York but seized the chance to move to Iceland via an Arts residency in December 2005. Alexander continues to live in Reykjavik and is a co founder of The Lost Horse Gallery. Subaqua is the pseudonym for Video + Sound work produced by Alexander Zaklynsky. For Sequences 2008, the festival’s curatorial board decided to acknowledge a renowned artist for her notable contribution to real-time art mediums. It is our privilege to present Rúrí as Sequences 2008 honorary artist. Rúrí has always worked in various mediums, focusing on performance, video and sound. She has been a dynamic force in the Icelandic art scene for the last thirty years or so, exhibiting all over the world, representing Iceland at the Venice Biennale 2003. For Sequences 2008, Rúrí is presenting Vocal IV in collaboration with musician Jóhann Jóhannsson. Vocal IV is an elaborate performance with diverse elements: video, music, sound, waterfall swish, and texts that Rúrí has collected about water from international debate on the subject. This is the fi rst time Rúrí has worked with a composer for a performance. Together Rúri and Jóhann have teamed up with the Nýló choir, percussionist Matthías Hemstock and a group of electric guitarists, including Pétur Hallgrímsson, Hilmar Jensson and S. Björn Blöndal to create a vast, thunderous sound scape. The performance will take place in the Reykjavík Art Museum, Hafnarhús, on October 12th at 20:00. For further information: On October 17th, Sequences presents an audio/ visual concert dedicated to the dynamics between experimental fi lm/video art and alternative music in a live setting. Transforma –An experimental fi lm collective from Berlin joins forces with Australian noise wizard Ben Frost and experimental music collective Bedroom Community in an improvised performance comprised of Ben’s music and Transforma’s visuals. French visual artist Yroyoto runs an interesting video label in Paris called ExplosiveTV, dedicated to experimental video works. His offering for Sequences is an interactive audio/ visual performance, celebrating live sound and video manipulation. Further information: The event is supported by The Goethe Institute and The French Embassy. Sequences is a real-time art festival with a focus on urban and public spaces. Its emphasis is on time-based work, performance, sound art, video and music. Sequences 2008 strives to create a plat form for dialogue and for exploring cross-disciplinary activity of local and international artists. We’ll have artwork glowing in the sewer system, in the sky and everywhere in between, in downtown artist-run galleries and museums, in the streets, up the cities’ walls, in theatres and warehouses. Sequences looks forward to sprinkling some brightness around town with some of Iceland’s most exciting artists with like- minded guests from Canada, France, Germany, Spain, USA, Australia, Israel, Sweden and Denmark. Sequence: A following of one thing after another; succession. A series of related shots that constitute a complete unit of action. For further information and daily updates visit: Offi ce: Sequences The Living Art Museum Laugavegur 26 101 Reykjavik Iceland Amanda Riffo lives and works in Paris, a graduate from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts de Paris. She has participated to workshops, residencies and exchange programs in Tokyo, Beyrouth, Helsinki and recently Iceland. She creates games from drawings, objects, video and installations, playing with the un-un-un-understandable. is an animation and web piece by architect and artist Andrew Burgess. begins in space. Stars start to rearrange themselves to reveal otherwise unseen surfaces fl oating in the void. These surfaces slowly amount to invisible buildings out of thin air. This fl ow shapes a mirage: this building never lasts in its current state; it is constantly different and changing. It is present and not. And then it disappears. Vocal installation in Grótta lighthouse in collaboration with local choir Selkórinn. professionally for almost a decade through his business Casperelectronics. He has worked extensively with musicians around the world including Mike Patton, Rahzel, BT and Otto Von Schirach. Edwards worked at Hampshire College from 2006-2007 where he taught a circuit bending heavy “creative electronics” course and developed a previously non-existent electronics department. He has taught numerous workshops on circuit bending andinterface design at venues across America and performs regularly in New York. New York City based artist Peter Edwards has been building synths and circuit bending Runway – by Hildur I. Guðnadóttir This piece was composed for the Caput chamber ensemble. It is inspired by and based on airplanes, runways and aviation communication. The setup of the piece is designed for a large space, moving live acoustic surround sound, lights and light conducting aviation-based systems—designed and built specially for this occasion. The piece was conceived in close co- operation with artist Elín Hansdóttir. Music for Airports 2/2 – by Brian Eno. Arranged for brass sextet by Hildur I. Guðnadóttir Music for Airports was fi rst released in 1978 and therefore celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. It was the fi rst of four records on Eno’s record label, Ambient. It was originally designed to be an ongoing looped sound installation to soothe the otherwise tense atmosphere at airports. Hildur’s arrangement is true to the original album version, although it adds the breath of brass and the special acoustic surround setup. This is a high cube coat for liquids and semi- solids. This is the optimum innings for a glance of the shore, watching your favorite ravens fly and, yes, craving your personal golden gray. This is Blind Endings In Friendly Fire. We are awaiting your arrival from the 11th to the 13th of October 2008 in Reykjavik, Iceland. Fumiko Imano is a Japanese self-portrait artist based in photography and video. As a 24hour model, stylist, and a photographer for herself, she documents everyday life through her eye as an artist. This time in Icelandic Tour of Me! 2008, she shows a selection of photographs and video. Her mini book Fumiko Imano 1974-2004 will be available at the exhibition in Belleville. Pneumatic Shower consists of a few dozen small organ pipes, an organ air motor, clear tubes and a bit of plumbing. The idea is to make a tone cluster shower with manually operated timbre faucets. At the Dwarf Gallery, Rósa Sigrún presents two videoworks. The works derive from her day job of taking care of elderly people, as well as her regular jogging sessions through the Fossvogur Cemetary in Reykjavík. In these videos, Rósa Sigrún asks questions such as how to treat death in our daily lives: with aging, death comes closer, but is distant as well. What roles does it play in the living moment, which we all strive to experience? Rósa graduated from The Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2001 and has since held ten solo exhibitions and participated in various art projects, including serving as the former chairman of The Reykjavík Association of Sculptors. Abouttheartist/249 Situated on the west-facing gable of Hverfi sgata 42, Volcano is the latest addition to the Mountain Series that includes the Waterfall at Bankastræti 6 made for Sequences 2006, and the Glacier at Klapparstígur 28, revealed in June this year. The series constitutes surreal meetings between highly urban walls and iconic natural phenomena. Loving tributes to Reykjavík and Iceland, they also attempt to challenge our perception of public space and the notion of culture vs. nature. Like the two earlier pieces, Volcano is made from thousands and thousands of sequins. Being fi xed very lightly on small pins, they make the lava shimmer and glow like fi re, refl ecting every environmental change—be it from light or weather. Although highly artifi cial, this constant change gives the piece an almost supernatural glow, which, if viewed with an open mind, transforms the house at Hverfi sgata into a geometric volcano, and Reykjavík into a magical man-made landscape. Trong Gia Nguyen is a visual artist, curator, writer and art critic. His work pits two indi- viduals who will channel the spirits of the two masters, Bobby Fisher and Marcel Duchamp, to play a friendly game of chess. The fi rst two duels took place in New York over the summer, with Duchamp winning one match and the second ending in a draw. The third and fi nal match culminates at Dwarf Gallery on October 14. Actor / visual artist Tómas Lemarquis will be participating in the performance. Godsend: On the 16th of October at 22:00, we will send greetings, wishes and complaints to the sky in a ceremonious way. Women and men are urged to be there in good time and pronounce what is on their minds. Underworld: The artwork gives an indication of the underworld, as we know it from fi ction and fi lms. It is a dangerous and slimy world, fi lled with creatures of the darkness. The viewer and his imagination becomes an active participant in the general idea, because it is out of his fantasy and experience that the story takes its fi nal shape. Fairy tales tell us of the rainbow as the bridge to a pot of gold. The key to its mystery resides in the wave properties of light in the properties of water and the spherical shape of water droplets. The basis of this phenomenon needs a sophisti- cated mathematical description. However, the gleaming stream that holds so many sensual de lights for the urophiliacs of this world needs no such elaboration. Artist Unnur Mjöll has created a tranquil environment for the spectator, to soothe the body and rest the mind, in the commercial byway that Skólavörðustígur offers. An event that captures the warm glow of exaltation that follows the unexpected discovery of a rainbow or feeling a watery pleasure on the skin. – Hye Joung Park Basically in this whole presentation the Stilluppsteypa members Helgi Þórsson and Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson are admitting that aliens exist. Artist Tamy Ben-Tor was born in Israel and lives in New York City. Ben-Tor mainly works with video and performance. She has performed widely in theaters, performance festivals and clubs. She also performs in her much celebrated videoworks, acting out different characters based on well-known stereotypes. Though many of her works touch on infl ammable issues and taboos, such as racism, the Holocaust, U.S. politics, terrorism and colonialism,they are entertaining and full of humor. Tamy Ben-Tor’s exhibition at 101 Projects will include fi ve of her recent videoworks. Tamy Ben-Tor’s exhibition at 101 Projects, curated by Birta Guðjónsdóttir, is presented in collaboration with Zach Feuer Gallery in New York. I’m fi nding it increasingly hard to focus on things other than people. The most real moments in my days are when I’m drinking coffee or beer with someone and having a conversation. I’m also starting to ignore problems that don’t directly have to do with socializing. I like the feeling that I might make a special moment for someone in their day, something they weren’t expecting. Lortur is an informal and ever-changing group of artists, fi lmmakers, writers, theater practitioners, dancers, musicians and others who share an inventive sensibility and a need to create. Every two years since 2002, the group has organized and held the Trommusóló biennial art exhibition. This year’s event will take place at Kling & Bang Gallery on Hverfi sgata. The program will be dense, diverse and lubricated with creative joy. There will be an art show, video program, a series of concerts (organized in conjunction with Iceland Airwaves), dance performances, panel discussions, and an artist book will be published to coincide with the Biennale. Moment of Truth is a sound installation by visual artist Haraldur Jónsson, situated behind the wooden fence that surrounds the burnt heart of Reykjavík. Every fi fteen minutes during the festival, a verbal presence can be heard through this fence. The invisible sounds evoke multiple associations in the minds and bodies of the passersby. Irritation as a sense is the only universal sense shared by all species, even single-celled creatures. Its concept does not only live as a subjective one, such as beauty or distaste, but takes over one’s bodily functions and activating our physical impulses. This art project could be seen as rendering visible the force that occurs when the irritant, a stimulus or agent which induces the state of irritation, enters the system. As to wherefrom this work draws its inspirations, irritation is charged with curiosity about what might be occurring behind the scenes, behind our eyes that catch the images, sound and shapes that stand before us. This is a black and white super 8 fi lm, capturing a boy on his way home from his guitar lesson. He has no idea that he is being fi lmed, and therefore the piece was given the title Stolen Moment. The fi lm is set to the music of Jóhann Jóhannsson, and has been used alongside Jóhann’s live performances on a number of occasions. Hanna and Elvar have created something special a promise of a journey. a portal to somewhere, many kinds of love. there is no end to the tunnel. plane walkers we are going to elevate you. astral plane the journey Buck Owens Krummi Krúnkar brings together a relational performance, Taro-Tat, and a video presentation, Witch vs Ninja. Witch vs Ninja is an original Fastwürms HD video production shot on location in Venice and Scarlet Hill, Ontario. It is a radical, no-budget artist cinema project, drawing from the low- budget lineage of three legendary kung-fu fi lms. Taro-Tat is a performance that combines tarot card readings with temporary magic marker tattoo drawings. The intimate and personal interaction between performer and public in Taro-Tat is paired with the mediated spectacle of Witch vs Ninja to make Krummi Krúnkar a unique aesthetic experience. “A museum has basically always been composed of an archival collection on the one hand and a gallery on the other, that is, an open, accessible area and a closed, interior area. This arrangement has a history translating in oblique ways inclusionary and exclusionary power struggles, which both frame the museum itself and open it to outside forces. Art has to engage with this structural tension between gallery and archive in one way or another. What are the chances of producing art that would situate itself neither on one side of the barrier nor on the other? What strategies would be appropriate for its passage toward an open space that is located neither outside nor inside the archival framework?” Dr. Björn Quiring view&id=429&Itemid=237 “Að koma af fjöllum” or “coming of mountains” means being totally bewildered, confused or uninformed. The Moss Stories artists have tried to capture this feeling of being bewildered and alone and letting your imagination run wild for better or worse. Ingibjörg and Sindri play music together in Seabear and have created videos and exhibited as a team for several years. Jón Þór and Alex have been an artist duo since 2003 making videos, music and pictures under the name of Riceboy Sleeps. Marguerite and Scott lived in Reykjavík for a year and during that time teamed up with Jónsi and Alex, exhibiting twice and forming the publishing group Moss Stories. In her art, Björk deals with visual images, emotions, sounds and sensations in a similar way to what occurs involuntarily in the mind during certain sta tes of consciousness, whether in dreams or while awake. The videos in Björk’s installation are inspired by poems by the artist herself, written during her travels. The images are combined with sounds composed by the artist and produced for the performance in collaboration with composers and musicians Caroline Mallonée, Hákon Aðalsteinsson, Borgar Magnasson, Guðmundur Vignir Karlsson and violinist Kristín Mariella Friðjónsdóttir. During the exhibition, on October 16th there will be a performance featuring those artists. Moss Stories: Af fjöllum Lortur: Orgelkvartettinn Ananas & guests, featuring: Músíkvatur, Aristocrasia, Gason Bra, Ssangyoung Musso, Hip Hop Hudson and Krulli Vespa. Iceland Airwaves off venue. Trong Gia Nguyen. Marcel Duchamp versus Bobby Fischer. A performance featuring Tómas Lemarquis. Hildur I. Guðnadóttir in collaboration with Elín Hansdóttir: Music For Airports 2/2 by Brian Eno arranged by Hildur and Runway written and arranged by Hildur. Performed by Hildur & Caput. Lortur: Djöfl afúgan: A dance performance by Gunnlaugur Egilsson. The Artist Book in the 21st Century: A panel discussion hosted by Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson. Lortur: Two documentaries premiered: Fríar fantasíur by Guðný Rúnarsdóttir & Markús Bjarnason and Íslensk alþýða by Þórunn Hafstað. Tamy Ben-Tor. Lortur: Klive. Iceland Airwaves off venue. Björk Viggósdóttir concert featuring Caroline Mallonée, Hákon Aðalsteinsson, Borgar Magnason, Kippi Kaninus & Kristín Maríella Friðjónsdóttir. Sara Riel. Godsend. FM Belfast & Reykjavík. Concert. Fort. Point gray. SIM. Landhelgisgæslan – Open artist studios Party at Café Cultura. Dj´s: Mr. Silla and Gunni Tynes Halldór Arnar Úlfarsson . Installation for seven people. Haraldur Jónsson. The moment of truth. Sara Riel. Underworld. Theresa Himmer. Volcano. Unnur Mjöll Leifsdóttir. Watery Pleasure. Elvar Már Kjartansson & Hanna Christel Sigurkarlsdóttir. Sequence nr. (7). Andrew Burgess. Fumiko Imano: Icelandic Tour of Me! The Living Art Museum. Hverfi sgata 59 Hverfi sgata 59 Kling & Bang Gallery Kling & Bang Gallery Dwarf Gallery Iðnó Iðnó The Living Art Museum. Kling & Bang Gallery The Lost Horse Gallery The Nordic House The Living Art Museum The Living Art Museum The National Gallery of Iceland The Reykjavík Art Museum -Hafnarhús Gróttuviti Ánanaust Hverfi sgata 59 The Lost Horse Gallery October 11. to October 17. The Lost Horse Gallery October 11. to October 17. Kronkron, Laugarvegur 63b October 11. to October 17. Helix Gróttuviti- lighthouse in Seltjarnarnes October 12, 21:30 The Lost Horse Gallery October 11. to October 17. Runway & Music for Airports 2/2 Héðinshúsið at Mýrargata October 14, 21:00 Point gray Ánanaust, Vesturbær, by the gas-station October 11, 2008, 22:00-02:00 October 12-13, 2008, 21:00-02:00 Icelandic Tour of Me! 2008 Belleville October 11. to October 17. Pneumatic Shower Lost Horse Gallery October 11. to October 17. Oh when Dwarf Gallery October 17, 18:00 Volcano On the facade of Kling & Bang Gallery October 11. Marcel Duchamp Versus Bobby Fischer Dwarf Gallery October 14, 19:00 Godsend & Underworld Between Laugavegur 20 and Laugavegur 18, Laugavegur 32 October 16, 21:00, October 11. to October 21. Watery pleasure Skólavörðustígur October 11. Stilluppsteypa presented by other beings: an artifi cial intergalactic alien presentation presented by a fantastic wave of other beings. The National Gallery of Iceland October 12. to October 17. Tamy Ben-Tor 101 Projects October 16, 18:00 Installation for seven people Útúrdúr, Njálsgata 14 October 11. to October 17. Drumsolo H42 Kling & Bang Gallery October 11. to October 17. Moment of Truth On the corner of Lækjargata and Austurstræti October 11. to October 17. Irritation The Nordic House October 11. to October 17. Stolen Moment The Nordic House October 11. to October 17. Sequence nr. (7) Hverfi sgata 59 October 11, 21:00 October 12, 12:00-17:00 October 14, 14:00-18:00 October 17, 14:00-17:00 Krummi Krúnkar Iðnó October 17, 20:00–24:00 Reverse / Moment / Verse The Nordic House Otober 11. to October 17. Performance on October 16, 20:00 Open The Living Art Museum Otober 11. to October 17. Af fjöllum Gallery Turpentine Otober 15. to October 17. Gallery Turpentine Kling & Bang Gallery Dwarf Gallery Héðinshúsið Kling & Bang Gallery Kling & Bang Gallery 101 Projects Kling & Bang Gallery The Nordic House Between Laugarvegur 18 and 20a The Lost Horse Gallery Ánanaust Seljavegi 32 Café Cultura Útúrdúr Corner of Lækjargata & Austurstræti Laugarvegur 32 The west facing gable of Kling & Bang Gallery. Skólavörðustígur Hverfi sgata 59 Kronkron Belleville Ánanaust


Reykjavík Grapevine

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